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A Little Bragging . . .

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Can I brag on ds here for a moment? He has had a really rough time these past several weeks on the chemo - nonetheless - this weekend he re-varnished ALL my kitchen cabinets - Looks like I have a brand new kitchen! And today when I got back from running errands, he had not only sumped out the basement from all the rain, but was in-process of folding the towels for me! What a blessing!:)

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Can I brag on ds here for a moment? He has had a really rough time these past several weeks on the chemo - nonetheless - this weekend he re-varnished ALL my kitchen cabinets - Looks like I have a brand new kitchen! And today when I got back from running errands, he had not only sumped out the basement from all the rain, but was in-process of folding the towels for me! What a blessing!:)


Oh dear, what a trial you must be going through. How old is ds, and what kind of cancer does he have?




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Oh dear, what a trial you must be going through. How old is ds, and what kind of cancer does he have?





Yes, it is a trial, but I can honestly say that, through it all - and some of it has been VERY hard, including almost losing him a few times - God has been faithful and carried us through. We are so thankful for all the people who have, and continue to, pray for us!


Ds was 12 when he was first diagnosed with leukemia, went into remission quickly, *breezed* (for lack of a better word) through 2.5 years of chemo, stayed in remission for 4.25 years, relapsed at 16, went into remission a week earlier than looked for but not expected (doctors *expect* remission at 28 weeks after chemo starts but for relapse patients they do not *really* expect it), embarked on a horrifically horrid time that included four very intense months where we almost lost him several times, plus everything that could go wrong did, including kidney failure that put him on dialysis for a dozen times, also plasmapheresis concurrently with dialysis and chemo because cause of kidney failure was misdiagnosed due to blood chemistries being all over the place (turned out he had NOT needed the plasmapheresis because he did NOT have the second deadly blood disease that the chemistries *proved*), and a whole lot of other things that I won't take your time up with writing here - but suffice it to say that he's been through a lot - and except for those four months when things were so horribly awful - his attitude has been great! He's a two-time SURVIVOR!


He has twenty-one weeks of chemo remaining. Thankfully, the ten radiation treatments are over - had those this past spring. Needless to say, we are counting the weeks! The end of chemo is in sight! PRAISE GOD!


Thank you for asking about my son . . . It means a lot.:001_smile:

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Guest janainaz

What an amazing son you have, I would surely be bragging too. I am wordless as what to say for going through all of that - for him and for you. I imagine being faced with literally losing your life, or that of your child, you truly see the preciousness of life that many never find (or find much too late).


Hugs and prayers to you and your son.

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What a sweetheart your son is. I am so impressed that he did all those chores. He obviously loves his mama! Then, to think of all he -- and you and the rest of your family -- have been through, is truly inspirational and touching. I'm going to keep all of you in my prayers.

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