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Lists: Cross off, check off, scribble out, or ___

How do you eliminate the items on a list?  

  1. 1. How do you eliminate the items on a list?

    • Cross off
    • Check off
    • Scribble out
    • Tear off (or eat)
    • I don't do lists - they make my skin crawl!
    • Other - of course!

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There is something liberating about crossing off; you can still see what you've done, but know that its all over now. Checks are too wimpy; it kind of looks like there might be a little left. Not so when its crossed out. Can't scribble, either, because then I can't see what I've done.

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Well, if it's on paper, I'm a scribbler. If I can still read it, it'll drive me crazy. If I could have chosen two options, though, I'd have also picked 'other' because half of my lists are on a whiteboard and get erased as I complete them! Erasure... ahhh... the OCD side of me is happy.

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Of course I put other. This all depends upon what type of list it is.


Is it a list where I'm going to need to know later what was on it such as a library list? I'd check it off so I could have a record later of the books I had returned.


Is it a chore list? Most likely it was written on the big white board and divided among family members so it was just erased.


Grocery List? Crossed-out and thrown in the trash.


List of people to call on the phone? Scribbled out, doodled all over, etc.

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There is something liberating about crossing off; you can still see what you've done, but know that its all over now. Checks are too wimpy; it kind of looks like there might be a little left. Not so when its crossed out. Can't scribble, either, because then I can't see what I've done.



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There is something liberating about crossing off; you can still see what you've done, but know that its all over now. Checks are too wimpy; it kind of looks like there might be a little left. Not so when its crossed out. Can't scribble, either, because then I can't see what I've done.



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I am a list-aholic. I make them too long every.single.time. I put more on my list than any one person could hope to accomplish, and then get mad at myself for not finishing...especially now that I have to type them up, print them out, and try to get them done one armed.


I now refuse to make them...and then feel like nothing gets done! :lol:


Grocery lists are frustrating too...since a) I have to either type them or dictate them, and b) hand them over to Wolf, who somehow manages to skip one essential item from every recipe I have planned! :lol:

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Ah, a nice check mark next to the chore looks so neat and final. If I cross it out, I can't read what it is that I accomplished :D (my handwriting stinks and a line through it makes it worse)


Thank You!! I gasped when a pp said that check marks are wimpy!!:lol::lol:

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I *have* to scribble my lists, because I've been known to 'overlook' the single line or check mark and go looking for something/plan to do something, only to find I had purchased it/completed it!!


Plus, the OCD part of me is incompatible with a check mark/single line.... if I can see it, it draws my eye so I keep double-checking to see if I did/bought the item, which often makes me 'miss' the next item(s) on the list because I.can't.stop.double-checking!!!!! :lol:

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I am personally a check off person, perferably in the order in which the list was written. It just looks so much neater that way. If I print a list on word, I format it with the little check boxes and that is the kind I buy for my planner as well. I first make a scratch list in which I prioritize and then transfer to an official list. I have problems, I know but I am OCD, what can I say? :tongue_smilie:

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There is something liberating about crossing off; you can still see what you've done, but know that its all over now. Checks are too wimpy; it kind of looks like there might be a little left. Not so when its crossed out. Can't scribble, either, because then I can't see what I've done.


:iagree: So could have written this.

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There is nothing better, at the end of the day, than a list with crisp black lines through every item. I love seeing what I set out to do and knowing that it is DONE.


See, I'd have to use a ruler to make the line neat.:blush5::lol:


Also, sometimes I make a list for the whole family to work off of on a Saturday or before company and I cannot stand when they don't check things off properly!:tongue_smilie:

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I'm a list lover, too

I have code for the things on my daily list. If it's part of routine or general cleaning it gets crossed off. If it's the intended school subjects for the day it gets a check mark so I can transfer to my school records. If it's really the next thing I should work on I'll add a star when I review the list. If it's partially completed it gets a dot to give a little of that in progress satisfaction e.g. laundry gets dots for each load washed, dried or folded & put away.

It didn't seem strange until I took the time to write it all out. :)

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