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Looking for a brain...need help

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LOL - for a minute I thought you meant this metaphorically.


A few years ago we did a brain dissection with the kids - my friend got it from a local slaughterhouse (I think it was a pig brain), and I don't think it cost much at all. We also got an eyeball and a heart/lung combo. Did you know if you reinflate a pig lung it will grunt like it's alive? Apparently the noise is created somewhere in the trachea... Eeek!:eek:

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Did you know if you reinflate a pig lung it will grunt like it's alive? Apparently the noise is created somewhere in the trachea... Eeek!:eek:


yes, but did you know that if you don't move your mouth away fast enough when it deflates you are scarred for life??:lol:


Well, at least I can laugh about it now!

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I am looking for a brain to use as a demonstration tool for Psych/Neuropsych. The models I find on Google searches are either lame (too small) or expensive ($100+0. Does anyone know of a supplier with decent brains?



and now I see you aren't talking about 'designer children'.........so what you are looking for probably isn't here in my Prada p_2005917.jpg.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Oh - this is an easy one. Call your GP, ask him/her to ask a buddy neurologist of theirs to loan you one of the models that the drug company gave them for free.


They are great models and pull into 4 sections.





(who spends lots of time playing with brain models while bored at neurologist's offices)

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Oh - this is an easy one. Call your GP, ask him/her to ask a buddy neurologist of theirs to loan you one of the models that the drug company gave them for free.


They are great models and pull into 4 sections.





(who spends lots of time playing with brain models while bored at neurologist's offices)


That is an excellent idea.


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