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How Many Books Do You Own?

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We have 4 full bookcases...6ft high. Plus, piles under my keyboard...several crates full located in various places around the house. I could use another bookcase or two.


Oh, and dh keeps his books in his office thankfully. His books would take atleast another 2 6ft high bookcases.


We don't own a TV. We do watch shows off of the laptop, however.

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I'd say somewhere in the 2000-3000 range. I haven't bothered to count the children's and the adult books are over 2000.


I have 1 spare book shelf (boxed), and I do periodic purges. If we moved I'd do a big purge and try to get down to 1500 or so.


When I married my youngest brother shook my husband's hand and said "thank goodness, now I don't have to move her anymore!"

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The pictures of the library room in the other thread got me to thinking. My dh (who does love to read and does his fair share of it) thinks we own way too many books. He detests clutter, and most of our clutter is stacks of books or paper and pens. At last count, I had around 2,240 books. He was shocked, and took this as proof that he is right. Too many books. I told I'm sure that there are many, many homeschoolers who own more books than I.


So, help me prove to him we don't have too many books. How many do you own?


At last count I think it was 4865 (we have an inventory program). About 2000 are with us and about 3000 are in storage in the US.


I can never convince the movers to bring enough book boxes. The storage shipment ran out of small boxes on the first room and was filling up dishpacks with books by the time they were finished. (Yeah, a dishpack of books is one heavy box. No, I try not to think of what the books in there will look like after a few years in storage.) I had one of our moving reps tell me that in a career working for the moving office he'd never seen so many books.


At one point we had over 30 book cases. Before our last move I gave away 11 that weren't worth storing.


We live overseas and don't have a lot of choices of libraries. Feeding my new reader and my older avaricious readers means using the library a lot, using paperback swap and owning a lot of books. Having said that, I am trying to get rid of stuff as we outgrow it. One can have 2000 great books or 2000 books that are riddled with stuff not worth keeping.


We have a TV. But I honestly don't know where we'd put another one. We went with smallish as it was because there isn't much room here.

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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Probably less than 100 at this point. I've been decluttering and have donated hundreds over the past few years. I don't feel the need to own (read store) them when we have a great library system.

I agree with you in theory. But I doubt I'll ever manage to cut ours down quite that much.

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Including school books and craft books, all the books we own could fit into two bookshelves...the kind that are about 3 feet wide and 6 feet tall.


We have so little space, I've been getting rid of everything but the bare minimum and using the library more.


This is me too. We have a small house and don't have tons of room for shelves upon shelves of books. However, we are lucky to have a wonderful library right down the road from us. So I buy the favorites that will be read over and over again and the rest we get from the library.

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We have a good library system ... but so many of my favorites are OOP ... owning them is the only good option if I ever plan to read them again. Which I do. I've been collecting since I was a child, and have no plans to stop now. (Except dh's mandate that I keep most of it in my library room, and not all over the house!)


I do plan to purge the picture books and easy readers as the kids age out of them ... some are there merely for practice ... but plenty of them are excellent and well worth keeping, so we will. Some I do collect duplicates of (like our FIAR titles) so the kids can each have a set when they move out ... but then *I* won't have them! LOL.


I will say, most of my purchases are used ... we have a lot of thrift stores and many of our library branches sell off donations and discards ... so that helps on the cost. I do worry about a house fire, because my collection is absolutely irreplaceable ... many of these books just can't be found anymore.


I just hope the kids grow up to like reading as much as I do. :)

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I have NO idea, but we did just buy two more Billy shelves. I also have books in storage in the states, a ton in CO and more in CA. Oh how I wish we could get to them.:crying: We've not seen some of them in nearly four years and have no idea when we'll get to them. It really stinks too as there are SO many I know I have and wish I could have now for school.

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