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LOST - Season 6

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So, here's a thought. What if Jacob's death caused the split of the two realities and not the bomb? If Jacob didn't exist.....he couldn't have crashed the plane.


Also, now there is a noise again when we see a "flash sideways" that wasn't there before...that creaking noise associated with the island.

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The time on the island is now back to after the losties crashed, so Jacob died after the crash also.



Hmmm...OK- Jacob died in 2007 after the second crash (Ajira)?? Darn - it is so confusing.


What about the sound? What is that creaking sound.....is isn't the Smokey sound....I think it is that sound that happens when the trees and grasses are being flattened by some invisible force....... Am I the only one who feels like there no answers and only more questions??


Oh, and maybe I am a dunce and behind, but I just realized that all of Hurley's lotto numbers added together equal 108......like the 108 minutes of pushing the button in the hatch. I really want to know what the deal is with the numbers.

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108 is also considered to be a sacred number -- a mala has 108 beads, Hindu dieties have 108 names, in Japan a bell is chimed 108 times at the end of the year, many Buddhist temples have 108 steps...


Oh! And apparently 108 is the number of days the Oceanic 6 spent on the island. (Thanks, Google!)

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So, are we assuming the kid is Jacob reincarnated or whatever? When he said "you know the rules, you can't kill him," was anyone else reminded of Job? Are the Losties being tested?



Oooh....that's something to think about.


I know the numbers were next to the names in the cave this week, but I must be missing how it explains anything. Someone enlighten me!

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On the comment sectionof this link someone mentions that the "Shepard" name on the cave wall might not be Jack, but Kate after a marriage to Jack. They cited the reason being that in Season 3 it was mentioned that Jack wasn't even on Jacob's list. Interesting theory.


It could also be Jack's dad who is, apparently (according to the podcast I linked in another Lost thread), "undead."


But wait...was that Jacob's list or Ben's list? Do we know for sure who made that list for the others?


More on the names and numbers shown in the cave:


Blog with info from the Damon Lindelof


Here's another question: in the alternate timeline Helen is talking about John's dad attending the wedding and he has a photo of his dad in his cubical. Did his dad not throw him out a window in this timeline? If not, what happened to him?

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Oh, if the numbers do have Biblical meaning, please don't let this one be Sawyer's. :001_huh:


I agree! I also like one of theories that Sawyer is doing one of his "long cons" on Flock. Gaining his trust only to turn the tables on him later in order to rescue his friends.

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There are theories:

the numbers as Biblical verses?


This quote cracked me up!


(Speaking of dead, Ben's eulogy for Locke was really touching. I've always really believe he loved Locke, that aside from Alex, it was the only time he'd felt love. And that Ben also always secretly admired Locke for his ability to believe in things he couldn't see. Sure, he chocked him to death and all, but he said he was sorry.)



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They can't possibly kill him off before the end of the season, can they? I think their ratings might see a huge drop with no chance of a shirtless Sawyer viewing.


Well not before season end but at season end a la Whedon. The characters that you loved the most, the ones that it would rip your heart out to see them die, those are the ones that always die in the last episode. I think a few people are still going to die and I think someone will have to lay down his life to save the others. Who else could pull this off other than Sawyer. There is no other hero amoung them nor anyone who would be so gut wrenching to lose.

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Well not before season end but at season end a la Whedon. The characters that you loved the most, the ones that it would rip your heart out to see them die, those are the ones that always die in the last episode. I think a few people are still going to die and I think someone will have to lay down his life to save the others. Who else could pull this off other than Sawyer. There is no other hero amoung them nor anyone who would be so gut wrenching to lose.


Very true. I'm still upset over the deaths in Serenity.

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Apparently the guy who plays Jack said the ending would be very sad--I bet Sawyer dies in the alternate timeline, but somehow, I don't think that is truly the end...


Maybe Kate dies, too--could they be Adam and Eve? I had thought it was Bernard and his main squeeze, but now I do think we are seeing the ending in the LA X timeline, as I said.


and why LA X and not LAX? Hmmm? Somebody answer that one. :D

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Well not before season end but at season end a la Whedon. The characters that you loved the most, the ones that it would rip your heart out to see them die, those are the ones that always die in the last episode. I think a few people are still going to die and I think someone will have to lay down his life to save the others. Who else could pull this off other than Sawyer. There is no other hero amoung them nor anyone who would be so gut wrenching to lose.


Ugh! Why can't there just be happy endings? :lol: Sawyer and Hugo are my favorite characters. Watching Sawyer die would be WAAAYY worse than watching Charlie die.

