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Week 2, Diet/Health Challenge....check in here!

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How did everyone do on their first week?


I wrote down who everyone was and what their goals were, and in general:

-we want to lose 10-20lbs during the next 13 weeks

-we want to increase our water, veggie, and fruit intake

-we want to decrease our caffeine, pop, and sugar (sweets) intake

-we want to increase our exercise


Can't wait to see how everyone did!


I lost 2.2lbs and increased my water to 12 cups/day. I exercised between 30 min and 1 hour every day, with two days doing two workouts, only because I did P90X in the morning and did run club at night (they weren't long distances...only 2k and 3k!).


The biggest change is that I've started waking before my alarm and don't feel incredibly sluggish in the morning.

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I've made several new recipes this week, and have added back green smoothies and salads to my day. That was hard--it's cold and I'd rather have something hot. Got to get those greens in! :D


DH moved my treadmill back into my bedroom which should make early morning use of it so much easier. It was in our family room before right outside 2 of my kid's bedroom doors.


I've lost about 1.5 lbs so far.

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I've had the same 12-pack in the house all week. I've had some, but not in any way at the rate I used to. I've decreased my meat intake and increased by veggie intake. I haven't quite figured out how to make time to exercise. I've started to slowly rearrange my sleep schedule so I can have an extra hour a day, but that is slow going.

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I lost two pounds and focused on eating healthier meals and portion size this week. I didn't keep track every day, but most days I managed 5 servings of fruits or vegetables. For exercise, I'm counting two days of helping DH bring up wood from the main pile to the one near the back door. I also finished the last Diet Pepsi 2 liter, so I can focus on drinking more water and exercising more this week.

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I've successfully stayed on Phase 1 South Beach for a week - one more to go! I've lost 2 lbs, which is a fine start. Just by the nature of the diet, I've way upped my veggie intake and of course carbs are rock bottom and sugar is completely nixed. I don't even like soda, so I don't have to worry about that. :)


For exercise I just went to my Pilates class, and to a homeschool roller skating meet-up - I'm not sure I expended all that many calories there, but I guess it's better than sitting on the couch!

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I did lose 2 pounds last week. I have eaten some raw food at every meal except one. I'll be honest, sometimes I throw in 3 stalks of celery and that's my raw food. It's not much, but it's a step in the right direction. I did drink more water, and exercised a little. I'm happy with my start and hope to improve it all as I go.

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I did 2 zumba classes last week. I aimed for 3, but the streets were very slick on Thursday night and I didn't make it all the way to the YMCA. Stopped (along with 2 other do-gooders) and helped a lady get un-stuck from a ditch. THAT was a work out, trust me.


I lost 3.1 pounds from Thanksgiving to today with NO food intake alterations whatsoever...just moving a bit more. Feeling hopeful that watching what/how much I eat combined with a regular work out plan will help me drop some of the "I'm-a-42-year-old-couch-potato-that-doesn't-watch-what-she-eats" pounds. :D


Today my whole family was at the YMCA at 6am!! Beginning today, I am being much more careful on serving portions, food selections and cutting back on junk. I already drink a lot of water.


I also joined sparkpeople today.

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Drank more water than usual. aiming for three 16 oz bottles a day. Was working out until thursday or friday. Life hit and had about 26 hours of life to fit into 24. Aiming for the overall lifestyle change though. So you just get back up and aim again. HOping to get a workout in today. Have kept a handle on my eating so far. I think the pants feel a little bit looser. But my scale is broken. I also joined spark people. following my own plan but they seem to have some good resources. Good luck this week. Ruby

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I've upped the quantity of veggies on my plate every day, for every meal. I've stopped eating after 7 PM aside from one night where I was starving (my lunch was too small) so I had a yogurt at 8 - better than the usual bowl of ice cream I had been doing! I also ate breakfast right away consisting of fruit and something whole grain. That's helped immensely from keeping me snacking on junk since I LOVE sweets.


I still need to purchase a scale, so I'm not sure what (if any) I've lost. And, I need to work the exercise in still... that is probably going to be my biggest hurdle.

