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Anyone with hives caused by an unknown and...

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they tend to go away when I lie down and get all warm and cozy? Everytime I lie down now to take a nap or go to sleep my severe case of hives (on day 5 now and taking steroids), goes away - no itch. The minute I get up, they start itching again. I do not know where these hives have come from - they just showed up one day with no changes in diet, shampoos/soaps - nothing. Could I have stress hives? I've had A LOT of stress since August. Maybe my body is just now saying no more?


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they tend to go away when I lie down and get all warm and cozy? Everytime I lie down now to take a nap or go to sleep my severe case of hives (on day 5 now and taking steroids), goes away - no itch. The minute I get up, they start itching again. I do not know where these hives have come from - they just showed up one day with no changes in diet, shampoos/soaps - nothing. Could I have stress hives? I've had A LOT of stress since August. Maybe my body is just now saying no more?



I could find NO reason for them, but I wound up in the ER 3 times in one weekend because of them. I took steroids for several (10?) days and they finally went away. I made an appointment with a doctor who specialized in allergy testing, and after doing a battery of tests that revealed nothing, he said I might never know what caused them, and attributed them to stress. I'm sorry you're going through this!

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they tend to go away when I lie down and get all warm and cozy?

Wow! You are the first person I've heard validate my own experience! I keep a particular brand of sweats next to my bed, because sometimes the hives will even wake me up, and I need to go into maximum cozy drive :D. I tell my husband that my skin feels like an emotional wreck sometimes...it's totally responding to my emotional state. I do have Lupus (SLE), and my skin is the organ most affected, so I'm assuming that is the connection, but the doctors have never validated it.

:grouphug: I'm just glad that cozy helps, it's better than nothing.

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I had stress related hives once, over a period of a few months and they cleared up and went away for good by taking a B-complex vitamin, I believe I took them for a while then stopped and my hived returned, so I continued for a few months and never had hives since. This has been at least 5 years ago.

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I get hives when stressed or nervous, as well as when I'm cold! If I hold a cold can of soda, I get hives. It's ridiculous. And, no doctor has figured it out, either.

That is an allergy to the cold. I've got that. It is an actual recognized allergy.


From the sounds of some of these posts quite a few of you may be allergic to the cold.


Getting warm will help me some, but drugs help best. According to an ER doc that treated me a few years ago Zyrtec is the only antihistamine that will work for hives. The same doc said to take a Zantac (yes, the acid reliever) too. He admitted that no one really knows why the Zantac helps, but it does.


I spent Christmas Eve afternoon in the ER getting a shot of epinephrin, a Zantac, Zyrtec and another shot which was Benedryl. For some reason about once a year I'll get too cold for the OTC stuff to work.

Edited by Parrothead
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I have also heard that some people get hives when they are cold (or when they are hot). Have you been sick recently? I had a case of hives that started at the tail end of a cold. They lasted for a couple weeks and then after that they would sometimes come out after a hot shower, or if I scratched my skin (even a little) it would majorly welt up where I scratched. This went on for months. My doctor said the hives were just an immune reaction that my body had to that particular virus and they would probably eventually go away on their own. And they did. Weird stuff, though. :confused:

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My brother regularly gets hives from stress. When he was a child, he also would break out in them if he was chilled. The worst case I remember was the time he got out of a warm pool into a very air conditioned room. He got chilled and, Oh, the hives were horrible! I really feel for you :grouphug:

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My brother regularly gets hives from stress. When he was a child, he also would break out in them if he was chilled. The worst case I remember was the time he got out of a warm pool into a very air conditioned room. He got chilled and, Oh, the hives were horrible! I really feel for you :grouphug:

That is why it doesn't matter that I live in northern Maine with an allergy to the cold.

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Rowan has chronic physical urticaria with demotographism.

This means her body reacts to touch, pressure and scratching with hives, wheals and areas of red, raised, itchy rash.

She also has aquagenic urticaria and she has cholingeric urticaria which means her body reacts to physical exertion, hot baths, emotional stress, water, sweat, heat, cold, stress and strong emotion in the form of hives and rashes.

She also has systemic symptomatology with her dizziness, headaches and brain fog.


If any of that sounds familiar, a dermatologist may be able to help.

She went on heavy duty antihistamines, cyproheptadine I think for 3 months and now we are backing off them slowly.

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Allergy to the cold - it has just gotten to the zero degree as a high range here in Minnesota. Great - if that's an allergy for me, this could get interesting...It also explains a little why when I take a really hot shower, they go away a little even though hive sufferers should stay away from hot showers. AAAACK! These WILL clear up! AAACK!!!


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NOpe - don't think it's allergy to the cold - my hives last all day, but have noticed my face gets worse if I'm out in the cold. HMMMM....


That last attack that sent me to the ER was a three day bout with me trying OTC remedies. For the most part the hives don't end without medication. Every once in a blue moon I can catch it before I require meds.

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That's weird - my dd just got two hives last night for no apparent reason. I don't remember that she's ever had hives or any other allergic reaction to anything before. I don't think it's cold, as she was inside. One above her knee, and one right below her other knee. She says they sting and itch.


I gave her Benadryl and it helped, once before bed and once during the night. This morning she said one pill didn't help and wanted a second (the dose for her age is 1-2 pills).


Should I bring her in to the doc or just keep dosing her with the Benadryl?

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That's weird - my dd just got two hives last night for no apparent reason. I don't remember that she's ever had hives or any other allergic reaction to anything before. I don't think it's cold, as she was inside. One above her knee, and one right below her other knee. She says they sting and itch.


I gave her Benadryl and it helped, once before bed and once during the night. This morning she said one pill didn't help and wanted a second (the dose for her age is 1-2 pills).


Should I bring her in to the doc or just keep dosing her with the Benadryl?

For me Benadryl doesn't work by itself. I would try a different OTC antihistamine - Zyrtec.


I'd also try to find out what caused the hives.

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