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We do not put synthetic fibres in the dryer and have *no* static issues. Really. It never happens. So if you hang your synthetics you'll be fine. (We don't own synthetics for the most part, but there are a couple of fleece jackets here... we just never put them in the dryer with other clothes.)


That said, vinegar in the rinse cycle of the wash helps. It's a natural fabric softener and disenfectant and we use it with towels and cloth diapers.

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I've just never been a hockey fan.


When I did cloth diapering, I used these things that looked like hockey pucks. You put them in socks and tied the socks shut and threw them in and they would make the diapers soft and there wasn't static cling either.


Maybe you should put hockey pucks in the dryer?:tongue_smilie:

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My husband was lighting candles to "set the mood", tossed the used matches in the metal trash can that we used to use as a cinder bucket (back when we had a house instead of a tiny flat with no fireplace) and started one heck of a fire with the bits of dog hair and dryer lint that was in the bottom of it.


DH was horrified to discover that DS and I had started using it for its original purpose (a TRASH can). DS thought it was way cool that dryer lint caught fire so quickly and promptly stuffed some in a film canister to put in his boy scout group for camp outs.





Did I ever tell you I was a camp counselor, and a darn good one at that! However, I had one flaw, I could NOT light a fire to save my life!!!! In my defense I was in MN and it is wet there, but anyway, I would always have to go to another counselor (after their kids were eating and mine were starving), and light a piece of wood from their fire and go light mine and hope for the best. One week, the maintenence guys took pity on me, and they dumped a bunch of gasoline on my fire pit to help me out. . .Yeah, good times.


Oddly enough, now, I keep starting fires in the house, our toaster, the Thanksgiving turkey, a potholder too close to the gas burner on the stove. . .What does that mean?



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We used to use dryer lint on Camp Fire trips. They would stuff the cardboard egg cartons with it, tear off a section and use that as a fire starter. It worked well. :)


OMG! And how could I forget the Dryer fire of '08? I got a new Washer and Dryer out of that fire! I'm beginning to think it's the power of prayer, but why would God grant my prayers 15 years later?:tongue_smilie:

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I was looking through a craft magazine yesterday and one of the featured crafts was dryer sheet/freezer paper art. purty enough to decorate your home!


well, that's just fine but I'd fine the magazine a waste if it didn't also include directions, with pictures, on how to fashion a harness out of maternity bras so that you could hold up a trough to catch droppings, and another project showing how to use another maternity bra as a backpack sling, too. I'm disappointed if it didn't show that.



I'm SO THRILLED this thread is still going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BTW, what is the price of tea in China these days?:tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:

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BTW, I have something to admit here. :blushing::blushing::blushing: Would it be wrong of me to get annoyed with my family (last night) because I knew it was getting late and I needed to get dinner cooked for everyone, especially since dh had worked all day then took dd to synchro swim, so I felt obligated to have a nice dinner when he finally got home at 8:00. HOW DARE THEY tear me away from this thread!!!!!!! I was having So Much Fun with this thread that I was annoyed at the thought that this rotten family actually needed dinner. Does NOBODY think of what's best for me?


Do you know what else? My family bites. I need to go now to see if my potatoes are fully cooked so I can mash them to have them go along with the turkey meatloaf. I once again feel obligated since younger ds and dh spent the day getting hay for my animals and then at Home Depot getting supplies for our basement project. This family is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO high maintenance.


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I live in Oklahoma and can categorically state that buffalo do not have wings. I know this b/c I saw one in a picture once. And if you're curious, bison don't either, at least not the one that licked me.


Oh, did you mean buffalo angels?



Mmmm Bison. I had bison ribs last night at dinner, so yummy.

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so I googled the toxic dryer sheet thing . . . I tend toward green anyway and have been trying to figure ways to reduce laundry waste. I tried making my own detergent b/c I hate how many containers our little family of three generates. Also, I would prefer an all natural recipe. The recipe I tried, though, didn't work for us: dingy chothes. I found some ideas for fabric sheet alternatives but i ask you . . . wouldn't aluminum foil be bad as well?


