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Week 3, Diet/Health Challenge....check in with the good, the bad and the ugly!

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So how's everyone doing on their new health goals? Has anyone hit any bumps?


My weight loss this week was 1.3lbs...total of 3.5lbs now. I found it infinitely harder being on my cycle (tmi??? lol), but hopefully I'm over that hump and will continue on with new good habits. I also found it hard not to eat when I'm upset....clearly I'm an emotional eater.


I can't wait to hear from everyone else!

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We are still on track. Our nieghbors had a body by jake exercise thing on the side of the road in perfect condition along with a nordic track also in perfect condition so dh and I picked them both up for my non-running days. My first goal for this year is doing 10K which is May 1.

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I've lost 9 pounds that I know of. I didn't get a scale until last Saturday, so I may have lost some before that and just didn't know. I can go with 9 pounds, though.


I moved from the Walk Away the Pounds 1 mile to the 2 mile. I can do it without dying. The 30 Day Shred - not so well!:lol: I can get through it, but that is about all I can boast about. My dc want me to hurry up and get to Level 2, but that is a long way off I am afraid!:tongue_smilie:


I wasn't able to keep to the Eat to Live 6-week plan. I just can't do it. Fruit for breakfast? No problem. Large servings of veggies? No problem. Beans? No problem. Very, very limited grains and starches? No problem. No meat? Can't do it!


So I modified my diet and I am much happier for it.;)

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I would like to join this. My goal is to by Easter fit into an outfit that I would need to lose about 15 pounds to wear. I need to get back on the treadmill. I also bought both The Biggest Loser and Sports Active games for the Wii. I want to set an example for my 13 yo dd who needs to lose some weight. She is doing the Walk away the Pounds with Pilates dvd.


So, I'm going to get on the treadmill today, drink more water, and go back to my WW diet. Will check in next week.

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I started a week late. I'm only on week 2 of diet changes and day 4 of the 30 Day Shred. I feel awesome! I've got energy. My back doesn't hurt like it usually does. My clothes are *beginning* to feel better (looser). But, I've not lost weight. Not an ounce. In fact, I have gained a lb. Probably water weight. But still :confused: As long as the clothes continue to feel better I'm happy.

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Nothing good to post. My youngest was quite sick this week (asthma related issues and fevers), so I found myself snacking when I shouldn't have been, and not exercising. I'm pretty bummed about it, but I hope I can get back on track this week.

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I'm down about 7 pounds total, so only about 8-10 more pounds to go. Exercising hasn't happened much this week, but part of that is due to *ahem* problems that have made me feel like being a slug instead of getting up and moving around. And no, exercise does not help me with that, thanks for asking :) It just exacerbates the cramps.


I did cheat last night and have Italian, complete with pasta and bread rolls, so I'm up a bit today, but I figured after working my rear off for two weeks, a little bit of indulgence was due. I'm behaving better now. :)

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I managed to walk/run 5 days last week (again), and we've upped the running part to 1.5 miles (walking 2.5).


I also managed to not consume any Dr. Pepper, which puts me at 16 days w/o as of today. That is the longest I've ever gone without it in, oh, 20 years. :) I can't tell you how hard it has been. I went out bowling with the girls, no Dr. P. I went on a road trip, no Dr. P. I went out to my favorite pizza joint, no Dr. P. Arrrrgggghhhh! Tell me this gets easier....


(ETA: Still doing well with my water/green tea intake.)


Still not losing any weight, but I'll probably have to drastically alter my eating habits. One thing at a time, I guess.

Edited by Heidi @ Mt Hope
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I'm doing much better on eating/nutrition. I started eating a big salad and fresh fruit for lunch everyday, with a small portion of something else if I really want it. I've eliminated most of the sweets. I still eat a teaspoon of brown sugar in my oatmeal in the mornings, but I'm not eating cookies, candy, cake, etc. I didn't even get anything yesterday at the mall when dh got a double dip ice cream cone, ds got chocolate covered pretzels, and dd got a cinnamon roll. I've also started eating more berries and citrus fruit and fewer fruits that are high in sugar (such as bananas, which are my favorite!). I'm also eating smaller portions at dinner.


I've also started exercising again. I only made it to the gym one day last week, because of factors beyond my control, but I should get there 3 times this week. I also bought a Jillian Michaels dvd. I couldn't find Shred, so I bought one from last year about losing problem spots. I started it yesterday. It is really intense!

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Renee -- The Shred will get easier...can't wait to hear how awesome you are at it in a month!


Deanna -- planning...ugh, I'm not so good at the food planning! Good for you...and all the little things we do eventually add up.


Teresa -- welcome! Don't know if you saw my original post, but in Tosca Reno's book (title eludes me at this moment) she says that a great body is 80% diet, 10% exercise, and 10% genetics. Have fun with the exercising and eating well, and before you know it, you'll be in that Easter outfit! :)


Holly -- your experience is so encouraging. The days I'm eating and exercising well I feel so much better, too! Obviously you're losing fat and gaining muscle, thus equaling your weight out! :D


Jen -- sorry to hear about your child being sick. You'll have a much better week this week, I'm sure!!!


Sarah -- holy awesomeness in your weight loss! Not much more for you now!


Heidi -- can I honestly say that no, having no Dr. Pepper will never get easier!!!! LOL...I LOVE my Diet Pepsi and I gave in this week and had two in one night. I did manage to have no pop when I went out for dinner, but it certainly doesn't feel the same without it!


