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Why am I getting twitches around my eyes/eyelids?

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I remember there being a time when I was a teenager where I had twitches around my eyes, but it went away. Returned for a time when I was having babies, then went away again. Now it's back, with a vengeance. :glare:


They're not big enough for other people to really notice unless they're paying attention, but they're really distracting/uncomfortable for me, and they've been here for about a week already, with high frequency every day.

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I remember there being a time when I was a teenager where I had twitches around my eyes, but it went away. Returned for a time when I was having babies, then went away again. Now it's back, with a vengeance. :glare:


They're not big enough for other people to really notice unless they're paying attention, but they're really distracting/uncomfortable for me, and they've been here for about a week already, with high frequency every day.


Could it be stress?

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stress, tired, hormones, allergies, all of the above. I get them, and I do take magnesium :001_smile:. I do recommend taking magnesium, but it hasn't helped the twitch.


I forgot to mention diet soda. I used to drink diet soda one day a week (on my busy, hetic Thurs). It did cause in increase in my twitching, and I started having panic attacks. That stuff is nasty.

Edited by Kim in Appalachia
forgot to add
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It is a magnesium deficiency :)

UNBELIEVABLE!! (Yes, I'm shouting!)

I googled magnesium deficiency symptoms, and found these things (among others) listed:

Sensitivity to noise


leg cramps

High blood pressure


frequent sighing/difficulty drawing a deep breath

carbohydrate intolerance

Each of these symptoms are things that I've had a real difficulty with over my entire adulthood. For my high blood pressure, I'm taking meds. For the difficulty drawing deep breaths, I've been diagnosed with asthma (even though I've always said that I didn't really believe that was correct). I even posted here very recently about my extreme carbohydrate intolerance!

Amazing! Thank you!

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My husband has this, and after testing at the optometrist, found out he has some kind of divergence focusing issue - sorry, not the exact name, but close ;). You know that test where they have you focus on an object as you move it closer? It turns out one of his eyes was flaking out quite a few inches from his nose (which caused the strain, which caused the twitching, etc). They prescribed a computer-based therapy program to help with the focusing. He's been doing it for a month now and has noticed the twitching and headaches are occurring less.


Sooooo the whole point of my long post is, if it's really bothering you and it's lasting for a while, you might want to have the optometrist check it out.

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My husband has this, and after testing at the optometrist, found out he has some kind of divergence focusing issue - sorry, not the exact name, but close ;). You know that test where they have you focus on an object as you move it closer? It turns out one of his eyes was flaking out quite a few inches from his nose (which caused the strain, which caused the twitching, etc). They prescribed a computer-based therapy program to help with the focusing. He's been doing it for a month now and has noticed the twitching and headaches are occurring less.


Sooooo the whole point of my long post is, if it's really bothering you and it's lasting for a while, you might want to have the optometrist check it out.

Thank you. It probably is time to get my eyes checked also!

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UNBELIEVABLE!! (Yes, I'm shouting!)

I googled magnesium deficiency symptoms, and found these things (among others) listed:

Sensitivity to noise


leg cramps

High blood pressure


frequent sighing/difficulty drawing a deep breath

carbohydrate intolerance

Each of these symptoms are things that I've had a real difficulty with over my entire adulthood. For my high blood pressure, I'm taking meds. For the difficulty drawing deep breaths, I've been diagnosed with asthma (even though I've always said that I didn't really believe that was correct). I even posted here very recently about my extreme carbohydrate intolerance!

Amazing! Thank you!


Caffiene can cause many of the symptoms on the list. When I was drinking a lot of soda it was a major contributer to headaches, blood pressure, twitches, and inner ear problems.

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Caffiene can cause many of the symptoms on the list. When I was drinking a lot of soda it was a major contributer to headaches, blood pressure, twitches, and inner ear problems.

Thanks, but I know it's not that for me! I don't drink any coffee, tea, or soda, because I just don't like them, and because I've been low-carbing I've been staying away from chocolate completely!

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Are you getting enough sleep? I get major eye twitching when I am severely over-tired and haven't slept, or atleast not well, in a long time. I spoke to my naturopath about it last time I had eye twitches and he confirmed that indeed lack of sleep can cause that. It takes me a while of getting a good night sleep for things to stop. Hope you figure out what it is! :grouphug:

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My husband has this, and after testing at the optometrist, found out he has some kind of divergence focusing issue - sorry, not the exact name, but close ;). You know that test where they have you focus on an object as you move it closer? It turns out one of his eyes was flaking out quite a few inches from his nose (which caused the strain, which caused the twitching, etc). They prescribed a computer-based therapy program to help with the focusing. He's been doing it for a month now and has noticed the twitching and headaches are occurring less.