The scent isn't the thing for me, it's the static. Although the cloth with the essential oil sounds nice. What I really need is an idea for overcoming the static. We'll see how that goes.


I use the laundry soap with the Borax for my home made soap and I have been VERY pleased with it. 1 bar Fels Naptha, Borax and Arm and Hammer washing soda. You can check measurements on their site.


I've heard llama poop works to control static clean in the dryer. Would you like some?

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Did I ever tell you I was a camp counselor, and a darn good one at that! However, I had one flaw, I could NOT light a fire to save my life!!!! In my defense I was in MN and it is wet there, but anyway, I would always have to go to another counselor (after their kids were eating and mine were starving), and light a piece of wood from their fire and go light mine and hope for the best. One week, the maintenence guys took pity on me, and they dumped a bunch of gasoline on my fire pit to help me out. . .Yeah, good times.


Oddly enough, now, I keep starting fires in the house, our toaster, the Thanksgiving turkey, a potholder too close to the gas burner on the stove. . .What does that mean?




What it means is CLEAR to me. Do NOT bring gas into your home.

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How DARE your family expect you to get off the puter for a wee while! :glare:


Hockey pucks would fit in the dryer OK, but the players might get a bit squashed.


I went to a professional hockey game last night. The players looked like they were trying to squash each other, so I don't think they'd mind the dryer. The ice might melt though.


I was disappointed the suite we were guests in didn't have buffalo wings or rabbit to serve. There was, however, chicken fingers.

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Speaking of Hockey players, last week my dh was watching some important game, and they were interviewing this guy who was missing teeth!!!:001_huh:

My dh said, "Well, what do you expect? He's a hockey player?" I said, "You'd have to make a heck of a lot of money for me to kiss you with missing teeth." And my dh said, "I better not be a hockey player than, they don't make much money." Which goes back to OP's question, Would you kiss someone missing their teeth, and should hockey players make more money than football players?


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Speaking of Hockey players, last week my dh was watching some important game, and they were interviewing this guy who was missing teeth!!!:001_huh:

My dh said, "Well, what do you expect? He's a hockey player?" I said, "You'd have to make a heck of a lot of money for me to kiss you with missing teeth." And my dh said, "I better not be a hockey player than, they don't make much money." Which goes back to OP's question, Would you kiss someone missing their teeth, and should hockey players make more money than football players?



No, not unless they are more valuable as a player. But they probably should get better dental benefits.


Speaking of benefits...one of the benefits of shopping at Whole Foods is the nice cheese samples they put out for you. And some varieties of cheese are so soft you don't need all your teeth to eat them. Or so I've heard.

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Speaking of benefits...one of the benefits of shopping at Whole Foods is the nice cheese samples they put out for you.


Ooh! I loved that about Sam's Club when I used to shop there. Bring the whole family...around lunch time...


(really, I know you know I'm kidding, but for some reason I really felt the need to clarify that I will not allow my dc to take more than 1 sample...or so...)

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Speaking of Hockey players, last week my dh was watching some important game, and they were interviewing this guy who was missing teeth!!!:001_huh:

My dh said, "Well, what do you expect? He's a hockey player?" I said, "You'd have to make a heck of a lot of money for me to kiss you with missing teeth." And my dh said, "I better not be a hockey player than, they don't make much money." Which goes back to OP's question, Would you kiss someone missing their teeth, and should hockey players make more money than football players?



no, I wouldn't. Edited to say: kiss a hockey player with no teeth. But I WOULD collect those teeth to use in the dryer to see if they help with static cling.

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A friend of mine was spit on by a llama.



I ate goat gut soup once.


I had curried goat this year.


My horse gave me a concussion. Twice.


And again, as I've stated before, I've played with mercury.


Now back to the OP: DUDE!!! Where's my car?


