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A Story about Malaysia (overdue)

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So I was saying to dh last weekend, "I don't think we're supposed to go to M."


"What makes you say that?" he asks. "I bet it's the same thing that makes me think it." (Very awkward sentence, unfortunately.)


"YOU think we're not supposed to go?" I'm surprised. Because he really, really wants to go.


So I think about it, not really sure what's made me come to this conclusion. It's reading about the other church that emailed him--not that we're nec. going there--just that we're supposed to be here. In Am. We've felt that, in a purposeful kind of way, since before we were married, & that was suddenly very heavy on our hearts. Hard to describe.


But yeah, it was the same for him. Reading about the other church gave him the same sense that we need to be here.


Not that...we were sure enough to stop pursuing M, but it's nice to be on the same page, esp when it's for the same reason, kwim?


And then we got the email--they hired someone else for the positions we'd applied for. And ultimately? It's the first time in a long time that I've really, REALLY felt that God was w/ us, directing us, & so...I'm excited to be where I am. As backwards as that sounds, I feel like I'm on a new adventure, *purposefully* HERE. (You know. Where they eat pronouncable food & sell flavored coffee creamer. Not that I'd make life decisions based on food. Just the bright side of where we are. LOL)


So we're not going to M, but we've learned a lot of geography & culture, I've tried crazy new foods, & we've made cross-planetary connections w/ people that will not easily be shaken.


And best of all? I get to keep hs'ing, but I get to do it w/ a renewed sense of how inexplicably precious that privilege is.

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Well, I am glad the waiting is over, but I guess that was meant to be, b/c it gave you a new sense of purpose. And that is what life is all about.


Stay happy in the everyday, we love ya Aubs. Big Hugs on your new and incredible journey. Let me tell you hsing is a huge roller coaster ride.

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Sometimes the opportunity to consider a huge change in direction is a great way to confirm that you're already where you need to be. I've found that to be true when we've sat down at different points and really considered private schools or even joining certain homeschooling programs. If those didn't exist and we never had to weigh the pros and cons, I'm not sure I'd keep coming back to feeling as secure in some of our choices. I'm glad you guys had the chance to consider Malaysia and work through what something like that might look like for your family and now get to see staying here and homeschooling with fresh eyes. :)



(Oh and I loved your advice on siblings getting along on the other thread. Great stuff!)



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:grouphug: It is hard to let go, but it sounds like you have that well under control and are seeing God's hand and his providence in it.


But now I am excited that I might get to meet you in a few weeks when I get to Fort Worth! :)

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That's such a wonderful story and testimony, Aubrey. . . . . . .


5 years ago, my dh accepted a job in a whole 'nother region of the country. We agonized and struggled over whether or not to accept, and the crazy thing was, we both said, "This makes no sense, but we have the feeling that God WANTS us to move . . . . "


And in some ways, it reallydidn't. The job was falsely advertised, blew up in his face, and we've suffered some unbelievable hardships and setbacks.


But you know what?


God has been here. We have grown so much as a family, and in our faith.


So in a way, we have had a similar - yet opposite - experience. And you're right - there's nothing sweeter than harmony in marriage, and unity in purpose, right in the center of God's will.

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Thank you so much for that update. I was wondering what was happening with that. God is so good. Don't you think that sometimes we go through the process just to have that renewing of the vision experience? I know he can use everything for our good and seeing His guidance and direction in all of it just creates more of an ability to rest in Him. I'm guessing you feel better now than before your applied! He's awesome!

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:grouphug: It is hard to let go, but it sounds like you have that well under control and are seeing God's hand and his providence in it.


But now I am excited that I might get to meet you in a few weeks when I get to Fort Worth! :)


Nah, the "letting go" would have been w/ regard to my books, hs'ing plans, the opportunity to use MCT for LA...lol.


I'm disappointed not to get to meet Heather, but really glad the school is being careful & thoughtful about who they hire. Those kids need the right people there--people who can be dedicated & caring, etc.


And yes--it will be nice to meet a boardie, esp when that means not even leaving home! ;)

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Aubrey, thanks for the update. I have to admit I am disappointed that they hired someone else, ONLY because I was living vicariously through you.:D On the other, more important hand, WOW what a great story of how God put that on both of your hearts and has given you both renewed vision for your lives!!! God bless you muchly as you carry on with what seems to be *really* deep down in your hearts - raising your family and homeschooling them. I admit, this is the biggest reason we didn't apply for jobs there, though I read *everything* and seriously considered it for several days. My heart right now is with educating my family myself, and I knew, despite the excitement and all the benefits of being in another culture and being a part of a great community; I knew that deep down, I wanted to maintain dh and I being their main educators. And I don't think I could have done all that is on my heart, while houseparenting other kids.


God bless you!

Edited by Colleen in NS
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Aubrey, thanks for the update. I have to admit I am disappointed that they hired someone else, ONLY because I was living vicariously through you.:D On the other, more important hand, WOW what a great story of how God put that on both of your hearts and has given you both renewed vision for your lives!!! God bless you muchly as you carry on with what seems to be *really* deep down in your hearts - raising your family and homeschooling them. I admit, this is the biggest reason we didn't apply for jobs there. My heart right now is with educating my family myself, and I knew, despite the excitement and all the benefits of being in another culture and being a part of a great community; I knew that deep down, I wanted to maintain dh and I being their main educators. And I don't think I could have done all that is on my heart, while houseparenting other kids.


God bless you!


Well...we were never sure that dh was ready for classroom teaching. I mean, I think he'd be truly great at it, but there'd be a learning curve for sure. That could have been stressful for our relationship in a lot of ways.


He's so funny. He said, "I don't want to be the gimpy dead donkey holding you back." I laughed & reminded him that I'd only wanted to go to M in the first place because I thought HE would be happy there. I'm a hobbit, & if there's a gimpy dead donkey guarding my door against adventure, thank GOODNESS for that donkey! :lol: And thank goodness he showers. Blech. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
That's such a wonderful story and testimony, Aubrey. . . . . . .


5 years ago, my dh accepted a job in a whole 'nother region of the country. We agonized and struggled over whether or not to accept, and the crazy thing was, we both said, "This makes no sense, but we have the feeling that God WANTS us to move . . . . "


And in some ways, it reallydidn't. The job was falsely advertised, blew up in his face, and we've suffered some unbelievable hardships and setbacks.


But you know what?


God has been here. We have grown so much as a family, and in our faith.


So in a way, we have had a similar - yet opposite - experience. And you're right - there's nothing sweeter than harmony in marriage, and unity in purpose, right in the center of God's will.


I could have written this post word for word. Thank-you for sharing - it validates our own journey. And Aubrey, I've loved reading about your process with Malaysia. Thank-you for transparently sharing it:001_smile:. (and sorry I'm coming so late to the discussion. I haven't been on the computer much).

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