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I don't see 7th grade, so post your 7th grade plans here....


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We are in the process of planning for 7th grade and I would love to see what y'all ar doing. this is what i have so far...


Bible~? Still looking

Math~Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra

Grammar~ Shurley 6

Latin~ Latin For Children A (thanks to the recommendations found here.)

Spelling~? Still Looking

History/Geography/Literature~ TOG

Science~Apologia General Science

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Let's see, next year will be a continuation of a lot of what we are doing. Since I have somewhat let her take point on the pace of her studies we will kind of be in the middle of things when the new year starts. Here is what is on tap right now for the coming year.


Grammar: R&S finish seven and then who knows maybe eight.

Math: finish TT Alg II then either Geometry or start Lial's

History: HO Early Modern History level II

Science: Finish Apologia Physical Science

Latin: Not sure what to do she is finishing Latin Primer I but I don't know what

to do next

Spelling: I don't know

Logic: Introductory logic

And I really want to introduce a fun writing program so we will see. DD also wants spanish which is also a we'll see.



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DD 7th Grade Year (which is this year)


Apples Spelling

Atelier Art

Happy Scribe Copybooks

Home 2 Teach online writing course

Latin in the Christian Trivium

Lightning Literature 7

Live & Learn Zoology 1 Lapbooks

Apologia Zoology 1

Runkles Geography

Teaching Textbook 7

Country Studies (Russia so far, Brazil soon to come)

And of course occasional lapbooks. :)

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Here's our tentative plan:


English-Houghton Mifflin 7 (used 3yrs already)


Spelling-Spelling Power (just started)


Writing-Wordsmith (doing Wordsmith Apprentice this year)


Reading-possibly Lightning Lit 7


Math-undecided, might stick with BJU Pre-Algebra or do Lial's


Science-Apologia General (we are doing Apologia Elementary now)


History-Either A Message of Ancient Days or HO Ancients Level 2. I'm waiting for MOAD to come in the mail to make my decision.


Music-he participates in the public school band


Art-thinking of Artistic Pursuits


Foreign Language-undecided


Logic-I'd like to add this next year but not sure with what

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We are in the process of planning for 7th grade and I would love to see what y'all ar doing.


Hmmm...I just posted mine a week or so ago, but AMAZINGLY :rolleyes: those plans have changed...and um...morphed into something Completely Different. So I'll put this out there so you can see my Plan B.


History(& some science) - Winter Promise Sea & Sky

Science - Classical Science Astronomy Signs & Seasons

Math - Life of Fred - Fractions, Decimals & Percents

Writing - Bravewriter

Art - Corefx and Idiots Guide to Creating Graphic Novels


This would include lots of oral and written narration, as well as creative narration (drawing about our reading), blogging, researching and notebooking. And all those projects!


He will also Truthquest Renaissance & Reformation

and sections of Rod and Staff. Though probably on the white board.


This is the curriculum I'm 'trying on' this week. I mentioned it to him ..told him about WP and he is THRILLED with the idea of it.


Plan A was much, much more practical. You know, TQ history, R&S math, CW Homer B, Henle Latin, Logic, Classical Astronomy, Artistic Pursuits.


He was NOT so thrilled with Plan A.


Anyone else feel the need to have a year to just explore with your kids? I feel that if I just give in to our desires to go for this we might have a really great year.


:sigh: I think I have multi-personalities. And each one likes a completely different curriculum. Just call me Sybil.;)

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This is *all* subject to change. But I think:


Math - algebra. DH will decide what, but probably either NEM or Dolciani


Latin - continue with Galore Park Latin Prep. We may be able to finish the series by the end of 7th grade.


Spanish - SYRWTL Spanish


Classical Writing - Homer B, begin Diogenes


Early Modern history, either using History Odyssey or doing our own thing.


Science - ? Science Explorer? Boy Scouts? Definitely lots of history of science.


Literature - some LL8, some books of my own choosing. We may read the Iliad and/or the Odyssey.


Logic - deciding between more Mindbenders, Fallacy Detective, and Traditional Logic.


And maybe Greek, but we'll see.


And at some point I want/need to start us studying philosophy and religion.

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I know this will change a bit... but so far


History/readers - (SL Core 7 mixed with HO?)

Math - ???? NEM2 or Jacobs or Lial's?????

Latin - LP2

Science - Galore Park SYRWTL

Lit - LL either early mid 19th century British Lit or Shakespeare's Comedies & Sonnets

Writing Homer B (will do Poetry of the summer)

French - (not sure if she will gone onto FP 2.. may go back to Spanish SYRWTL 2)

Logic - The Book of Think?