Sooooo the whole point of my long post is, if it's really bothering you and it's lasting for a while, you might want to have the optometrist check it out.



I have this problem. It never occurred to me that it could be a cause of my eye twitching. I'm bad and don't do the therapy.

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For people with a major magnesium deficiency, it can take a year of consistent supplementation with magnesium to bring your levels up to normal. However, you should see a difference in the way you feel much sooner...a month maybe. Most of us are magnesium deficient because our soil is depleted of it. I use Natural Calm which makes a hot drink. I like to take it right before bed because it helps me sleep. My daughter takes it for her headaches. As long as she uses magnesium she is headache free, but as soon as she starts slacking, they come back. She likes to take it in pill form and uses one that is formulated to the kreb cycle--she says it works wonderfully. She works for a pharmacist and they recommend it. I don't know the brand however. Another kind I love is called Magnasoothe. It is in liquid form and works much faster. We use it here for any kind of muscle aches, injuries, etc. My husband is a skeptic normally, but had injured his shoulder and couldn't sleep. He started using this daily and could not believe how much better his shoulder got. After consistently using this stuff, his shoulder completely healed and now he too is a believer in it. His headaches have gone away also. Here is a link to the two kinds I like. HTH!!






And here is an article written by a doctor about magnesium:



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Banana, OJ, nuts, beans, spinach and a glass of milk, are what my mom recommends for twitches, cramps etc. They are at the very least a very healthy place to begin and easy to add.


:grouphug:Hope you find the supplement, nutrition of prescription correction you need.




I remember there being a time when I was a teenager where I had twitches around my eyes, but it went away. Returned for a time when I was having babies, then went away again. Now it's back, with a vengeance. :glare:


They're not big enough for other people to really notice unless they're paying attention, but they're really distracting/uncomfortable for me, and they've been here for about a week already, with high frequency every day.

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Banana, OJ, nuts, beans, spinach and a glass of milk, are what my mom recommends for twitches, cramps etc. They are at the very least a very healthy place to begin and easy to add.


:grouphug:Hope you find the supplement, nutrition of prescription correction you need.

Yeah, I don't think I'm going to make it on nutrition alone. Because of what seems to be a fairly severe intolerance to carbohydrates, I am not able to eat bananas, beans, or milk. I could do nuts and spinach, but probably not enough to make a difference. My doc isn't probably going to be very helpful either. I really like her, and if I asked her about magnesium supplementation she'd probably say that it wouldn't hurt to try--but she'd probably also not know anything beyond what the RDA of magnesium is. She's open to other ideas, just not really a go-getter about learning treatments that aren't the same-old-standard.


I have a bottle of magnesium tablets, but it's really hard to tell from my reading what form of magnesium would be best to try. There seems to be a vastly different absorption rate within the different forms of magnesium supplements, and I'm having trouble figuring out which one would be best, and how much of it to take. If they are all labeled as having the same amount of mgs, but you'll absorb a different amount from each different kind, how do you pick which one would be the best/regulate your dose? I guess I'll start out with the one I have in my hand, and go from there. :confused: I've also tried to read about whether magnesium sulfate (epsom salt) can/will be efficiently absorbed through soaks, and whether it would be more effective to combine the oral supplement with soaks. (Can you tell that I'm new to supplementing?) It's hard to find concrete information about it, because a lot of the articles sound like quacks wrote them. I'm not looking at magnesium as a snake-oil cure-all, I'm just looking to correct what is probably a nutritional deficiency that is causing me lots of trouble. Confusing. :glare: -And I'm not sure where to get effective help.

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I get this periodically (in fact, I posted a question on here about it myself), and they eventually go away. I think mine was more of a combination of stress/lack of sleep though. Built up over time, because I still have the stress & lack of sleep now-but not always.


I haven't had the eye twitch in at least a year. (knock on wood!)

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Julie, it sounds like you're rather sure it's a magnesium defficiency, so this probably isn't your problem; but I get an eye twitch when I eat something really sour. :tongue_smilie: Strange, hunh? Every since I can remember, even as a little kid, the same spot on the outer corner of my left eye will twitch for a few seconds if I eat something really sour; say, if I eat a lemon wedge, or if (and I believe this is how I discovered the connection as a child), I eat one of those super sour candies. Weird, hunh? I guess one of my nerves is mis-wired or something. :D


Probably not what's going on with you; I just wanted to fly my freak flag for a second today.


Good luck figuring out your magnesium supplementing. I'm no help there...

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Probably not what's going on with you; I just wanted to fly my freak flag for a second today.



You're not the only freak here! I also have a rather extreme reaction to the wine we use for communion in church. Just that one tiny sip, and I (instantaneously) sneeze, and sneeze, and sneeze, and my nose runs, and tears start running from my eyes. Talk about seeming like a freak!

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