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Has anyone tried doing a "curriculum yard sale"?

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After almost 15 years of being a curriculum junkie, I have a *lot* of used/unused homeschool books. Some of it would not be especially lucrative to sell, such as older editions of textbooks, etc, but would still be worthwhile and usable for someone. I'm considering a huge purge, and perhaps advertising to the local homeschool group and maybe on Craigslist, and having a curriculum garage sale. Really, I have a *lot* of books. If I could sell even half of what I don't need any more at $1 per book, it'd still be close to what I need to buy the books we really need for the fall (I'm much better at knowing what we really need after all these years!).


Have any of you done this, or seen it done?

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Have any of you done this, or seen it done?


I've seen a few used curriculum sales done by groups ~ but I don't think that's what you meant?


I did spot a lady advertising on a local message board here in my town - it was last Spring, and she posted in the garage sale section specifically listing that she would have "homeschool material" or something. I went [how could I not!] and she had quite a bit ~ we chatted a little and it turned out that she doesn't belong to the local "group" [by choice] so this was how she decided to try selling some material. :)


[she was also selling scrapbooking materials and other stuff]

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A lady in my homeschool group moved a few years back and had a large garage sale. She was a former school teacher and had an entire garage full of school books and supplies. (Both homeschool stuff and ps-type items.) While it was in conjunction with a regular garage sale, she opened it up a day earlier (think on a Wednesday) for homeschoolers. I have no idea how much she sold total, but I bought a lot. :tongue_smilie:

And - like others have mentioned - the homeschool group I am in has a used book event once a year. Normally everyone e-mails out what they will be bringing and people are allowed to put dibs in on items in advance.

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I think it's a great idea! I might would make it open for several days so more people could fit it in to their schedules. If you have a garage, that'd be a great place to organize it by grade/subject so that it's easy to go through.


Advertise by word of mouth (through your homeschool group, or send an email to all your homeschool friends and ask them to send it to all their homeschool friends. . . ) May be put a sign on bulletin boards at the library, museum, etc.

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A friend of mine had one. She made a master list of the big/most popular items (with prices) and sent it to her closest friends for 'first dibs'. After that, she had a 'homeschool garage sale'. She had her buddies pass the list on to their hs buddies, notified local co-ops/a used curric. store, etc.


From what I remember she sold a bunch of stuff.

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I have a friend who had 8 children and had homeschooled forever and she just advertised in our homeschool group and everything was free and she did it on her back screened porch. It was a blessing to us all and many people came and there was nothing left at the end of the giveaway. I am sure she is reaping what she sowed and being blessed for it as we speak.

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I participated in one of these last year over the summer. We sent word out through our homeschool group and it went out on the email loop and we posted notices in a couple of other places that we were having a huge curriculum sale and only 2 homeschoolers showed up. :confused: Most of the traffic we had were from people driving/walking by who thought it was a typical yard sale and wanted to see. I stayed there all day and sold only 2 things so I came back home, took pictures of what was left and put it up to sell here on the message boards and fared much better. With the books that I had that were old but still good, I listed them as a free gift with a purchase. :) I wish you well. It's a bit of work to sell your old curriculum, but it is good that it is able to be used by another family and it's good to get a few dollars back from what you spent on it. God bless. :)

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I have a friend who had 8 children and had homeschooled forever and she just advertised in our homeschool group and everything was free and she did it on her back screened porch. It was a blessing to us all and many people came and there was nothing left at the end of the giveaway. I am sure she is reaping what she sowed and being blessed for it as we speak.

I have lots of things that I will offer as "freebies". Probably half of it, in fact.

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I did it last year. I'm with you in that I've been doing this for a long time and have a ton of stuff. I advertised on craig's list and through several email homeschool loops that are local.


I got a few people that were interested that day. Sold one big ticket item. But I had several people contact me to come look at my stuff at a later date. So my success was so-so. I did that yard sale at the same time a friend and my kids did a yardsale, so I had a good time visiting during the day. My kids made some money on their junk. I still have boxes and boxes of stuff to sale. It's hard selling it on line--I'm bad at the shipping part.

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I knew a lady out here who did that last summer. She had 20 years worth of homeschool curric to sell so she did it out of her garage and ran it like a garage sale.


I do have to say if you are eager to sell for cheap I have some things I am in market for and would be happy to buy from you before you garage sale it.

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