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What to bring?

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In order to fullfill one of the things the SW outlined, my parents are taking the 3 older kids tonight and sending me to a hotel for the night(I will have a receipt to prove I went somewhere for a break etc). I am thinking of bringing my curric catalogues(even though I already ordered pretty much everything), and/or my lesson planning stuff. What would you bring? I find my catalogues/lesson planning to be fun/relaxing so they would be fine. Or should i be thinking about regular books or something else entirely. What would you bring?


I am taking little dd since she still nurses so I can't spend the whole time sleeping, so that is out.

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Well, your laptop if you have one of course. You know so you can keep in touch with us. Since you are nursing, I guess that rules out any alcoholic refreshments but definitely bring chocolate. Maybe some bubbles or bath salts. Some comfy jammies, slippers and a fuzzy robe if you have one. Oh, and bring you own cup to drink out of plus plenty of whatever you drink (water, tea, soda, etc.) plus any other snacks you might want. A pen and paper to take notes and maybe one book in case you want a change of pace. Enjoy hon!

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Bring whatever relaxes you- a good book, perhaps? *I* wouldn't bring school stuff, even though you do say it's relaxing. Do something that's a bit of a change of pace.


How about watching some movies you wouldn't get to see if the kids are around?


I'd definitely bring lots of snacks, a small bottle of wine (I know you're nursing but a glass or two of wine will be fine at your dd's age) and some bubble bath!!! Nice, yummy smelling bubble bath!


Enjoy your night!

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What is the social worker's reasoning here?



She didn't say I had to go to a hotel room, but she wants me going out without the kids more regularily, and she keeps making comments about the kids sleeping over at grandma's (this has come up in several meetings). Since she has also told me, that regardless of what I say she won't believe me without proof (though even when I have documentation showing things like the kids school assessments she doesn't believe those either), my parents felt the best proof would be a receipt from a hotel showing I was without the kids(well most of them), and that they slept over at grandma's etc. Not to mention the fact I have been sleeping on the couch since the fire, so a real bed for 1 night will be a treat. It is all stupid, but this is me complying with her list of demands to get her off my back.

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Have no idea.... but I'd leave the baby. I nursed till my son was (gulp) almost 5, but found he was fine with my parents or friends for a night or two. And, if you're doing this in the spirit of a free night, I suggest: Chocolate, a trashy (well, mindless) mystery novel... more chocolate... a great dinner... and a bit of wine with some cheese.


I'm not sure you should HAVE to..... but I think it's great to be solo or with a bestest friend for the night. Have any friends who could go... while their husbands watch their children??


Girls Night Out... could be fun:-)


Have a go at "fun" since you're going:-) (the kind where after, you have no need for regrets:-)

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Have no idea.... but I'd leave the baby. I nursed till my son was (gulp) almost 5, but found he was fine with my parents or friends for a night or two. And, if you're doing this in the spirit of a free night, I suggest: Chocolate, a trashy (well, mindless) mystery novel... more chocolate... a great dinner... and a bit of wine with some cheese.


I'm not sure you should HAVE to..... but I think it's great to be solo or with a bestest friend for the night. Have any friends who could go... while their husbands watch their children??


Girls Night Out... could be fun:-)


Have a go at "fun" since you're going:-) (the kind where after, you have no need for regrets:-)


I can't leave her. I have left her for a couple hours here and there and within 30 minutes she is wandering around crying for me. And once she gets going she is pretty hard to console. She is an easy going kid mostly but if I am not there will cry and scream to the point of burst blood vessels in her eyes and vomitting. I will not put her through that when it is not a necessity do to an emergency kwim. So she will come with me. Like I said she is easy going, as long as I am nearby she will talk and sing and play by herself. At night I nurse her to sleep and at 3 she wakes up says "Boo-Boos 1 minute" nurses for a few minutes then climbs back on her mat to go back to sleep. No big deal for me. I am in the process of weaning her, we are doing a "don't offer, don't refuse" method, but she still needs me too much for comfort to send her off for the night.


Grandma wouldn't do it anyway, she can barely cope with the older 2 and their issues, adding a screaming/crying toddler in the mix makes sure I lose the only babysitter I have left for good.


Baby is napping right now, the 3 big kids are off at friend's houses so I am off to raid my bathroom cabinet for lotions and potions I never have time for and start packing my overnight bag.


I thought of another bonus to tonight. I can shave BOTH my legs without interruptions from the kids tattling on each other, the cat running in to hide from them and the volume turning up on the radio/tv/video games while they try to drown each other out. I don't know how many times I have started shaving and had to leave the shower with only 1 done to deal with a problem the kids are causing. I will have 2 smooth legs tonight lol Thank goodness I am not married, he would have been stuck with a hald hairy sasquatch

Edited by swellmomma
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I would so veg out in front of the TV. I can't even think of the last time I did that. :)

I also am always dragging my homeschool stuff around. I find it relaxing as well so I completely understand that.

Try to have a good time, even though it seems quiet pointless. It will be nice to have the bed and some quiet time. Enjoy it!



Good to know I am not the only one. I don't even go to the kids lessons without notebook, paper and 1-3 homeschool books or catalogues. Last night at dd's tumbling I was reading For the children's sake with my pen and notebook ready in case I wanted to jot anything down. And I wonder why my oldest boy always has 3-5 books in his hand when we go out, and my ds6 always has a notebook and pencil/pen. It is contagious lol

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