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WTM Food Revolution - Can We Talk Breakfast?

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Specifically the kind that would satisfy a die hard boxed cereal fan? I have a granola recipe that everyone except this individual likes, so I am looking for ideas and well loved recipes. We already make waffles and pancakes and freeze them for easy morning grabbing. He knows how to make french toast and eggs, but he just LOVES cereal!


Here is the basic one that I use.

4 c rolled oats

1/4 c oat bran or wheat germ

1 c dried coconut

1/2 c sunflower seeds

1/2 c flax seeds

1 c nuts, ground (walnut or almond)

1 1/2 - 2 Tbs cinnamon

Mix that together in a 9x13 pan

In a 4c measure, mix:


1/2 c oil (coconut, sesame, olive, whatever)

1/2 c honey or maple syrup

2 Tbs vanilla

Pour that over the oat mixture and stir well. Bake at 350 for about 40 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.


Stir in 1 c dried fruit, like raisins or dates or cherries or blueberries or (you get the idea). Makes a little more than 2 qts. Store in fridge.


Any others you can share??

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What kind of cereal do they eat? If it is high sugar, that explains the attraction. ;)


My cereal-lover (better known as sugar addict) will eat plain yogurt with homemade granola & the slightest drizzle of honey. Yogurt or soaked oats with fresh fruit (natural sweetness). Basically, I had to wean my son off *sweet* cereals (like Raisin Bran) first and then he was much more willing to branch out and try other foods.


Course if sugar isn't the problem, maybe it is quick and easy or the idea of a cold breakfast?

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This isn't a recipe but I know that the Kashi Go Lean cereals are pretty healthy. I also try to serve some fruit at breakfast. Some people like smoothies too.


There are several Kashi cereals I feel pretty good about serving. Heart to Heart is a favorite here. Yes, I like it when we all have fresh, homemade breakfast foods, but I wouldn't feel too bad if Kashi cereal (or something like it) were one of our few prepared-food splurges.


Your granola does sound yummy. :) I had already promised ds that we could make granola some time this coming week...


BTW, would this person consider eating something totally non-breakfast-y for breakfast? If breakfast food other than cereal doesn't appeal, perhaps leftovers from dinner or a simple sandwich would work?

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I, too, wonder what cereal you are serving? If it has a lot of sugar or HFCS in it, I think that explains the addiction (and I truly believe it's an addiction).


What about eggs? We scramble a dozen eggs each morning. Yum! We also cook oatmeal. We put cinnamon, vanilla, a little br sugar or honey, and milk in ours. That keeps my kids full for quite a while. Occasionally, we have some toast too.

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I usually only buy the Kashi ones - the blueberry kind, the Strawberry Fields, the cheerio-like one, etc. I don't have a terrible problem with them, other than they are fairly processed to get those flakes and nuggets, and they include some ingredients I don't care for (like corn flour and corn meal). Since Kelloggs owns Kashi, I guess I kind of question the quality of some of those ingredients. And, with as much as dh and ds eat of it, it magically disappears fairly quickly, so it gets kind of expensive to keep it on hand. Dh is okay with going back to the home made cereal - he likes it a lot, and really doesn't care either way, just as long as he has something he can grab and pour milk into for an instant breakfast.

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Have you asked him what he doesn't like about the granola? I know that I like dried fruit, but not in cereal. I have lots of family members that don't like coconut. Also some that just don't like a lot of things in one dish. Maybe if you made it simpler and let the kids add the nuts or fruit that they want? One thing I do, is buy some plain bran flakes with no HFCS and add it to my granola. Even if it is expensive, when you spread it out over several batches of granola it isn't too bad.

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I am on a quest to help my family, particularly my children, eat healther food. I decided to include them in it. Today, I got some cookbooks from the library with good pictures and asked them to look through them and select at least 2 of each type meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack) that are new but look good to them, without it being just a new recipe for chicken nuggets. I am going to make those recipes for them and do what I can to incorporate more into our diets. They also feel somewhat impowered because they have some say in it as well.

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Would he eat oatmeal. We eat oatmeal 3-4 times a week, and everybody loves it. We add lots of extras like almonds, pecans, sunflower seeds, dried fruit, home canned fruit w/o sugar. We've started eating steel cut oats too, and they beat rolled oats any day. How about some healthy muffins, scrambled eggs.


There are very few types of cold cereal I'll have in my cupboard, but even the few I do buy cost way too much for what you get.

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I believe that we can eat healthy and never touch a single serving of granola! LOL We like granola bars, but for cereal...nope. My latest favorite breakfast cereal is Full Circle Organic Honey Multigrain Flakes. Good ol' Multigrain Cheerios is good, too.


We like Cream of Wheat with added ground flaxseed. I make some healthy breakfast muffins from Grape Nuts Flakes cereal.

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Thanks for all the ideas :).

Carol, the sprouted granola looks like it would be something we would enjoy - thanks for passing it on!


Dd and I are the only ones who like oatmeal, so that's out. He does make his own eggs and french toast - he likes to cook (which is good, because I'm not a wake-up-and-start-cookin' kinda gal). He just prefers to pour cereal. And cereal tastes good! So, I understand his affection.



Homemade Muesli.


Rolled Oats

Nuts or Seeds of choice (slivered almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds)

Dried Fruit of choice


Soak overnight in milk in the fridge.


Add fresh fruit if desired.






He assembled a bowl of oats, apples, walnuts, cinnamon, maple syrup tonight and we'll see what the morning brings!



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Homemade Muesli.


Rolled Oats

Nuts or Seeds of choice (slivered almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds)

Dried Fruit of choice


Soak overnight in milk in the fridge.


Add fresh fruit if desired.







ah, Bill...such a manly recipe presentation. :D

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Thanks for all the ideas :).

Carol, the sprouted granola looks like it would be something we would enjoy - thanks for passing it on!


Dd and I are the only ones who like oatmeal, so that's out. He does make his own eggs and french toast - he likes to cook (which is good, because I'm not a wake-up-and-start-cookin' kinda gal). He just prefers to pour cereal. And cereal tastes good! So, I understand his affection.





He assembled a bowl of oats, apples, walnuts, cinnamon, maple syrup tonight and we'll see what the morning brings!




I'll check back.

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He assembled a bowl of oats, apples, walnuts, cinnamon, maple syrup tonight and we'll see what the morning brings!




Success!! He enjoyed it - didn't love it - but rated it a 7 on a scale of 1-10. I think it's the sog factor, maybe. Yay!

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