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Your weirdest dream

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On another thread someone posted that they have psycho dreams. I've always thought I'm the only one with psycho dreams. I'm curious about other people's weirdest dreams.


Here are 2 of mine. I think there are really hundreds but these are probably the funniest and the most troubling.


My favorite dream is when the US govt decided that one person from every household had to get their head cut off :001_huh:


This was going to save money because without a head you can't eat. Being the selfless person I am I agreed to get my head cut off.


We were all sitting in the living room including my parents. Looking back on it I think one of them should have had a head cut off also because they are their own household. Anyway, on the couch were my dh, me then my three kids. Why they were there to witness this I'm not sure. My dh was the one who was going to cut off my head. He had this old saw and just kept sawing and sawing with nothing happening. I took the saw from him and handed him a sharp knife and said, "This is traumatic enough for the kids without it taking hours!"


So, he got my head cut off and when it fell to the floor it was filled with ice cream. Well, my children were excited because they got to eat ice cream out of my head. I was really bummed because I couldn't eat any ice cream.


After everyone went to sleep I laid down on the couch and was mad because I couldn't read, I couldn't watch tv and I couldn't eat.


When I woke up the next morning my neck hurt where my dh was sawing my head off.


My most troubling dream is probably where I lined up all the parents from my home town and burned them alive. The next day we went to identify our parents and I knew where mine were so people were suspicious. I woke up before I was arrested. I was in college when I had this dream and when I told my mom about it she told me maybe I shouldn't visit for awhile.


When I first met my dh I told him I loved to sleep because my dreams were so vivid and exciting. Sometimes they are better than movies.

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Oh, I have awesome, wicked, vivid dreams. I love it honestly and most of them are just weird, not scary anymore.


Last night I had a dream there must have been some sort of natural disaster. We were all waiting in a room, men were separated from women. In this room it was like a day spa (funky in a disaster I know). Jennifer Lopez was there (why?! I don't have a clue, not even a JLo fan) and she had on this cute black trench coat. I had on a matching coat and the other women there were afraid she'd get mad at me because of it.


Then it jumped to me being on a bus being evacuated to this huge open amphitheater. Next to this amphitheater, but not in it, the Eagles were giving a concert. I didn't believe it was them until I saw them as we drove by in the bus. They were playing Already Gone (big Eagles fan, that songs been in my head for a while). They were going to detain us as we got off the bus and I told them they weren't. I was wearing a tank top and it was hot. I grabbed my other shirt they had taken from me when I got on the bus, it was a lime green button down (I'm not that into fashion, don't know what was up with this dream). I grabbed my shirt and ran off the bus and disappeared into the crowd.There were thousands of people there. Then I woke up. :lol::lol:


Yes it was weird.

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When I was pregnant with my ds, I had the most unusual dream I have ever had.


In the dream, it was dark and I was running through a parking lot. I was in quite a panic as I was running. Why was I in a panic? I was being chased by Omar Sharif!


He never caught up with me, we just kept running through the parking lot.

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Guest janainaz

I have dreams all the time about being unsafely strapped to a jet. Last night I was hanging on for dear life while the pilot took nose-dives into the ground and did crazy loop-de-loops. When he was done and we had landed safely, he wanted to give me a shot for the pain. Completely weird. I've always had dreams about flying and being scared out of my mind that I'm going to be dropped out.


I also have dreams about being on a roller-coaster and as soon as it starts I find that one of my kids aren't strapped in and I'm freaking out trying to hold them in. :confused:

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When I was pregnant the first time, I dreamed my baby had been kidnapped by Ursula from the little mermaid, and I had to go onto the Oprah show to plead with the nation to help me find my baby. I was nervous, because I had never watched the Oprah show.


Then I woke up terribly upset and rattled, staggered to the bathroom, and fell in the toilet because my husband had left the toilet seat up. That was when it occurred to me that I could have a boy. And then I'd have to go to sporting events. My life was unraveling before my eyes. I was completely distraught.

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Insane, do you think? I saw a performance of Tchaikovsky's "Serenade for Strings" last weekend and I CANNOT put this out of my head. I've listened to it dozens of times since then and found a you tube recording of it backed by a video that is a photo montage of the few real photographs of Tchaikovsky. He has such a beautiful, intelligent face and I absolutely can't put it out of my head! I can't explain why I found this piece of music so compelling, or why I've dreamed it and Tchaikovsky every night since seeing it.


I'm losing my grip, that's the only explanation.

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I've had dreams that death is following me. Dressed like a wraith.


I had one dream that Snape had one of my little practice grandchildren, and I had to talk him into handing him over. I told him I had to feed her a banana. He gave her back.


I had a collie for years that was my constant companion. Even in my dreams, Laddie was always there.

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Guest janainaz
On another thread someone posted that they have psycho dreams. I've always thought I'm the only one with psycho dreams. I'm curious about other people's weirdest dreams.


