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My almost five year old DD's bottom tooth just fell out???

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Yes, it is normal. This is the age when they start falling out. Usually girls are a little bit early than boys. I remember a month ago when my 5 y/o son got his first dental xray and the dentist told me that most of his bottom teeth are ready to pop out so he gave me a heads up that anytime soon teeth will start fallling out . Hope this helps.

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Okay... breathing a sigh of relief.


She was in the bathtub and just started screaming. I turned around and she was holding her tooth. She had bit on a washcloth and it just popped right out. She started sobbing... then I started sobbing... I'm never gonna see that cute mouth full of baby teeth again.


My crying definitely didn't help things. Way to go, mom. :glare: She hadn't complained of it being loose so I was just totally shocked!

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Guest Cindie2dds

I wasn't ready either! On my dd's 5th Birthday, her bottom tooth was loose. We went into the dentist a couple of months ago and her 6 year molars are already in! All four of them. :( This is my first baby..... wow, where does the time go?

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Oooo, thanks for reminding me it's time to get that last baby-tooth-smile portrait. My almost-five dd may surprise me, two of her siblings lost their first at age 5.


My oldest lost about 6 teeth in a month. One night as I was tucking him in, he said, "Mom, could you just tell the Tooth Fairy to skip the money and just put that Hot Wheels car from the kitchen drawer under my pillow?"


:lol: He was so darn cute... and now he's about a month away from 15 and has a beautiful permanent tooth smile to replace the pearly baby one.

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My daughter is also 4 and she just lost one of her bottom teeth. The one next to it is loose. Some kids just lose teeth early, especially if they get their teeth early. My dd got her first baby tooth at 3 months.


Our dentist said it was fine and a child development site I looked at when the tooth was loose but hadn't fallen out yet said it was normal, too; early, but normal.


Here comes the Tooth Fairy! Have fun! :) (My mom gave our dd fairy stickers for the special occasion.)

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