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Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version)


11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."



This mountain is not too big for God...with Him all things are possible.




Praying for you and Patrick...

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I would make an appointment with a counselor even if you were the only one going. It can make so much of a difference! You need someone IRL to speak to and it needs to be someone objective and trustworthy - and preferably not a family member.

:iagree: You really do need to have someone IRL. If it's an impartial person like a counselor, that's even better. They don't have anything personally invested in your or your spouse and can be more objective.

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I would make an appointment with a counselor even if you were the only one going. It can make so much of a difference! You need someone IRL to speak to and it needs to be someone objective and trustworthy - and preferably not a family member.


:iagree: Counceling immediately if you haven't already. So sorry for your situation. I pray you both find healing quickly.

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Ditto on the advice to TRY to talk to someone- even if you're the only one going. Many large churches have counseling ministries that charge on a sliding scale. Focus on the Family is a great place to call for references for Christian counselors - BTDT. I will be praying that you will be encouraged and that hope can be restored.


Second the advice to find Christian counselors.


A dear friend of mine and her dh went to a couple of counselors, but the Christian counselor was the one that saved their marriage by helping them to face the problems honestly, work on the issues, work on forgiveness, and heal -- all from the perspective of keeping the marriage together.


The first couple counselors they tried were more from the view of healing the individual than maintaining the family. Of course, not every marriage can be saved, but you'd rather be working with someone who hopes for that for you, I would imagine.



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Second the advice to find Christian counselors.


A dear friend of mine and her dh went to a couple of counselors, but the Christian counselor was the one that saved their marriage by helping them to face the problems honestly, work on the issues, work on forgiveness, and heal -- all from the perspective of keeping the marriage together.


The first couple counselors they tried were more from the view of healing the individual than maintaining the family. Of course, not every marriage can be saved, but you'd rather be working with someone who hopes for that for you, I would imagine.




You have to be careful, though. We did not find our Christian counselor helpful, and moved on to someone else. Sometimes the M.O. of the Christian counselor is to help the couple "return to" or "get back" the fire that they had early in the marriage. We never had that early in the marriage. We needed to start where we were and move forward, and that involved a lot of personal healing of each individual. In my experience, you cannot heal a family if the individuals cannot bring whole, intact selves to the marriage.

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I haven't even picked it up to see what is about, but I did wonder what would the person you love think if they saw that book by your bed? I know I would do a double take.

BTW I am not suggesting you buy the book- just thought it was funny.:lol:

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Well, he came clean and said the reason he didn't want to go to a counselor is because he is scared that they will tell us we don't need to be together. That touched my heart. He really is scared for us. We are going to make it. We have to. I have loved this man since I was 15 years old. He is my world.


Again, thank you all and keep praying. This is going to be a long road.

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Well, he came clean and said the reason he didn't want to go to a counselor is because he is scared that they will tell us we don't need to be together. That touched my heart. He really is scared for us. We are going to make it. We have to. I have loved this man since I was 15 years old. He is my world.


Again, thank you all and keep praying. This is going to be a long road.



That is a good sign. You should tell your counselor up-front that you want to do what is needed to stay together, and then if they do still tell you that, then it would be time for another counselor.

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Well, he came clean and said the reason he didn't want to go to a counselor is because he is scared that they will tell us we don't need to be together. That touched my heart. He really is scared for us. We are going to make it. We have to. I have loved this man since I was 15 years old. He is my world.


Again, thank you all and keep praying. This is going to be a long road.


That is why I agree you need to see a Christian counselor. They will come at it from the perspective of preserving the marriage, that divorce is not an option (except perhaps in the case of unrepentant, serial cheating).

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from the other side of the desk...


anyone who is councelling you would be remiss if they didn't agree with your husband's fear, because its right...


you don't need to be together...

no healthy adult "needs" another adult...


but you want to be together...

and that is a beautiful place to start.


:grouphug: i am so glad you are talking.


one thing i say to each couple is that whether or not they feel like it, they need to kiss one another goodbye when one leaves, and hello when one gets home.... every time.... (there is something about the way our brain is wired that if we pretend the emotion, the emotion often follows. completely unfair, but true...)


praying, praying,


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Well, he came clean and said the reason he didn't want to go to a counselor is because he is scared that they will tell us we don't need to be together. That touched my heart. He really is scared for us. We are going to make it. We have to. I have loved this man since I was 15 years old. He is my world.


Again, thank you all and keep praying. This is going to be a long road.


Aawww!!! That is good though!

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From someone who had btdt, you might want to consider visiting several counselors yourself, before going with your husband. Even if you think you like the first one. You will be more sure which one is best for you two if you visit several. Someone can seem like a big help and it takes a few visits to figure out if they wil be on the same page as you and your husband. Also, women tend to have much more patince with this type of thing. If the first counselor isn't much help, you may not be able to get your husband to another one. He may have used up all his emotional energy going to the first one, and may generalize that if that counselor wasn't helpful no counselor will be. Whiel you are checkin gout counselors pray about what God would have you do to keep his hopes up in the meantime. I thnk there was a thread on here once about what to look for in a counselor - that would be helpful.

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