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Don't Scream...And A Request

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Hey Imp, I don't check SAHP much anymore but I happened to venture over there this weekend. I read about J. My heart breaks for her. Do they know anymore? Her husband did make it home? Gosh so sad..


I hope you feel better soon. I have nerve damage in my arm, not as bad as yours, but it when it acts up, the pain is horrible. Hugs hun

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Hey Imp, I don't check SAHP much anymore but I happened to venture over there this weekend. I read about J. My heart breaks for her. Do they know anymore? Her husband did make it home? Gosh so sad..


I hope you feel better soon. I have nerve damage in my arm, not as bad as yours, but it when it acts up, the pain is horrible. Hugs hun

Coroner report, last I read, said that the fluid around baby's heart was cloudy, and her brain was enlarged. They suspect some sort of heart infection, but were running tests. I haven't been back to check up on the latest news...Just couldn't read any more heart rending posts.


I went to bed at 4 pm. Up now, taking more meds to go pass out again.


Thank you so much for all of your support for this family. :grouphug: and for me as well. Prayers are so appreciated. :001_wub:


And yes, her dh is home from Afghanistan now. Thank God for that.

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Oh how sad!! Oh that poor poor woman. I am praying for her and for you in your suffering. I thank God that Wolf stopped for coffee! Gosh, you just never know what little choices you make in any given day can mean to your life. Wow! I'm so glad he is safe. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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