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Sudden Asthma?

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So, I've had a cold recently with lots of chest congestion. I was getting over it when dd and I went shopping for some school supplies. It was at the point where I was pretty much just coughing in the morning, with lots of morning congestion.

We went in a close-out store to see if they had a certain item, I had never been in this store before and wanted to check it out really quickly. When we walked in I was overcome by the odor- it smelled old and musty, NOT clean. We kept looking for a couple of minutes, didn't see what I was looking for. At that point I had decided I wouldn't buy it anyway because it would smell like the store.

I was walking slowly because my back was hurting, so I was taking my time.

Then I started having tightness in my chest, felt like I couldn't catch my breath, and had a coughing fit. DD drug me out of the store immediately, and I started feeling better when we got in the truck.

This was startling. I've only ever felt that way (not getting my breath, tightness in chest) when I had pneumonia.


I've noticed that I start coughing when I go in certain rooms in our home, so I'm avoiding them for now (until I see my Dr.- appt is for Monday but I'm calling each day to try to get an earlier one).


I had to go to the grocery store yesterday, I was looking for the bar type soaps on the laundry aisle, when I was suddenly overcome by scents and had another coughing fit. I was standing next to air fresheners and candles. ugh.


My husband smokes at work, and occasionally outside when he's at home.

I stepped into the garage to do a load of laundry last night and had the worst coughing/tight chest/breathless fit I've had.


I had noticed the smell of smoke when I stepped out there. I'm guessing that triggered this 'attack'.


SO, I've asked him to PLEASE not smoke at home any more, I clearly can't take it.


I have an inhaler left from last year's pneumonia, it expired in July but I figure it's better than nothing for now.


I know our carpets need cleaning, and I need to do some deep cleaning in the rooms that give me the coughs, but I'm afraid to clean them and stir up whatever allergens there are in there and having a horrible 'attack'.

Would it be safe to wear a mask while cleaning? I have a piece of furniture in my bedroom that we are selling, it's dusty behind it and I'm supposed to be clearing it out but I'm avoiding it right now.


Anyway, any input? The inhaler has helped me when I have used it. I keep wondering if I should just go to the ER instead of waiting for my appointment though. I get breathless just walking from one end of the house to the other, but not after I've used the inhaler.


No one in our family has asthma, so this is new. I'm also wondering if this could be something else entirely (will definitely ask Dr about possibilities).

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Guest Cindie2dds

Wow, I would love to know what the doctor says. My husband had to go to CVS at 4 am this morning to get an inhaler. Something triggered it. I think it was the burnt stuff on my oven when I baked bread last night. Anyway, I was wondering about getting an allergy air purifier for our bedroom/his office. Of course dh doesn't want to go to the doctor.


Hope you feel better soon!

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I would see the dr but it may not be asthma at all. I have been prescribed an inhaler after a serious, long and drawn out "cold" in the past. It lasted from November til spring, then finally went away.


Tell the doctor's office that you're having trouble breathing. That should get their attention enough to get you an appointment sooner.



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My dd has something very similar. She had a bad respiratory illness while on a ski trip and couldn't walk more than 25 yds in the cold air without the same symptoms. After she got over the illness, 6 months later, exercise induced the same symptoms.


I would definitely try to see a doctor before Monday since your symptoms are active and do sound like asthma. Asthma can be dangerous if left untreated.

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That, to me, sounds like a pretty normal response. Your respiratory organs are already irritated by the cold you have, then you're exposed to airborne irritants.


There have been many times in my life, before I got rid of my allergies, when I've had a similar response at the height of allergy season and then was exposed to additional stuff. Without the initial stressor (allergies), the musty store or whatever would have made my nose itch and I might have hacked a bit, but the double whammy definitely made me wheeze (clinically speaking - I used to keep a stethoscope in my car). I don't have asthma, though.

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I have been having similar trouble. I had asthma as a kid, then is sort of subsided. I would only feel tight when I had a bad cold. Just got over a cold and still have the cough, so I've been having to use my inhaler every day, when I normally use it never. So I can relate to the sudden onset of symptoms.


FWIW, certain coughing IS one symptom of asthma. For some people, that's the only way it will present. They will likely do a breathing test at your dr.'s appt to see what your lung output is. One thing I was told once was that if you are having trouble, and you use the inhaler, and it WORKS (helps), then it was asthma that was causing the problem. And conversely, if it's not asthma, but some other lung issue, an inhaler won't resolve anything, and you'll still be having trouble even after you use it.


Did you just get over a cold?

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No one in our family has asthma, so this is new. I'm also wondering if this could be something else entirely (will definitely ask Dr about possibilities).


Your scenario is not that unusual, and after a bout of reactive airway disease from a cold/cough, about 1/3 of people go on to have it permanently (this is the stat from a lung doc I know). I get it, after a similar story to yours, if I get bronchitis, or if I'm in a place with a very high dust mite load.


I have learned to start inhaled steroids at the first sign, to nip the "post-viral tussive syndrome" that, untreated, lasts 6 weeks, but luckily this only happens every few years.


A beloved asthma professor of mine did a long study on how smells can trigger asthma. Not that uncommon either.

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I have adult onset asthma. I did not get asthma until I was 30. I did have pneumonia as a teenager and then another bout when I was about 28. My dh also something like asthma that is adult onset. He has what is labeled as exercise and cold induced reactive airway. His is different from mine because he isn't as sensitive to pollutants as I am and his doesn't get worse from infections.


If you are out of breath walking around, you need to see a doctor quickly. It could be asthma, it could be pneumonia (from the cold you said you had), it could be other things. Being out of breath without a diagnosis is a danger sign. Once you have a diagnosis, it depends on your diagnosis whether it is dangerous. With asthma, you would get a breath monitor thing where you breathe in and the mechanical or electronic scale tells you whether you are in green (ok), yellow (use rescue inhaler) or red (emergency room). IF what you have is asthma, the way you describe would be labeled uncontrolled and that isn't a good thing. You are having way too many problems. Call the doctor back and tell the staff about the breathing problems. They will either get you in sooner or tell you to go to the ER. None of us here can diagnose you and without listening to your breathing and your heart, no one else can do it either. Being out of breath is an emergency. Please get help.

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My son developed asthma after a bout with pneumonia a few years ago. He is getting better (no nebulizer treatments in a year yay), but the first year after the pneumonia was full of inhalers and nebs. We were told that pneumonia scars the lungs, and it takes a long time for them to heal. Unfortunately now that he has had pneumonia once he is more likely to get it again. If you have an urgent care I would go there or the ER before it gets worse. They can at least get you an inhaler until you can get into your doc.

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