Extras, PE, Art, Music & Drama (of course!!!)


That's all so far.

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Pre-Algebra -- After trying a variety of things, including videotext, I'm sticking with Life of Fred Beginning Algebra for the rest of the year. I think it will stick with ds a little better as he has to take the time to read and think.


History and Literature -- We've been on an Asia kick for about a year now, and have just started with Japan, so I've got ds reading some historical fiction and non-fiction. He is a voracious reader, and we talk together quite a bit about authors and books. I signed up for Boomerang from BraveWriter, but he has been reluctant to join the on-line discussions so we discuss the questions together, and talk about the comments others have posted. I don't use a writing curriculum, but have him write reviews of books, make nature journal entries and write the occasional research paper.


Science -- he is taking a class through a charter school (one of the California charter schools that supports homeschoolers.) I'm going to have him read Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything in addition to reading the drier stuff found in the Glencoe textbook.


Latin -- We're working together through Latin Prep at a casual pace, but having fun!


Grammar -- haven't done much this year, though I pulled out Mary Daly's diagramming book recently. I have to make the time to use it with him.


Spelling -- simply editing his writing, and talking about rules.


Logic -- Fallacy Detective followed by Thinking Toolbox.


PE-- Parkour (a type of running stunts you see on YouTube and in the movies)


He draws, builds legos, is on a robotics team, is takes a class in improv, plays World of Warcraft, revels in annoying his older brother :D

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Here's my current plans


Saxon 87, possibly using Life of Fred: Fractions with it.

Latin's Not So Tough 4

Elementary Greek 1 or 2, depending upon how quickly ds progresses


Classical Writing Homer B

Growing with Grammar 6


Biblioplan with WTM logic suggestions

Noeo Biology 2, with extra writing


PE: Swimming and Karate


I'm tempted to add Lightning Literature 7 and Traditional Logic.... :confused: but I want lots of free time to explore also before we hit the rigors of high school.

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I'll add things to supplement each of these :D, but the basics will be:


Omnibus I


IEW/ Progym (Classical Composition)


Jacob's Algebra


Elementary Greek 2


Latin (using a few different resources, not sure what primarily for next year yet)


BJU Science 8 (Earth, Space)


Critical Thinking I and II (or some other logic??)


R&S English - finish 7 and start/finish/?? 8


extra literature, extra Bible, poetry study...


art class, flute, ballet, maybe piano?


homemaking, etc.


Also, dh wants me to come up with some type of computer class - typing, Office, etc., so we'll have that, too...

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We've just started 7th grade here:


Bible - Remembering God's Awesome Acts

Math - Saxon 76

LA - LLATL, Analytical Grammar, copywork, written narrations, literature (currently Hans Brinker and Robin Hood)

poetry, outlining, Spelling Wisdom

Australian History - A Wide Brown Land for Me, and extra reading

SL Core 5 Eastern Hemisphere

Science - Apologia General

Music - piano, flute and composer studies

Art - artist study, and something else..........?

Latin - Latina Christiana

French - First Start French



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This is next year for us... but here is what I can think of off the top of my head...


TOG year 4



us and some world geography

Writing (WA and write @ home 9 submissions)

Chruch History/world view

Lap book folds

CW continue Homer and poetry

History scribe maybe scholar


La Clase Divertida Level 2 ( finsih this) and level 3

Grammar Analytical grammar

Teaching Textbooks 7 or pre alg. It depends on how she places

Artistic pursuits continue book 1

ScienceZoo 2 and 3 including Live and Learn lapbooks

Happy Scribe

Bible study Explorers bible study



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This may change at any time!


Sequential Spelling 4

Literary Lessons from The Lord of the Rings (half)

Some kind of writing based on IEW and BraveWriter principles


Jacobs Algebra (if we finish early then Jacobs Geometry)


Ecce Romani 1A (or half of some other 1st year Latin)


K12 World History A

Historical fiction

Period literature (Torah, Odyssey, Beowulf, Shakespeare)

Hakim's The Story of Science

Uncle Eric books


K12 Physical Science


Possibly K12 art


Outside classes/lessons--violin, aikido, swimming, computer technology, whatever else

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Spelling: SWR and MegaWords (cont from 6th)


Reading: Lightning Lit 7


Writing: CW Homer B or CW Beginning Poetry (depending on summer schedule)


Math: TT Pre-Algebra


Science: BJU Science 7 (not sure if I will use $$ DVD or not)


History: SOTW vol 3 - I toyed with BF switch over at this point but I think I am staying the course


Latin: Well, who knows????? We will finish Matin Latin this summer but then what????