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In week 1 I did aerobics for 40 minutes three times during the week and pilates for 20 minutes one other time during the week.


I am drinking more water and am having this instead of juice/soft drinks.


I am trying to eat healthier, but am having problems giving up the sugar.


I am a work in progress ;)



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I didn't join the original thread because I didn't see it :) BUT I would love to join now!


My goal is to lose 20 lb and to change my over-all way of eating. I am also aiming to exercise about 5 days/week at least once per day. I feel so good afterwards!


I need to up the water, cut waaaay back on creamer in my coffee and NO MORE eating because I'm bored! Those three things alone could really help my drop some weight. It was really getting out of hand!

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I am down 1.2 pounds since I last weighed myself. That brings me to a total of 36 (I began the end of September). I've added exercise this week. It's nothing fancy-I just borrowed a few DVD's from the library, but it gets me moving and that's more than I've been doing. I've also been using the Wii (though not Wii fit-just playing sports) to mix things up and make it a little more fun.


Also, if anyone has some particularly great recipes to share, I'm always open to new ideas. I very easily get in a cooking rut. :bigear:

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I have NOT been doing well with my eating. I am finding out I am way more of a food addict than I thought I was. As someone else mentioned, I need to cut down on the creamer in my coffee and stop eating at night. The weekend was a bit of a free-for-all :(


I've been exercising with TV and DVD workouts and today started counting calories as I believe that will help me be more mindful of what is going into my mouth throughout the day. I continue to drink a lot of water (I always have). Need to up the fruit intake (juice does not count!). I'd like to keep more salad fixin's at home as I love a good salad for lunch.


I did find out my scale at home was off when compared to the scale at the Y, and not in my favor I might add.


Anyway, as you say, tomorrow is a new day. I am still very optimistic :D

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Welcome to newcomer(s)! Glad to have people continue joining.


Presley, I'm a food addict, too. For the past four months I've been craving mostly carbs and hardly anything else. I had to quit cold turkey. :) I'm now eating protein and complex carbs at every meal and have started eating 5x/day. By drinking lots of water and upping the veggie intake (ugh!), I'm not craving the simple carbs like I had been. I'm starting to realize (in my head, not in my heart yet), that this is a lifestyle change, not just a 13 week change. THAT I can't get over. Eat well and exercise the rest of my life???? lol It seems ludicrous. But, when I read Oxygen or Tosca Reno's books, I realize that these fit ladies have made this a lifestyle. Maybe through this challenge the head knowledge will move to my heart and I can live this as a lifestyle, too. :)

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I got a slow start, but I did go to the gym one day last week and ran on the treadmill for about 40 minutes. I started doing Yoga and Pilates and using my elliptical trainer on Saturday, and I have been eating more salad and fresh fruit. My goal this week is to decrease the sweets even more and increase my exercise time.

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Okay I will try posting this again but my internet company is having major problems this week!


I did horrible last week! I only exercised once (weights) and I found myself craving sugar like crazy.


I also found that even though I was only planning on doing legs and buns pilates, it might be too much for my stomach to take at this point. (I had a c-section on the 21st of Dec.) I may have to wait 2 more weeks before I can really do that.


So far this week is better. Good luck ladies!

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I'm still doing my South Beach, which was INCREDIBLY difficult on Saturday when I went out with the girls and they were sitting there with cocktails and I had to order a cup of green tea! But I did it! I am down 5.6 pounds total so far, so only 12 more pounds to go! I'm trying to exercise daily but have missed a few days. Rather than beating myself up about it, I'm just rolling with it and getting back into it the next day. No sense beating myself up, right? Congrats to everyone else! We all are doing so well! :D

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Hmmm. No pounds lost :glare: but I've been walking/running consistently. 5 days last week and 2 so far this week (my sister and I take Sundays and Mondays off). 4 miles each day, and we've upped the running part of that to 1.5 miles (which is a huge accomplishment for both of us).


I've been off Dr. Pepper for 11 days now, which is a record :D, and have been drinking a liter of green tea and a liter + of water every day.

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