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The girls are watching a program that should amuse me but doesn't. Their dad is watching too. My boys are at a night class. So........


How fattening exactly is mayonnaise?


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music?


Have you turned into your mother?


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark?


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window?


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking?


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper?


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie?

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since i'm bored too (and tired :lol:)


How fattening exactly is mayonnaise? no clue


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music? maybe sometimes. . .


Have you turned into your mother? i hope not


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark? not yet


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window? haha. . no


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking? no, i'm not that exciting


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper? try to find a random unused piece somewhere. . then i go for a paper towel (which may or may not clog the toilet)


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie? Nope! :)

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The girls are watching a program that should amuse me but doesn't. Their dad is watching too. My boys are at a night class. So........


How fattening exactly is mayonnaise? it isn't fat that is fattening, it is refined carbs :lol:


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music? Yes, totally think I am cool, which if you knew me would be hysterical


Have you turned into your mother? I have done everything I possibly can to avoid being like my mother in any possible way (any yet I find myself with some her mannerisms and tone of voice :glare:)


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark? No, but I tripped over a folded metal table in a dark gymansium once and bruised the heck out of my shins


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window? Sadly, I have never driven a golf cart - put it on the bucket list?


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking? I once had someone tell my husband and I that we look like Ewoks when we dance, so, um, no dancing for anything at anytime, sadly


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper? Yell like crazy if someone is home, or hobble to the closet if no one is here - tmi, definately, tmi :001_huh:


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie? Don't drink but does eating ice cream out of the carton count for anything?


looking forward to the answers...

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How fattening exactly is mayonnaise? I don't know the calorie count but I can feel my blood flow slowing down as the arteries clog with every bite. Naw, I really do just eat it without worrying, I just don't eat much.


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music? Now that you mention it, I probably do, if traffic permits.


Have you turned into your mother? Perish the thought. The thought I haven't been able to get out of my head since she got on the plane and went home day before yesterday. I have been really, really nice to my kids the past 48 hours...


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark? It wasn't dark, but I was trying to leap over a leather ottoman onto a cushy chair. My little toe got caught in the cording around the top of it and bent all the way back... owie deluxe.


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window? How the heck did you do that? I haven't crashed but one day at work I put one up on two wheels long enough for a coworker to see it and leave a heckling message on the steering wheel clip board next day.


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking? I did that 30 pounds ago. Maybe I will lose the 30 pounds if I start doing that again, thanks for the reminder.


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper? If no one is within shouting range to call for a fresh roll, I peel the cardboard tube into thin layers. It's got to beat a corn cob anyday. Now I think y'all know way too much about me, but since you asked.... and you should know I have developed a habit of checking the roll before I commit to business.


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie? Not if they give you those sad eyes that beg to share.


Thanks for helping me pass the time, I have been proctoring the longest physics test in the history of science studies. DS finally finished!

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since i'm bored too (and tired :lol:)


How fattening exactly is mayonnaise? no clue


**doesn't matter - especially this time of year.


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music? maybe sometimes. . .




Have you turned into your mother? i hope not


**in too many ways, yes. :glare:


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark? not yet


**No, but my daughter has a black eye from neglecting to turn on the lights, holding her hands/arms out to feel for the door - not realizing it was open, then crashing her face into it.... :lol:


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window? haha. . no


**no.... but I have to confess...... I've wanted to crash something into a tree for FUN for awhile now....... (and did donuts in our field with a U-Haul when we bought our house!)


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking? no, i'm not that exciting


**absolutely - then I'm embarrassed when I laugh at myself....


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper? try to find a random unused piece somewhere. . then i go for a paper towel (which may or may not clog the toilet)


OMG, this happened to us for the FIRST TIME yesterday!!! I had Target bags by the side of the toilet and a stack of napkins. If it was #2, the bag was thrown out. :lol:


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie? Nope! :)


**Can I just say I'm enjoying some wine with 3 dogs, 3 mice and a dove? Is it wrong of me not to share?

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Oh, I just *have* to share this. About that donut in the field U-Haul thingie....



I once went back into that field and did donuts on our 4-Wheeler. I was *SO* done with winter (honestly, I think it was April!) and I wanted the snow to disappear in that shady patch. So I took the 4-wheeler up there and just spun out for awhile. It was a BLAST, even without rock music!


I came inside and sat on the couch (leather, thankfully) for awhile. I got up for What Ever (it was years ago) and came back later to see the couch FULL of mud. So I proceeded to yell at the kids, didn't understand why they couldn't leave their muddy clothes at the door and all (no neighbors) and later when I went to change into my pj's....... I left quite the mess on the bathroom floor.



Yup, it's all about them donuts. :tongue_smilie:

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How fattening exactly is mayonnaise? i don't care. love it.


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music? possibly


Have you turned into your mother? yes. unfortunately.


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark? nope. too many night lights. scared of the dark.


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window? no, but my husband feels that way when we play golf and i drive.


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking? definitely...for the simple fact that NO ONE IS LOOKING.