Here are 2 of mine. I think there are really hundreds but these are probably the funniest and the most troubling.


My favorite dream is when the US govt decided that one person from every household had to get their head cut off :001_huh:


This was going to save money because without a head you can't eat. Being the selfless person I am I agreed to get my head cut off.


We were all sitting in the living room including my parents. Looking back on it I think one of them should have had a head cut off also because they are their own household. Anyway, on the couch were my dh, me then my three kids. Why they were there to witness this I'm not sure. My dh was the one who was going to cut off my head. He had this old saw and just kept sawing and sawing with nothing happening. I took the saw from him and handed him a sharp knife and said, "This is traumatic enough for the kids without it taking hours!"


So, he got my head cut off and when it fell to the floor it was filled with ice cream. Well, my children were excited because they got to eat ice cream out of my head. I was really bummed because I couldn't eat any ice cream.


After everyone went to sleep I laid down on the couch and was mad because I couldn't read, I couldn't watch tv and I couldn't eat.


When I woke up the next morning my neck hurt where my dh was sawing my head off.


My most troubling dream is probably where I lined up all the parents from my home town and burned them alive. The next day we went to identify our parents and I knew where mine were so people were suspicious. I woke up before I was arrested. I was in college when I had this dream and when I told my mom about it she told me maybe I shouldn't visit for awhile.


When I first met my dh I told him I loved to sleep because my dreams were so vivid and exciting. Sometimes they are better than movies.


:lol: Okay, part of it's a bit gory, but it's funny! Eating ice cream out of your head, reprimanding dh for not sawing effectively and quickly enough, being upset about not being able to watch tv or eat? That had me cracking up....

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when I told my mom about it she told me maybe I shouldn't visit for awhile.


:lol::lol::lol::lol: Sigh. I can't really tell my most vivid dreams because they are just. too. scary and real. But I remember when I was a kid I used to dream that I could fly. I would be running late walking to school in in my dreams I would run as fast as I could and then just jump (like if you were going to belly flop into a pool kind of jump) and I would just scrape my belly on the pavement before I would begin to soar up. I would flap my arms to get more height and as I looked down I could see other kids walking below me rushing to get to school. I could see the roofs of the buildings and all the cars below. I could feel the wind in my face and the sensation of soaring. It was awesome and I would always get to school just before the tardy bell. The dreams were so real I was convinced that I really could fly. My mom used to catch me all the time jumping off of my bed. She would ask me what I was doing and I would say, "I'm trying to fly." I really believed that I would be able to if I could just get enough height. It took ages to become convinced that I couldn't.

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I'm sorry, but these dreams are hilarious. :rofl:


I had a really bizarre dream one time. My husband and I were sitting on this huge cliff overlooking an ocean with huge waves. An angel was standing behind us and talking to us like we were in a job interview. He was going over our qualifications to have our 4th kid. He said the kid was going to have something wrong with it and it was our job to take care of it and make sure the kid's problem was fixed. He also told us we were the couple who were "picked for the job". My husband and I both agreed to "the job" and the angel walked away.


How bizarre...:tongue_smilie: Maybe it's the caffeine.

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I can't even share some of the ones I have. Mine only happen when I take lexapro, but they are frighteningly disturbing, scary, and hellish dreams. There is always blood, death, and it is never in a nice happy or funny way. It is horrible. I don't enjoy the Lexapro dreams at all!


I have weird dreams with death and violence in them sometimes. They are very scary but in the morning there is always something in them that makes me laugh. I had one that was very frightening about my dead grandmother trying to kill me. She was chasing me with a gun. When I woke up I laughed because she never did like me.

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I'm sorry, but these dreams are hilarious. :rofl:


I had a really bizarre dream one time. My husband and I were sitting on this huge cliff overlooking an ocean with huge waves. An angel was standing behind us and talking to us like we were in a job interview. He was going over our qualifications to have our 4th kid. He said the kid was going to have something wrong with it and it was our job to take care of it and make sure the kid's problem was fixed. He also told us we were the couple who were "picked for the job". My husband and I both agreed to "the job" and the angel walked away.


How bizarre...:tongue_smilie: Maybe it's the caffeine.


LOL Did the 4th one have any problems in real life?? That would have been wild if they really did. :ohmy:

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I have always had weird dreams. I remember once as a child dreaming that Gobots (transformer-like toys that were popular when I was a kid) were invading the Earth.


I have always had MIP type dreams where I have to save someone from bad guys. I am usually dressed in black and have to use zipcords, guns, radios, etc. to do so. I used to think that I wanted to be in the FBI because of such dreams.


Just the other night I dreamed that my husband was in the Olympics skating with Apolo Ohno. They were racing together, both for America, and Apolo tapped him and whispered to him to take the lead.