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Who is not particularly academic:


Math- TT Math 7

Omnibus I

Imitation in Writing, Medieval

Apologia General Sci

Latin's Not So Tough, current level is III

Copy Work

Grammar review with Grammar Ace

Mystery of History I-- this is his second four-year-cycle

water polo team and teacher of PE for his brothers and sisters




At the moment he wants to be a lifeguard when he grows up, but we're still insisting on Latin and other studies ;)

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My tenative plans for next year:

LA-Language Lessons for the Secondary Child Vol.2

Lightning Lit 8

Bravewriter (maybe) or something to teach writing

Math:Key to Ratios,Key to Fractions Books 1-4 and Key to Metric Measurement

History:SOTW vol 2,Famous Men of the Middle Ages and the Ren. along with the Greenleaf guides.Fiction and nonfiction books to supplement.

Science:Not sure yet.I'm leaning toward Oak Meadow's Life Science course since dd has already done Earth Science.I think we need a more structured science than what we have been doing.

Art and music,I'm not sure about yet.Each has to only be a half a semester,I think.

PE-dance and swimming.

Foreign Language:Maybe Spanish.Maybe French.

Maybe some logic course and study skills.Some literature and science related fiction and nonfiction that I "assign" just because I want dd to read a variety of books.

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  • 2 months later...

This is what I have planned for my dd who will be in 7th next year:


Lightning Lit.

Rod & Staff Eng/Grammar

Art With A Purpose

Finish up TT Pre Algebra, work in Rod & Staff Math 8, some review with Singapore

All American History

Trail Guide to US History to go along with the AA History

Getty-Dubay Handwriting on her own as she wants to

Sign Language and/or Spanish

English From the Roots Up (1 day a week)--that is, if I ever getting around to doing this!

NOEO Science--Chemistry

Music: Piano Lessons. She practices 1 hour a day by her choice (I was going to have her practice 45 minutes a day).

Bible--Bible Memorization, and NOT SURE YET for a base program

Logic--Since I haven't done this with her yet, I'm starting her out easy with the Dandylion Series

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Guest Lorna

Maths - Singapore NEM 2 (perhaps supplemented with the Key To Books)


English - Galore Park English 3 and Lightning Literature Shakespeares Comedies

She also writes weekly to a pen friend and they are writing a book together.


French - Galore Park French continued; moving onto more advanced French reading books and perhaps Fluent French Audio for pronounciation.


Latin - Galore Park Latin Prep 2


History - Galore Park SYRWTL History 2, historical fiction and field trips.


Science - How Science Works and How Things Work, also Ellen McHenry's Carbon Chemistry and The Brain


Swimming twice a week and horse riding


Continuing allocating at least an hour for serious literature.


Plenty of leisure reading


Chess, Tantrix and logic




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Math--Singapore 6

Grammar--Analytical Grammar

Writing--finish Wordsmith Apprentice, then Wordsmith

Spelling--Megawords 2

Literature--Progeny Press guides (haven't picked which ones yet)

History--SOTW 4 with siblings, Reading and Writing Copybook, historical fiction

Science--??? Science Explorer ???

Latin--Finish Latin Prep 1, begin LP 2

French--Learnables Level 2

Logic--Art of Argument

Music--French horn, choir, music theory at co-op

P.E.--Tennis 1x/week, home school P.E. once/week

Boy Scouts


We don't do all of this all year, but I haven't worked out how we are going to alternate things just yet.

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I keep tweeking 7th grade so here is the latest - as of today:


Spelling: MegaWords cont from this year + Apples Drills

Vocab: Vocab from Classical Roots 7th grade

WRiting: CW Homer B + CW Beginning Poetry

Grammar: CW HOmer + Winston Advanced

Reading: LL 7

Math: TT Pre-Algebra

Science: BJU 7

History: MOH vol 3 plus SOTW vol 3


Logic is till up in the air. PE will be sports. Latin is still up in the air. Bible will be her program at church since it has daily assignments plus our family devotionals. We are doing a summer intensive on art in June/July/Aug so I am hoping that will carry over to fall.

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Lial's Basic College Math

The Thinking Toolbox

Lightening Lit 7th

IEW SICCB and theme based lessons (outside class)

Latin Prep 2

Mystery of History 3 with Truthquest

BJU Life Science

Runkle's Geography

Public Speaking (outside class)

Nancy Gantz's commentaries for Children and the NASB for Bible



Awana Trek

Children's choir

vocal lessons

guitar lessons

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