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Any tricks for getting a baby's head to engage?

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Sunday, I'll be full term and 37 weeks. The baby has been consistently measuring a week or more ahead. Every thing was fine at my appointment this morning. The midwife mentioned that the baby's head was still floating, and not engaged.


She said if it isn't engaged by next week, I might need a chiropractic adjustment. If I'm not aligned correctly, it could delay labor, and make it more painful when it does occur.


Are there any exercises I can try, this week, to bring the baby's head down?

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My last few babies were all high till late pregnancy, which I think is common once you have had a few babies. One thing I did differently with my last was bind my belly. I started @ 34-35 weeks and wore the binding during the day. I would do my excersizes to make sure the baby was in a good position and after I was done, I'd bind my belly. He was in a fantastic position for birth and I had a very easy labor.




"The rebozo is also used in the midwife's bag. It is a piece of cloth that can be used to wrap around a woman's belly. The woman who's had many babies and has a big belly that falls out onto her lap, well, usually the baby is not well aligned in her body. Actually, she may have contractions and have labor for a long time. Even though she's had babies, baby can't come out because baby's resting outside. It's just out there on the bed or out there in the air, and you need to bring that baby back into her body. The rebozo is a very convenient way of doing it. What I've done is lay the woman down and have gravity pull the baby back inside her, and then I tighten the rebozo around, with the knot on the side, so that she cannot feel the knot if she's leaning. And I just make it nice and tight, usually as tight as I can, because the belly is a huge weight. Then she can get up and have the baby once the baby has fallen back into place. [it positions the baby back over the cervix to help it dilate in labor."

Edited by Quiver0f10
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All my later babies were floating until labor started. You can certainly start the exercises on spinningbabies.com to help the process along. Sitting on an exercise ball was great for me. Squatting helps as well. I would NOT worry at this point. It is said that most subsequent babies (after #1) do not engage until labor starts.

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Mine both dropped after I took a trip to the chiropractor. He told me my uterus was twisted! I've no idea how that happens, especially while it is occupied, but the adjustment worked in a matter of hours.


I don't have any other suggestions, so I don't even know why I'm posting this little anecdote. Because I'm hot, tired and waffling, I guess.


Anyway, good luck!



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Thanks, everyone.


My doula said that she would bring me a ball to sit on when I have Braxton Hicks. She said that the baby is naturally moving during contractions, and sitting on the ball will open the pelvis a little, so she is more likely to move right into place.


If I don't see improvement by next week, I'll look into seeing a chiropractor.


I'm sure it is nothing to stress about, but I probably will anyway.

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Thanks, everyone.


My doula said that she would bring me a ball to sit on when I have Braxton Hicks. She said that the baby is naturally moving during contractions, and sitting on the ball will open the pelvis a little, so she is more likely to move right into place.


If I don't see improvement by next week, I'll look into seeing a chiropractor.


I'm sure it is nothing to stress about, but I probably will anyway.


I wouldn't *want* the baby to engage before late labor. For me, contractions hurt much less when the baby's head is not pushing on my cervix. The baby doesn't usually engage until my water is broken, which I put off until the very last minute (mine has never broken on its own.)

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All 4 of my kids did not engage until labor started!


:iagree:. all 4 were natural child birth, all but the first one was pretty fast.... the first one was sunnyside up and it took a whole lot of work but was only 3 hours of transition+pushing.... it just felt like forever ;).




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