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If your child had H1N1 what came first?

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DS has fever/chills and headache. His fever was 102+ on and off for two days, then went as high as 104 (on and off) for a couple of days.


DD had sniffles and cough with a low-grade fever (99-100).


If you think your child has the flu, consider giving him oscillococcinum (a homeopathic flu remedy that can short its duration) and some vitamin D3. Google "flu and vitamin D" for information.


Hope it helps,



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Awful headache and fatigue, followed pretty quickly by fever. The kids' respiratory symptoms came a couple of days after the headache/fatigue/fever. I should add that the doctor suspected it to be H1N1 but did not do the test to confirm. I watched my son (15) like a hawk since he has asthma, and I increased his meds per doctor's orders, but he did okay.

Edited by pianoplayer
clarity :)
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Sudden onset fever with headache and exhaustion, followed by chest congestion, then sniffles within 24 hours. She had alternating fevers and chills for 4 days. She slept a lot.


Right now (day 6) she is finally up playing and acting normal, and her only symptom is the lingering sniffles and a mild, productive cough. No chronic health issues for her, so we just pumped her full of clear liquids, chicken soup, and Tylenol.

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Us too. Isaac came into our room with a high fever in the middle of the night. I don't think he had symptoms before that, but he's not really able to talk much about things like that just yet.


Abbie was REALLY cranky. We thought she was just overly tired, so we went her to gymnastics, and she came home that night with a fever.

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All four of my kids had it last week.


The first thing that came was all over body aches and general blah feeling. They just wanted to lie down and rest.


Then they all ran high fevers (102-103 was average).


Other than that, the symptoms varied. My 7yo and 18yo had diarrhea; my 15yo and 10yo were throwing up. They all had dry coughs. It really affected my 10yo who has asthma and he needed to use a nebulizer, which he's rarely had to do.


My 7yo and 15yo also came down with unexplained hives after the fever broke and they were on the mend. These lasted for a few days and subsided with Benadryl.


It's a nasty bug, but, for us, the worst of it only lasted for around 3 days. But the cough and general tired feeling lasted for about a week.

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Cough, followed by chills and fever within hours up to 102, maybe higher at night. She was really exhaused and would go to her bed on her own which she never did in her life.


She hit her chest and it hurt. That was scary in a little one.


Fever went down after two days, then went up again a day later. Then the cough got REALLY bad and diarreah started. We are on day 7 and she has a lot of nose congestion. It seems to be winding down.


She was not confirmed but we saw two doctors and a nurse that were sure it was h1n1.

Edited by NJKelli
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My Pediatrician's office never called back. :confused: Meaning my peds never got the message because there is no way knowing my DD he wouldn't have called. Luckily her oxygen levels are still above 90%, at least I have O2Sat at home so I can rest a little easier there. I've been spot checking her all day. Her fever seems to be under control so we shall see. Otherwise her headache is better she's just achy. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks to all, now I'll have a better idea what we might expect.

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