Terri -- lots of changes for you...do you feel physically better? I seem to go in fits and spurts with eating a good portion of veggies. This week hummus helped me get through it a little better. :)


There are a lot of ladies that haven't signed in this week NOR last week! We miss you and I really hope that you all are making little changes that will last a lifetime.

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I actually exercised 3 days while gone! That is impressive to me. OH, I only gained 2 pounds on vacation. :-)


Now I'm home, had a tummy bug to get over but I did go run with dd today. The tummy bug took care of most of the vacation weight too. Not the best way to loose weight, but it works as long as you don't gain it back.


So I feel I am on track now.

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I actually exercised 3 days while gone! That is impressive to me. OH, I only gained 2 pounds on vacation. :-)


Now I'm home, had a tummy bug to get over but I did go run with dd today. The tummy bug took care of most of the vacation weight too. Not the best way to loose weight, but it works as long as you don't gain it back.


So I feel I am on track now.


One would think a stomach bug would be pretty yucky, but if it took care of those extra two pounds, yay!!! lol :) Glad you're home safely from vacation.

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Lost another pound and a half this week - that's 3 1/2 total. I'm hoping for a consistent 1 or 2 lbs a week - I'd rather slow and steady. That's pretty much the holiday pounds - now to tackle 2008's holiday pounds that never went away...


I have now successfully completed South Beach phase 1 and am starting phase 2, which is actually where I lose more weight even though it's less restrictive. But I know I can't do phase 2 without phase 1 first - I always need to sugar detox or I can't stick to it.


Exercise could be better - went to my two Pilates classes per usual, but nothing new.

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I'm still here. Eating last week = bad. Exercising = good. I did Leslie Sansone's 2 mile walk 5 days last week and then not at all over the weekend. Tonight I started back up.


I like what someone mentioned about planning out the week's/day's food. I need to incorporate that. I'm praying for self control in regard to eating. Portion control is not really my problem but caving in and eating snacks is my downfall :glare:

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haven't worked out in almost two weeks. I am very grumpy. Life has just smacked us upside the head. I am seriously reexamining and reprioritizing. We are cutting some things out of our lives and I need to get my house in order. Too many time stealers. I deserve an hour a day for me right? Trimming the fat around here so there won't be anymore excuses. I did start reading the south beach diet book and have implemented the phase 1. I am trying to be faithful to it. We are on day four. And have stuck pretty close to it with the exception of yesterdays McDonalds due to being unprepared. I know this is all an adjustment phase and we did go right back to the plan that evening. It's still a whole lot better than what we usually eat. I just am looking forward to getting everything in sync at once.....eating, exercise, and a balanced home schedule. I'm still here and hope to jump back on the wagon within this next week. Keep at it everyone. Ruby

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Ok, now I have found you guys again! It takes me forever to do anything on the internet (dial-up).

I have been exercizing to the Walk Strong Leslie Sansone DVD about 4x per week. I sure feel it, but it hasn't affected the scale much! I might have lost one pound. It is hard for me to stop eating what I shouldn't and to plan better. I just have no time. And our family has strange dietary needs/preferences, so planning a meal so we can all find something to eat is frustrating. My oldest dd is lacto-veg, I am allergic to wheat, dairy and peanut butter. Husband has decided to go wheat-free. Two littles? Dunno-the allergist said they were too young/too few symptoms to test (bull!-what he meant was "I won't get much for the testing because you have Medicaid"). They do better without dairy-but husband loves dairy and meat. (see some conflicts here?)

Then there are the budget issues (on food stamps and receiving commodities). Live in a rural area, so (small) health food store does not take food stamps. Ouch for gluten-free/dairy-free living!

I think I am overwhelmed. Just getting throught the day without crying is hard right now. So, I am glad I do the workout first thing!;)



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Well, I actually gained a pound back. That is the ugly, but here is the good.


I have been eating raw food at each meal since the start of the year. We were out and had to eat out yesterday for lunch. It was automatic for me to order a side salad and baked potato. Maybe the 21 days thing really works. I went to a new women's ministry meeting last night. I was so excited that she had raw veggies and fruit there. I let myself have one cookie and it really satisfied me.


Last week was rough for me because I had to travel some (grandmother was very sick and had surgery). That meant eating out, not getting as much exercise, and I definitely didn't drink as much water.


My goal right now is to get the drinking more water thing down as a habit like I did with the raw food. I will exercise as much as I can. I walked one day this week with my neighbor. I actually walked for 80 minutes. I would say my exercise today is deep cleaning my entire house since I have family coming in tonight. I hope that counts.

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This last week has been great for me! After many weeks of gaining and losing the same pound or so, I am down 4 pounds a total loss of 39 (since sept). We had a mini vacation-my fil's 70th birthday, so all his kids/grandkids came from all over to celebrate. I packed food for the trip (lots of fresh fruit and veggies along with healthy-ish sandwich wraps and NO chips or cookies!), so other than his birthday dinner and one evening, we did not eat out. We took in some sights and museums, so lots of walking.


I am working on hitting the gym now. I'm so very afraid of the gym. I have no idea what to do or how to do it. :blush: I need to make an time to go and get a tour and figure out what I'm doing. That is my goal for this week.

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