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Newbie Poll number 2-- lets try this again

Do you help others in need?  

  1. 1. Do you help others in need?

    • ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! My money is my money
    • Yes as long as I get paid back
    • Yes, as long as they do not know I did it
    • Yes and they know it was me
    • I do, but only VERY RARELY
    • I love helping people just to help and I do not want them to know who I am

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I can tell you, but there is no poll. :tongue_smilie:



I believe in giving. Although it isn't necessarily money. Actually, more often than not, it is time, energy, love, etc. I think we should give and not just for the tax break.


I also believe that giving should be dictated by no one other than God.


Does that answer your question?:D


ETA: Sure put it in while I am typing. Thanks a lot. :lol:

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I can tell you, but there is no poll. :tongue_smilie:



I believe in giving. Although it isn't necessarily money. Actually, more often than not, it is time, energy, love, etc. I think we should give and not just for the tax break.


I also believe that giving should be dictated by no one other than God.


Does that answer your question?:D


ETA: Sure put it in while I am typing. Thanks a lot. :lol:


:iagree: I wholeheartedly agree with that! Be it time, money, any thing that is needed. God has provided for us during our time of need, and now we are listening for Him to direct us now that we are able to help, in whatever area needed!

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Giving should be dictated by God, thus I should feel a pull from Him. This means its a case by case issue, sometimes they know, sometimes they don't. Sometimes its money, sometimes its time, or effort. Just depends. Buy always it should be with a glad heart and a willingness to please God. I think giving is more an attitude thing and less of a things/money/credit thing. (wow say that 10 times)



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Are you talking about giving substantial amounts of money to people you know, as opposed to donating/tithing and just normal everyday helping others out (which I would assume, possibly naively, that everybody does)?


We don't often do major gifts to specific people. First, because most people have more than us and are not really in need. Second, because we tend to donate surplus money overseas on the grounds that nobody here is as needy as people who live where there is no welfare state. Third, because you need a really good understanding with the person to avoid any confusion and especially any sense of obligation. However, if we know that somebody is in financial difficulty, we try to help out in lots of little ways that hopefully appear natural. Eg if we visit, we'd take enough food for lunch, but also take some other food that can be put away for them to use later, "Oh, could you use some whatever, we got way to much". Or buying something for the child if we know the parents can't afford it.

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Are you talking about giving substantial amounts of money to people you know, as opposed to donating/tithing and just normal everyday helping others out (which I would assume, possibly naively, that everybody does)?


We don't often do major gifts to specific people. First, because most people have more than us and are not really in need. Second, because we tend to donate surplus money overseas on the grounds that nobody here is as needy as people who live where there is no welfare state. Third, because you need a really good understanding with the person to avoid any confusion and especially any sense of obligation. However, if we know that somebody is in financial difficulty, we try to help out in lots of little ways that hopefully appear natural. Eg if we visit, we'd take enough food for lunch, but also take some other food that can be put away for them to use later, "Oh, could you use some whatever, we got way to much". Or buying something for the child if we know the parents can't afford it.



I am refering to giving over and above tithing.


I am talking about, if you had a friend who does not make as much as you, would you help out, just to help out? Or, if there was somebody that you maybe did not even know well, but you saw there was a need, would you help that need.

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How about a little mixture. If I am moved to give someone money, I may just hand it to them. I don't go to lengths to hide who I am, if I feel I can help them, I do. Sometimes, I have the kids give instead of me. Sometimes, I will give anonymously or put extra in the collection plate (anonymously). Sometimes I buy something for someone and drop it off on their doorstep. I just give when it strikes me, no rhyme, reason or methodology.


It is a mixture and so I didn't answer. Any one answer would be both correct and wrong in its exclusivity.

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Its not something we have a philosophy about- how or when to give. We just know that giving is the stuff of life. We dont give a lot financially to others in need, very often. But we give in other ways. And sometimes giving financially just comes up. We bought MIL's airfare to Bali- she needed our help to buy the ticket online and it just happened. We gave $10 to an aborigine on the street last week, who needed it for a beer- yes, really. Because sometimes thats just what you do- it feels like the right thing to do at the time. And the guy came and hugged us both with so much enthusiasm and joy for the simple spontaneous act, we felt blessed.

The whole thing about "not telling" is just to avoid pride, but you can have pride about "not telling" just the same as you can have no pride and just tell. Who cares.

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I agree with all of the posts about following God's lead in giving and about the fact that giving takes many forms, including our money, time, love etc... Regardless of what it is (money/time), I believe that giving from abundance is charitable and kind. Giving when it costs us much is Christ-like.

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I find the poll a little...strange. I mean...w/ money, you can usually be anonymous. W/ prayer, you can be anon. But w/ errands, childcare, talking, chores, etc....it's hard to be invisible. And while anonymity has its perks...I also think it's nice for people to know someone's there for them. If you have a sudden, great need, you don't have to spend a moment feeling alone because you *know* someone who's there for you.


I don't know how we can *always* know who has more $, but I also can't figure out how income makes a difference. If you make more $ than me, you still might need me to take your kids for a couple of hrs while you go to the dr, help you clean for a party, decide on curriculum, match curtains & wallpaper (or tell you not to buy wallpaper, lol).


I have so much more to offer than just cash, kwim? The closest I can get to answering the poll is that my giving is extremely private & anonymous when possible.

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I would not give money to somebody merely because he earned less money than I do. :confused: (Did I misunderstand that proposal posted earlier by OP ?)


"Giving" translates into money, and/or talents and/or time. Although "giving" (with that definition) is expected by my religion, I believe it is a duty of every person, with-or-without religious affiliation. It is a "humanity" impulse.


Dh and I help whenever we can, whomever we can, as much as we can. Sometimes we are anonymous, sometimes we are not.


Giving with expectation of repayment is not giving. That is lending.

Edited by Orthodox6
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I couldn't vote because there wasn't an option for sometimes helping anonymously and sometimes helping non-anonymously. And sometimes the best way to truly help someone is through "tough love" and letting them deal with the situation on their own without you bailing them out.

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