EDITED: I just noticed you said goat GUT. Now you have one on me. I want some!

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Robert Luongo, the goalie for my hometown NHL team earns $7.5 million this year. Some people find him very nice to look at, once he takes the goalie mask off. http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/blackhawks-confidential/roberto-luongo.jpg




Wayne Gretzky's dream as a youngster was to have some teeth knocked out so he'd look like a 'real' hockey player.


I can barely skate, btw.

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Robert Luongo, the goalie for my hometown NHL team earns $7.5 million this year. Some people find him very nice to look at, once he takes the goalie mask off. http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/blackhawks-confidential/roberto-luongo.jpg




Wayne Gretzky's dream as a youngster was to have some teeth knocked out so he'd look like a 'real' hockey player.


I can barely skate, btw.


thank you for those links. But I have one burning question:


Have you ever cooked a fleming giant?

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Ooh! I loved that about Sam's Club when I used to shop there. Bring the whole family...around lunch time...


(really, I know you know I'm kidding, but for some reason I really felt the need to clarify that I will not allow my dc to take more than 1 sample...or so...)


Yes, we like Sam's Club for that. It's usually so busy in there it's easy to indulge in the samples. Just bring a hat, a jacket, and a pair of sunglasses. Presto chango behind the bananas and go back in for another round. Mix and match enough and you're good for a meal or two. :D


(I'm kidding too, though the sample ladies in our store don't seem sober enough to remember how many times people go through!!)

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thank you for those links. But I have one burning question:


Have you ever cooked a fleming giant?




Nor have I cooked a flemish giant. Nor a flamingo (giant or otherwise). Nor have I cooked a flAming giant. Anyway, that would be a flambe giant, no?


Neither have I cooked Roberto Luongo.


I do like flambe though. I make a small christmas pudding which nobody eats just so I can set it on fire at the table. I want to make a baked Alaska and our new pipe welding torch will be just the thing.

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I went to a professional hockey game last night. The players looked like they were trying to squash each other, so I don't think they'd mind the dryer. The ice might melt though.


I was disappointed the suite we were guests in didn't have buffalo wings or rabbit to serve. There was, however, chicken fingers.


I was invited to sit in the chi-chi seats at a major league baseball game once. They served margaritas and crab legs instead of beer and hot dogs.


It was like being in some sort of alternative universe baseball hell thing. Except the crab legs were really tasty and the margaritas were perfect.




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I was invited to sit in the chi-chi seats at a major league baseball game once. They served margaritas and crab legs instead of beer and hot dogs.


It was like being in some sort of alternative universe baseball hell thing. Except the crab legs were really tasty and the margaritas were perfect.





Ok, I just flipped to the final post in this thread.....I don't know HOW you guys got to this topic....but it shore is funny!



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I was invited to sit in the chi-chi seats at a major league baseball game once. They served margaritas and crab legs instead of beer and hot dogs.


It was like being in some sort of alternative universe baseball hell thing. Except the crab legs were really tasty and the margaritas were perfect.





My aunt goes to a nearby casino for the crab legs, which she says are the best around. But she is strongly, morally opposed to gambling. Do you think it's okay to eat there and support the casino's restaurants if you don't approve of the gambling too?




And just as an aside...Can you imagine trying to tag all the topics on this thread? :lol:

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Does anybody remember the all you can eat Crab legs feast that they used to have at Red Lobster? Why don't they do that anymore?


Crab legs remind me of Sig on the Northwestern on The Deadliest Catch. I so want to visit Dutch Harbor, Alaska. But I could not be married to a crab fisherman.

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My aunt goes to a nearby casino for the crab legs, which she says are the best around. But she is strongly, morally opposed to gambling. Do you think it's okay to eat there and support the casino's restaurants if you don't approve of the gambling too?


They really only have food at the casinos as loss leaders to keep the gamblers from having to leave. She actually might be helping to drive the casino into bankruptcy.

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