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zoobs vs magnetix

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For us it was the magnetix. Any of the kits would be fine I think they are expensive no matter which way you go but it has been a while since I have bought them so they might have come down. The thing with the magnetix, they are a wee bit dangerous for little ones that put things in their mouths or pets that eat anything off the floor. Magnets will break through what they have to to get together, so if 2 are eatten severe damage can be done. In the end I think my son preferred Legos over them but once in a while will break out magnetix to mess around. Good luck with your choice.

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I don't know what Zoobs are, but we have a lot of Magnetix. They really don't get played with a lot. It seems like when they try to build something larger, it has a tendency to collapse easily.

I also wasn't happy about the all the recalls a few years ago (the magnet issue).

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Our Zoobs all break, and the Magnetix are on the top shelf due to little ones underfoot, so neither gets played with. (the Magnetix really didn't get much play even before banishment. They fall apart and don't work very well.) Sorry.


Have you thought about Legos?

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we actually have legos and they get played with once in a while. My daughter also has a small box of zoobs and a few CHEAP magnetix pieces. She asked for the zoobs for Christmas...I don't think she played with them much...she has also asked for more magnetix pieces..but I am nervous about spending the money and having her not play with them either...so I was just curious about what your kids like. SOmeone mentioned the magnatiles...which I have seen in catalogs...but not in person...does anybody else know about these???

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