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So, are we assuming the kid is Jacob reincarnated or whatever? When he said "you know the rules, you can't kill him," was anyone else reminded of Job? Are the Losties being tested?
I was thinking the exact same thing! My theories change weekly though, with this show, I guess that's what makes it so great.
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Has anyone else seen this blog? This writer has been following LOST for years now and has written guides to go along with the seasons. She has some interesting ideas and many followers who chime in with their thoughts.



Thanks for a new one to follow!

I currently like http://www.darkufo.blogspot.com for my lost info, and also liked LongLiveLocke, but the person on that one writes for darkufo now. Lostpedia is a wiki that is pretty good, too.


For seasons 1 and 2, humpys.net is really good--he has lots of info on the numbers and such. He has a lot of Easter Eggs (hidden info, like when the numbers show up casually in scenes and things) that are a riot to view. Sadly, he doesn't post anymore (but I think his stuff is still there).

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So, here's a thought. What if Jacob's death caused the split of the two realities and not the bomb? If Jacob didn't exist.....he couldn't have crashed the plane.


The time on the island is now back to after the losties crashed, so Jacob died after the crash also.


Hmmm...OK- Jacob died in 2007 after the second crash (Ajira)?? Darn - it is so confusing.

I just meant that they time traveled from the 1970s to present day on the island, so Jacob died apx. 108 days (or more) after the original plane crash. So he caused the plane crash, then died 108+ days later.

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Forgive me, but I don't think this is right, if you are saying that Jacob died 108 days after the first season crash (not the Ajira crash).

The current time period on the island is 3 years after the original crash. Kate et all traveled from the 70's all the way to three years after the crash, the former "current" time when they were home. Sun and Jin and all are in the same period as they are. Remember the kids at the temple? They are 3 years older now than when they crashed.


You may be confused because Kate and Sawyer, Sayid and Juliet and Miles "landed" at the sight of the Swan hatch destruction.


Or, I may be confused.

That wouldn't be unusual. lol

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Forgive me, but I don't think this is right, if you are saying that Jacob died 108 days after the first season crash (not the Ajira crash).

The current time period on the island is 3 years after the original crash. Kate et all traveled from the 70's all the way to three years after the crash, the former "current" time when they were home. Sun and Jin and all are in the same period as they are. Remember the kids at the temple? They are 3 years older now than when they crashed.


You may be confused because Kate and Sawyer, Sayid and Juliet and Miles "landed" at the sight of the Swan hatch destruction.


Or, I may be confused.

That wouldn't be unusual. lol

I just meant he died at least 108 days after the first crash--I couldn't remember how long they had been on the island, but I knew it was at least that long. So he death couldn't have caused the first crash to not happen, as his death happened after the crash (whether it was 108 days or 3 years).

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You may be confused because Kate and Sawyer, Sayid and Juliet and Miles "landed" at the sight of the Swan hatch destruction.

I don't think the Swan hatch was ever built on the current island. The site they landed at is the construction site where the bomb went off. It would have been the Swan hatch except for what the Losties did there. Although we don't know for sure what happened as a result of the bomb, it seems that Dharma no longer existed and/or discontinued all activity on the island. So, no, not confused. At least not where the hatch/bomb site is concerned! :tongue_smilie:

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I don't think the Swan hatch was ever built on the current island. The site they landed at is the construction site where the bomb went off. It would have been the Swan hatch except for what the Losties did there.


You mean the current island with the temple and everything? No, the hatch was *definitely* built. When they woke up that's what they said-this is the Swan hatch, it didn't work!




After the detonation of the Jughead the time-shifting survivors awoke, finding themselves in 2007, around the implosion crater of the Swan.





In the second timeline, the attempt to change the future has failed; as a result, nothing has changed, and the events directly follow those of "The Incident". Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Jin, Juliet Burke (Elizabeth Mitchell), James "Sawyer" Ford (Josh Holloway), and Miles Straume (Ken Leung) have been returned to the present at the site of the Dharma Initiative Swan station, immediately after Ben Linus (Michael Emerson) has killed Jacob (Mark Pellegrino). Sawyer is angered by the prospect that Juliet's death was meaningless and engages in a fight with Jack. However, Juliet is alive underneath the remains of the station. The survivors eventually free Juliet, but she dies soon after, moments before she can tell Sawyer something important; Sawyer blames Jack.
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You mean the current island with the temple and everything? No, the hatch was *definitely* built. When they woke up that's what they said-this is the Swan hatch, it didn't work!

They recognized the location and saw the hole, but the hole was dug by the construction equipment by Dharma. All the wreckage is the Dharma construction equipment--everything that was pulled into the hole when they dug too far and hit the energy source. That same hole was used for the Swan Hatch in the old current time before the Losties set off the bomb. But in the new current time the hole was never utilized for anything.