I can't remember any weirder ones, but often have them.

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No, #4 is still really young, though...so far nothing unusual. I was very worried right before she was born! She's a very friendly, happy kid!


I usually had dreams about leaving my babies at the hospital after they were born and then coming back to pick them up and having the hospital staff telling me what a bad mom I was.


Another time right before I had one of my kids I had a dream that I all of a sudden at to take a trip to Europe and couldn't find my passport. Somehow this trip was important to make me a good mom. I don't know.


My favorite dream from childhood was when the Smurf and I were building a wall to heaven but God kept zapping it down. We'd all fall into a big pit and Gargamel and Azriel were running around trying to get us.


Another time I had a dream that there was a hole in my wall that was stuffed with donuts. Yummy!

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I had a dream once that I joined a crew of pirate squirrels. They were freaky. Giant, person-sized squirrels dressed in pirate clothing that could talk. And sing, there was definitely singing. And I remember being really pissed off because when they went to give me my share of the booty, they paid me in acorns.

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I had a dream once that I joined a crew of pirate squirrels. They were freaky. Giant, person-sized squirrels dressed in pirate clothing that could talk. And sing, there was definitely singing. And I remember being really pissed off because when they went to give me my share of the booty, they paid me in acorns.



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I had a dream once that I joined a crew of pirate squirrels. They were freaky. Giant, person-sized squirrels dressed in pirate clothing that could talk. And sing, there was definitely singing. And I remember being really pissed off because when they went to give me my share of the booty, they paid me in acorns.


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I had a dream once that I joined a crew of pirate squirrels. They were freaky. Giant, person-sized squirrels dressed in pirate clothing that could talk. And sing, there was definitely singing. And I remember being really pissed off because when they went to give me my share of the booty, they paid me in acorns.


:lol::lol::lol:I'm howling! Acorns? The nerve of some squirrels! Oh. my. goodness. That's just beyond funny.


I have a recurring dream that I can spin around and just lift off into the sky. I fly over canyons and mountains and it is exhilarating - not at all scary. It reminds me of the "Soarin' " ride at Disneyword, but I've had this dream for decades - long before I ever went to DW. I then fly out into space and off into the far reaches of the universe - it's still fun and I feel amazingly free and wonderful, not the least bit scared. It's weird because in real life I don't even like to drive - I stay pretty cloistered in my house most of the time.

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:lol::lol::lol:I'm howling! Acorns? The nerve of some squirrels! Oh. my. goodness. That's just beyond funny.


Yeah, that one was pretty funny, which is why it's stayed with me for a couple years, I think. Really, though, I only have weird dreams. I don't know what a normal one would be like. Last night it was me and the guy that plays Will on Sanctuary teaching a class of kids with Down Syndrome to be lion tamers. *shakes head* I think my brain is broken.

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Yeah, that one was pretty funny, which is why it's stayed with me for a couple years, I think. Really, though, I only have weird dreams. I don't know what a normal one would be like. Last night it was me and the guy that plays Will on Sanctuary teaching a class of kids with Down Syndrome to be lion tamers. *shakes head* I think my brain is broken.


Do you ever wake up laughing? And are you writing all these down somewhere? (cuz you ought to be.)

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Do you ever wake up laughing? And are you writing all these down somewhere? (cuz you ought to be.)


No, but I do wake up deeply afraid that something is wrong with me all the time. :P


I've thought of keeping a dream journal and writing them down, but I worry that my husband would find it and have me committed.

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I'm driving from the wrong side of the car!? This thread reminds me of when I was in HS. I took a dream interpretation class. (I went to an Open High School in case you're wondering) My dreams are always way weird, no explaining them. I haven't been remembering them lately though. Reading this thread makes me miss them. One I remember from waaaay back is- I'm on a school trip to some kind of aquarium/Sea World type place and everyone is eating in the cafe. I go up and order a SEAL BURGER:ack2:, sit down and start to eat it. Everyone at my table is, needless to say horrified at what I'm eating. But I just can't understand why. :lol:

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:lol: I am really loving this thread! Here are a few of mine;


1. A bike that could fly. The faster I pedaled, the higher I flew.


2. Dropping puppies out of a schoolbus window. A bunch of people was doing this with me.


3. I was being chased around my house by men in mechanics uniforms who were going to stuff me down into the motor of their white bread truck.


4. I was the potato in a game of "hot potato" that was being played on the edge of a cliff. My uncle who didn't have any teeth was going to throw me off the cliff when he caught me.



5. Then there was the one where we had a big snow and I was supposed to count how many teaspoons of snow was in our yard. - I was a teenager at the time and I awoke to the phone ringing. It was my boyfriend and I was very rude and hateful to him. When he asked me why I was so rude. I yelled, "You made me lose count!" I had to call him back and explain. We didn't date very long. I wonder why?:001_huh:

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