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper? sit there and feel sorry for myself...then yell for someone to get me a new roll.


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie?

NO. you're never really alone are you? those voices assure me that really--i'm not alone. :lol:
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The girls are watching a program that should amuse me but doesn't. Their dad is watching too. My boys are at a night class. So........


How fattening exactly is mayonnaise? very


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music? no


Have you turned into your mother? Worse, my father


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark? Just walking will do it, and it doesn't have to be dark


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window? not yet


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking? I don't dance, but I do jump


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper? I sit there and scream until someone brings me some


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie?

Cat, no. Border collie, yes

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About doors and the dark... once I got up in the middle of the night and wanted to go down the hall to the kitchen. I did not turn on a light. I thought the door was open. The door was painted dark brown. I did NOT have my hands out in front to guide myself. SMACK!


And, yes, I have broke my toe running around my house and smacking it into furniture.

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The girls are watching a program that should amuse me but doesn't. Their dad is watching too. My boys are at a night class. So........


How fattening exactly is mayonnaise? Not fattening at all. If you truly believe it is fat free, then it is.


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music? Yes, but it's better than falling asleep while driving to country music.


Have you turned into your mother? Thankfully, yes.


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark? Thankfully, no.


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window? I don't do golf carts.


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking? Yes, and often... even if someone is looking.


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper? I hoard toilet paper. I cannot run out of toilet paper. That would be the true sign of the apocalypse. Audrey runs out of toilet paper, signaling the 4 horsemen to ride and sweep the land. I think some raining fire or frogs or maybe raining fiery frogs comes after that part.


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie? A really cool cat would drink with you, but not if you're a jerk. Cats are too cool to drink with jerks.


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How fattening exactly is mayonnaise? EEEEWWwwwwwww... mayonnaise.....


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music? No, but I sing louder!


Have you turned into your mother? I try not to be, and my husband and friends (this is why they're my friends) say I'm not, but there are times I still channel her.


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark? Never broken a toe, actually... fingers, yes... toes, no... I'm not sure HOW I haven't, though, because I bang them up really good all the time, and in daylight, too!


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window? No, but I once broke a pan lid the very first time I was visiting a woman who is now one of my best friends... and I wasn't even cooking, I just knocked it clean off the counter into the middle of the kitchen where she and I and our four children (combined) were all standing.


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking? I do it even when they are!


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper? Shake it off... oh, wait... that's my husband... Penney's, anyone? ;)


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie? Cat, no, because they WILL drink after you if given half a chance... border collie, yes, because if they're sleeping... you don't exist.



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How fattening exactly is mayonnaise? Not important


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music? Wouldn't know, I am obliged to listen to "Tigger is too bouncy" or some such thing while I'm driving.


Have you turned into your mother? My siblings would not allow that.


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark? No, but I've broken my toenail off by accidentally kicking the coffee table too many days in a row.


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window? Golf? We play real sports over here.


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking? I've been known to do it when people are looking.


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper? Capricorns do not have these problems


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie? Not if they are watching.




Edited by Rosie_0801
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The girls are watching a program that should amuse me but doesn't. Their dad is watching too. My boys are at a night class. So........


How fattening exactly is mayonnaise?

Don't eat it, don't know.


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music?



Have you turned into your mother?

Nope! Very, very different!


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark?

No, I've stumped it running in my house.


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window?

LOL....umm... no!


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking?

All the time!!!!! Even if people are looking. I love to dance and pretend I am a Ballerina!


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper?

Paper towels, tissue paper, or try to peel the layers off the toilet paper tube!


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie?




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How fattening exactly is mayonnaise?It depends. If you eat it with something more fattening, like say bacon on a blt, then it's not as fattening and doesn't count.


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music?Yes. You can't drive slow when listening to Bon Jovi!


Have you turned into your mother?In certain things. Mostly I'm completely opposite my mother, but, in other things I find myself channeling her.


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark?No. But I dropped one of those big old vaccuums on it while trying to walk it down the stairs.


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window?Nope. Never driven a golf cart.


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking?Girl, I dance for joy whenever I feel like it whether someone is looking or not!


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper?Use a washcloth. It hardly ever happens, it's one of my biggest pet peeves to run out of tp.


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room?Nope. I can't drink anything with alcohol in it--so I do drink other things alone iwth a cat in the room!


What about a border collie?Same. Only we have a black lab and a mini schnauzer.



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How fattening exactly is mayonnaise? I get the one made with olive oil. So it's good for me right?


Do you drive faster when listening to rock music? Yippee!


Have you turned into your mother? In somethings


Ever broken your toe whilst running through your house in the dark? No, just my tail bone after falling from the monkey bars


How about driving a golf cart through a plate glass window? hehe

I wish I could have seen that!


Do you dance for joy when no one is looking? I'm a dancing machine. You can ask my kids, just about any music will get me moving (anywhere).


What do you really do when you run out of toilet paper? grab some klenex


Are you really drinking alone if there is a cat in the room? What about a border collie? don't drink, but I'de say no if it's your best friend.

Edited by coralloyd
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