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I just love R&S Math!


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I have finally found the right math program for us. We have tried many - Saxon, MUS, Singapore, Developmental, Right Start. They were all good (except Calvert which was awful) but not the right fit.


R&S has nice clean pages, clear instructions and examples, plenty of review without becoming monotonous. It builds nicely. My dds are really "getting it" and I am enjoying teaching it.


Thank you boards for bringing it to my attention!:hurray:

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I'm not familiar with MUS, but from the scope & sequence here is what's covered in R&S Math 4 Processes:


Multiplication facts: 1's-12's

Division facts: 1's-12's



4-digit mutliplicands and dividends

2-digit multipliers

Long Division


These are not the only skills covered for R&S Math 4; other main topics include: Counting, Numbers, Algebra; Fractions, Percents, Decimals; Reading Problems; Money, Banking; Measure; Geometry; Graphs, Tables.


My oldest son does well in math and works a year ahead in R&S Math. If your daughter has already covered the items listed above, then you may want to move to 5th grade.


You may want call R&S for a scope & sequence booklet before you make your final decision at 606-522-4348.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wish, wish, wish, I would have started all of my dc on Rod & Staff Math. It is the perfect math program for us and my dds are totally getting it. I love the way that the math facts are taught. I love the clean pages and sweet illustrations. My only regret is not having started my older dd sooner.


Just letting 'ya know.

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I have found this to be true in our homeschool as well. I just wish the R&S math program included the higher math levels for the high school years.


Sometimes trial and error is the best way to find out if a program will work or not. I wish I had started CW earlier because after 2 years, I now feel confident enough to teach it. It would have been better if my boys had been younger during my "practice" years.

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because we got to a point where we could technically be "finished" with BJU-4 this year....


(and I hated the way BJU-4 taught long division!!!!)


So, we've used R&S for two weeks now, and I *really* *really* do like the review in R&S so much better than in BJU. It is very, very similar to Abeka (which we left after 2nd grade because it seemed too fast) - both in the Oral Drills in the TM and in the Review Exercises. So, now my only problem is not over-doing the reviews!


Also, I think for my "just the facts" younger ds, R&S would have been a better choice this year. It seems to stick more to the "grammar" of math. And, he much prefers the "plain-ness" of the presentation over BJU's worksheets. (For my more conceptual thinker, BJU was a really good fit.)


So, I have both R&S and BJU 5 here for next year. I'll probably do R&S, and then, at the end of the year, pull out the stuff in BJU that isn't included in the R&S. I'd still like to do BJU Pre-Alegebra in 7th - it has been just excellent (w/my older ds this year).

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R&S keeps amazing me. Ds actually managed to do 2 digit addition without melting down. We just talked about the pig letting the lamb go first and he got it! Since the lamb and pig are engrained on his brain as 1s and 10s, I think we'll get over the addition with carrying hurdle without too much stress next year. There's a lot more depth to what they do than is immediately apparent from the simplicity of the exercises.

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We have loved R&S here as well! DS is not math-oriented at all but he claims he's "smart at math" because of this program. It's easy to teach and there's nothing distracting on the page for him. I hope we'll have just as much luck with their English program.

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Now you're making me waffle in my decision ;-)

I am using R&S 2 with my son this year. I have really liked it. I wouldn't say that he is breezing through math...he still struggles with the facts despite all the practice. I've been seriously contemplating using BJU Math Homesat for him next year (as in I'm within a few weeks away from purchasing it). He doesn't like me to 'explain' math, so I figure with Homesat the teacher can actually teach him what he is supposed to know, vs me just showing him how to do the workpage. I thought I could get the review book for him to give him extra practice. I just really hate to leave R&S, but I think the BJU teacher could give him more than I can......sigh

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We used MUS for Alpha, and halfway through Beta I ditched it and switched to R&S 2 and just started over. She is learning and retaining so much more, I'm so glad I switched her, we've been very happy. But, my DD needs lots of drill to get the concepts down, math does not come naturally to her. If it did, it might be overkill, but for us it's just right!

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We used MUS for Alpha, and halfway through Beta I ditched it and switched to R&S 2 and just started over. She is learning and retaining so much more, I'm so glad I switched her, we've been very happy. But, my DD needs lots of drill to get the concepts down, math does not come naturally to her. If it did, it might be overkill, but for us it's just right!


Isn't it funny how kids are so different? We couldn't get through R&S without a melt down; but since switching to MUS, she ASKS to do math! :lol:


(anyone need 5th grade? I have a set for sale)


OH, and you can find R&S's Scope and Sequence online. I can't remember the site, but google it and it'll show up.

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R&S keeps amazing me. Ds actually managed to do 2 digit addition without melting down. We just talked about the pig letting the lamb go first and he got it! Since the lamb and pig are engrained on his brain as 1s and 10s, I think we'll get over the addition with carrying hurdle without too much stress next year. There's a lot more depth to what they do than is immediately apparent from the simplicity of the exercises.


The pig and the lamb? That is so up my 9yo dd alley. How far up do the imagination illustrations go? She made it through Saxon 2, but since my other dd is on MUS Beta, I stuck her in that and she is getting it, albiet working slowly. Actually, she always got it, but can't stand the work. But if piggys and lamees (sp?) are in the mix, that could bring results. She is not a reality chick.

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She likes taking the book and figuring it out on her own. This is a big plus when they are actually old enough to do it! She is currently in algebra and won't watch the dvd's at all. (Disclaimer: I have never used BJU. Maybe their dvd's are better.)

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The pig and the lamb? That is so up my 9yo dd alley. How far up do the imagination illustrations go? She made it through Saxon 2, but since my other dd is on MUS Beta, I stuck her in that and she is getting it, albiet working slowly. Actually, she always got it, but can't stand the work. But if piggys and lamees (sp?) are in the mix, that could bring results. She is not a reality chick.


The animal pictures disappear in 3rd grade.

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