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Well, I knew we had them here,

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I'd get a gun. Actually, I saw a pink .22 the other day while shopping for weapons (I have three boys! But, it was the 3 yo who is STILL asking for the pink gun!!).



I have a darling pair of ivory handled 22s. They're about three inches long. Only shoot shorts, but maybe they would scare off a cat.


I wonder if I could get Cinta used to that?

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Is a mountain lion likely to go after a large horse and rider? I mean, my brother was running in the S. California mts near our house and came around a corner face-to-face with a m. lion - they each took one look and headed in opposite directions. Wouldn't the cat be more likely to hunt for smaller prey???

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Is a mountain lion likely to go after a large horse and rider? I mean, my brother was running in the S. California mts near our house and came around a corner face-to-face with a m. lion - they each took one look and headed in opposite directions. Wouldn't the cat be more likely to hunt for smaller prey???


I've heard that humans are easier prey?? But maybe that's only if the cat is older?


Animals do weird things. My fil was attacked by a deer in the rut season, it jumped up on the rear of his horse. Scared them to death.

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I have a darling pair of ivory handled 22s. They're about three inches long. Only shoot shorts, but maybe they would scare off a cat.


I wonder if I could get Cinta used to that?


Remuda, I have to wonder if there might be other times when you'd want to be able to shoot while riding (I'm sure you will use your vivid imagination;)). Anyway, I am not a horse person, but if it seems try-able without causing permanent trauma to your horse, why not give it a go? If she gets used to it, at the very least you can know she won't then dump you off if she hears a shot fired by someone else.


Just my pair o' pennies. If it were me, I might stay out of the thick (lots of overhanging branches) woods.

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Seems like they only attack humans when they are panicked about something and when the humans look like prey--either really small, or running away from them.


So, for instance, after the big fires in Southern CA there was a mountain lion that killed a guy who was squatted down changing his bike tire. Then a day or two later the same one attacked a jogger.


Looking big is helpful--wave your arms, be ON the horse.


Not running is helpful--face that cat and fight.


Which brings up my next, albeit gruesome, point. ML's like to attack from behind, biting the back of the neck and swinging their body weight around to the front while flailing their claws at the front abdominal area. That way if your neck's not broken you will still bleed to death quickly. So it is really, really important to face them. There is a school of thought, untested AKAIK, that wearing a halloween mask on the back of your head would confuse them enough about which is front and which is back to make them choose another target.


I do hike in mountain lion country. I have never seen one myself, but I have seen fresh kill. I am sure that mountain lions have watched me from afar, and maybe even from above.

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"That's what Jagulars always do," said Pooh, much interested. "They call 'Help! Help! Help! and then when you look up, they drop on you."

"I'm looking down," cried Piglet loudly, so as the Jagular shouldn't do the wrong thing by accident."


The House at Pooh Corner

-A. A. Milne


Your horse will let you know if there if something scary around. Mountain lions can run fast, but not far, so you're best bet would be to stay aware of your surroundings, stay in the saddle, and let your horse be your guide. Sounds exciting!

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If you keep dogs around you there is a better chance that they will keep the lions away. Have horses been attacked? I would think the lions would be afraid of horses.


Aside from that I'd carry *something* -- bear mace or gun. LOL about the shedding clothes tip, I don't know about that. I'd maybe try to make myself look bigger by fanning out my coat.


Is there any way you can condition your horse to the sound of a gunshot?


I would not hesitate to shoot a mountain lion if it came near my house. It's a problem in Oregon. They have been bold - even to the point of getting up on back porches, etc.

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Well, you could ship some over my way. :) I'd love to see them around here. But, then, I've never actually lived where mountain lions lived. (lived in town in ID) I guess I'd carry that gun and hope my reflexes were faster than the cat's. :blink:

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Lots of cougars where we are. They certainly *will* attack a horse and rider, though extremely rarely. I could probably dig up a news link to the story of a mom who while out riding with her kids was killed, if need be. We don't have the option of hand guns in Canada, so if you can acclimate your horse to the noise, I would. Bring a dog on your rides. You already got good advice here: don't run, face them head on, make yourself big.

Edited by KathyBC
making it somewhat more grammatically sound
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There is a school of thought, untested AKAIK, that wearing a halloween mask on the back of your head would confuse them enough about which is front and which is back to make them choose another target.


This is what they do in Asia to keep tigers from attacking humans.


Where is Edward when you need him? ;)

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