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For The Loveofmuffins, Please DON'T CLEAN!

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This is what I need to tell my husband. I know, I know, there are women out there that would give an appendage for a husband that cleans house.


But not the way Wolf does it.


He throws everything in the garbage that *he* doesn't think is important. Stuff he *does* think is important he stuffs in a box, or on my desk/homeschooling area. Then, of course he nags me about the mess my desk/homeschool area is. *sigh*


I cannot FIND things when he 'cleans'. Case in point, I can't find the reimbursement form for Diva's homeschool stuff. I've looked everywhere, and nope. The entire 'welcome package' we were sent, including a computer disc, has vanished. *Poof* Heaven only knows where the heck it is.


I've already called and thrown myself on the mercy of the folks at the school board, and they're emailing me some files (as soon as they can figure out how to make them smaller, because apparently my email doesn't like the current size of the files) so that I can at least get the reimbursement done.


All I can say to the women whose husband's don't clean is to be careful what you wish for...because one day, he might.

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That happens here, too; you know, the 2 or 3 times a year dh does clean things. He's always so amazed at himself and so very proud when it takes him just 10 minutes to "clean" the whole house and it takes me hours. :001_rolleyes:


ETA to clarify - dh never ever throws anything away. He hides it. In cupboards, drawers, bags, piles in dark corners, mostly places you wouldn't think you'd find a pile of junk mail, like the pile of junkmail I found under my bathroom sink last week.

Edited by LauraGB
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Mine does the same thing. He threw away the box my new cell phone came in and by the time I realized it, it was too late and now I won't get my rebate. His theory is that if we haven't looked at or used something for a few months it must be crap and should be thrown away. But I hate to fuss at him because then he'll throw that back in my face when I do ask him to clean something. :glare::rolleyes:

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He's always so amazed at himself and so very proud when it takes him just 10 minutes to "clean" the whole house and it takes me hours.


Ahh, yes. We have that phenomenon here as well. DH is amazingly fast at "cleaning." It makes me feel so inadequate, until I look around and realize his cleaning only involves putting all the clutter into neat piles. I'm the one who actually has to put everything away. And that is what takes all the time.

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Ahh, yes. We have that phenomenon here as well. DH is amazingly fast at "cleaning." It makes me feel so inadequate, until I look around and realize his cleaning only involves putting all the clutter into neat piles. I'm the one who actually has to put everything away. And that is what takes all the time.




"Why do you take so long? I got the whole place clean while you were out."


Because I actually sort and file it, I don't make a 3 foot stack on the chair in the classroom where no one but *me* will see it.




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My ex-neighbor had a husband that would not tolerate any messes. If he thought something looked messy, he would throw it all away, specifically as a punishment for the person the mess belonged to. Every night my neighbor would have to go look through the garbage cans to retrieve items that the kids left out...both under 4yo. She would find library books, expensive toys and personal items in the trash all the time. One time he even decided that her new clothes had sat on a chair to long (maybe an hour or two), so he threw them away, bag and all. She missed that load going to the trash because she thought he had thrown the items in the wash (he was doing laundry at the time) and it all got picked up by the garbage man the next morning.

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Mine does this, too. He will proudly proclaim "I've straightened up the whole downstairs!" What he means is that he has put things away that are 100 percent his. But if something remotely pertains to anyone or anything else, they go in "my" pile, which sits on the kitchen counter. I currently have 5 such piles in my kitchen right now. Sigh.

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Misery loves company, so I'm glad I'm not alone in this!


It makes me completely nuts when he piles stuff on the puter desk. Half of it isn't even MINE, he just doesn't know where else to put it, so shoves it on the desk.


I've threatened to throw out his day-timer before...oopsie, it was laying around :Angel_anim:


I've torn apart my entire puter/homeschooling area, and STILL can't find the darned papers. :cursing:


Who wants to come help put it all back together?


On the good note, I've tossed a full garbage bag worth of stuff, and working on my 2nd bag...Please note, once again, that most of it wasn't put in this room by ME. *sigh*

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My DH thinks the UTERUS is a homing device!:lol:



Imp: We don't make the mess - we just clean it up! I sort of clean like your DH does but with discernment and discrimination....my dh does get that gleam in his eye and just takes maybe 11 piles of stuff and makes it into one pile of stuff.


Doesn't matter......he cannot find ANYTHING that is his! Thirty minutes before our wedding (a rather formal large affair) he was knocking on the door where the other females and I were getting ready -- the Officiant's wife (bless her soul) answered the door, and then came to me and said: "Mariano cannot find the index cards with his vows written on them. He wants to know if you know where they are." I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN RIGHT THEN AND THERE THAT THIS PATTERN WOULD REPEAT APPROX EVERY 20 MINUTES FOR OUR ENTIRE MARRIAGE AND THAT IT IS GENETIC AND THE KIDS WOULD INHERIT IT!

I had an extra copy (b/c I just do thngs like that) and Ruth gave him the extra copy.

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