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11" Snow in Dallas!

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We are just down the road from DFW airport, which officially measure 12.5 inches. :001_huh: We have trees down all over our neighborhood!

The snow sure is beautiful, though, isn't it?

I'm trying to figure out the forecast now for the weekend. One shows 50 for Sunday while another one only shows 30! :confused:

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We are just down the road from DFW airport, which officially measure 12.5 inches. :001_huh: We have trees down all over our neighborhood!

The snow sure is beautiful, though, isn't it?

I'm trying to figure out the forecast now for the weekend. One shows 50 for Sunday while another one only shows 30! :confused:


The 11" quote was from last night (while it was snowing)... I was wondering if we hit 12" yet :)

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My daughters have never experienced this much snow. Yesterday, we spent most of the day outside making snowmen and forts. It was fabulous. Today, all three of us made another snow fort. For the first time as well, we made snow cream. I haven't had snow cream since I was a little girl.


Thankfully, we've not had low enough temperatures for the slush to freeze. So often in the Dallas area we get ice storms not this lovely snow. We're inside now because we were getting wet but I'm sure after lunch, they'll be outside again. I've had enough and plan on staying where it's warm. By tomorrow though, there will be very little snow left on the ground. Both of my daughters are begging to move up north so they can play in the snow all winter but I remember too well how hard it is to shovel the stuff.



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I've lived in the Dallas area for 17 years, and the most we've had before was the usual 1-2" every other year or so. It's usually under an inch and almost always melts right away. One time, in 2003 or 4 we had about 4 inches, enough for my kids to go crazy with it. This was a first!


Ds (almost 15) and I got out and built a snowfort using the recycle bins to make big snow bricks. We have anywhere between 13-15 inches in different parts of the yard.


Our tiny Yorkie is beside himself: he was very bravely trying to go out, but turned into the deep snow. Within three feet or so, he just shut down, completely afraid as he sunk up to his tummy and couldn't feel the ground under him. I had to conduct a Yorkie rescue for my little snow buddy. (see Reg, I was listening! ) Poor guy--he is normally fearless.


This morning we had homemade snowcones! :)

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I sure hope this is not the storm that is on the way up here.(eastern shore MD) They were saying only a few inches for Monday. We are currently under about 2 FEET of snow. We have not had this much snow since I was a child. Not even the mailmen are on the roads:tongue_smilie:

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Both of my daughters are begging to move up north so they can play in the snow all winter but I remember too well how hard it is to shovel the stuff.


They make snow throwers now. It isn't so bad to dispose of. Of course, we have only used it twice this year. Really upside down weather this winter.

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Yes, my brother told me that family and friends are out building snowmen for the first times in their lives. Of course, my dd is there to help them out being an old pro from living in Green Bay. I must admit I am shocked though. I have spent many years of my life in the Dallas area and I have never seen more than an inch or two at a time there. Is now the time for the facetious comment about global warming? :tongue_smilie:

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One of the kids in my first period class yesterday came in and hollered "can you say global warming?" In another class, we talked about the movie The Day After Tomorrow. In that class, we saw a bird fall (possibly from the 2nd floor or roof of the school?) and then get covered in snow. It didn't have a chance; within minutes, you could barely tell something was there <sigh>.

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My girls and two of their friends are in now as well, wet and cold. All four are huddling under heated throws on the couch. They'll have great memories, though.


As for snow blowers, I was young when my family lived in the north east. I don't know if we didn't have the money for such things or they weren't available or maybe my parents saw me as free labor. If we ever move up north, I'll be sure to ask here for all the stuff we'll need to survive our first winter.



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