I don't agree with this:

In the second timeline, the attempt to change the future has failed; as a result, nothing has changed, and the events directly follow those of "The Incident". Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Jin, Juliet Burke (Elizabeth Mitchell), James "Sawyer" Ford (Josh Holloway), and Miles Straume (Ken Leung) have been returned to the present at the site of the Dharma Initiative Swan station, immediately after Ben Linus (Michael Emerson) has killed Jacob (Mark Pellegrino). Sawyer is angered by the prospect that Juliet's death was meaningless and engages in a fight with Jack. However, Juliet is alive underneath the remains of the station. The survivors eventually free Juliet, but she dies soon after, moments before she can tell Sawyer something important; Sawyer blames Jack.

The attempt failed, but things did change. The Losties retained their memory of what happened after they crashed, but they were returned from the 1970s to the present at the construction site, not the Swan station. Juliet was alive under the remains of the construction equipment. The site and the island were apparently abandoned by Dharma from the 1970s onward. But the Losties (and possibly other people who had been brought to the island by Jacob--the Ajira flight for one) are still there in the new current time, and everything they did in the old current time still happened. Clear as mud.

Edited by gardening momma
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They recognized the location and saw the hole, but the hole was dug by the construction equipment by Dharma. All the wreckage is the Dharma construction equipment--everything that was pulled into the hole when they dug too far and hit the energy source. That same hole was used for the Swan Hatch in the old current time before the Losties set off the bomb. But in the new current time the hole was never utilized for anything.


No, no, no...you are confused. You need to go back and re-watch the episode. It *was* the Swan hatch.




It's right there, in the opening preview bit.


Kate: "It's the Swan hatch, after Desmond blew it up."

Jack: "They built it?"

Sawyer: "You were wrong! You said we could stop it from ever being built!"

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No, no, no...you are confused. You need to go back and re-watch the episode. It *was* the Swan hatch.




It's right there, in the opening preview bit.


Kate: "It's the Swan hatch, after Desmond blew it up."

Jack: "They built it?"

Sawyer: "You were wrong! You said we could stop it from ever being built!"

But did they think it was the Swan hatch and it was really just the construction wreckage? We'd have to go back to view footage of the Swan hatch wreckage--what season was that?

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But did they think it was the Swan hatch and it was really just the construction wreckage? We'd have to go back to view footage of the Swan hatch wreckage--what season was that?


If you watch the enhanced season openers, you would see that they are correct in their belief.


Oh, and another reason why I believe the hatch was never built, and that Dharma abandoned the island is that the Dharma village is in a state of ruin, as if no one has been there since the 1970s.


That's because New Otherton was emptied out and blown up (remember Claire in the house?) in the current timeline.

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No, no, no...you are confused. You need to go back and re-watch the episode. It *was* the Swan hatch.




It's right there, in the opening preview bit.


Kate: "It's the Swan hatch, after Desmond blew it up."

Jack: "They built it?"

Sawyer: "You were wrong! You said we could stop it from ever being built!"



Are we sure the bomb detonated? I saw Juliet hit the bomb and then there was a white flash that moved them into the future. If that is the case, it would stand to reason that it's the Swan hatch.


But, in that case, I'm not sure what is causing the alternate reality thing.


I'm more confused every week.



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I don't think the Swan hatch was ever built on the current island. The site they landed at is the construction site where the bomb went off. It would have been the Swan hatch except for what the Losties did there. Although we don't know for sure what happened as a result of the bomb, it seems that Dharma no longer existed and/or discontinued all activity on the island. So, no, not confused. At least not where the hatch/bomb site is concerned! :tongue_smilie:


It was definitely the hatch....in the debris was Desmond's exercise bike.

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I don't know if this was discussed (I admit to not reading the whole 5 pages, but, in their alternate reality, Locke still liked his Dad! Did you catch that? He and Hellen were talking about their wedding and she said "Why we don't just invite my parents and your Dad". I'm quite certain that Locke would NOT have wanted his Dad there IF he had pushed him out the window causing his accident. So, they why was Locke in the wheelchair? He didn't tell Jack what put him in the chair, but it seems that maybe he doesn't have a bad relationship with his Dad. Did you catch that?

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I don't know if this was discussed (I admit to not reading the whole 5 pages, but, in their alternate reality, Locke still liked his Dad! Did you catch that? He and Hellen were talking about their wedding and she said "Why we don't just invite my parents and your Dad". I'm quite certain that Locke would NOT have wanted his Dad there IF he had pushed him out the window causing his accident. So, they why was Locke in the wheelchair? He didn't tell Jack what put him in the chair, but it seems that maybe he doesn't have a bad relationship with his Dad. Did you catch that?


I mentioned this in one of the threads (not sure if it was this one, I'm not going back, lol). He also had a picture of him and his dad in his work cubicle. I wonder what happened to put him in the wheel chair?

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