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It's Friday - someone Channel Doran for me!

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It's a Girl! Look at our new baby giraffe born at the zoo on Wednesday!

Dang! How're going to explain that one to your husband?


What should I do about this?

Ew! Ack! Eye bleach! Put that away!



Homemade Yogurt People - a little help please

Ohhh, lookit! Aren't they adorable? Not much backbone, those yogurt people, but they sure get on well with the Granola Types.



How do you like your chocolate chips cookies?

Intravenously, please.


Who gives non-candy treats to trick-or-treaters?

The Tin Man. He has no heart.







Favorite meals to feed a crowd

Gosh, you know, I just saw a great recipe the other day. You take 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. Said it feeds 5,000.






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Kindle Killer?

I think it was a one armed man.





So, how much room do you need for a chicken coop?

I don't have anything funny to say. I just keep thinking it says chicken co-op.





Gray hair angst!

I have that. I think the angst causes the gray hair though.






Sewers! I need help w/a costume!

Don't look for costumes in the sewer. It's yucky down there.






Tom's shoes anyone??

I have my own shoes. I don't want Tom's.






Broke A Tooth, Killed A Phone

Ouch, I hope your tooth is ok. As for the phone, I think it was a one armed man.






Another pumpkin question

What did you want to know? I speak pumpkin. I'll ask for you.






And now..for my next science lesson..I will learn how male & female cells make babies

I think that movie was on one of the naughty channels last night.






People whom seem unaware of WTM.

I know all about Wet T-shirt Mamas or did you mean something else?






How do you end phone conversations?


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Go to first new post Courting? Dating? Young teen. . . I need a plan!

Honey, you better come up with a good one if you're planning on courting or dating a teen.


Sugar, Allergies, Intolerances

Intolerance knows no bounds. :(


Help!!! ...need baby-sleeping tips...

Tip 1: Leave a sleeping baby alone!


Clody with a Chance of Meatballs - seen it?

I hate hit when clods carry meatballs.


Exercise without a gym membership

I think they call that "going for a walk."


What does B12 do for you?

More than B11 but less than B13.


Someone asked about drug/alcohol curriculum

I realize we need to teach kids life skills, but do we really need to teach them to use drugs and drink? Really now!

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Woo-Hoo! Doran Friday - it even made the server too busy for a little while! (Last time I posted on a Doran thread, I offended someone and killed the thread - so this is really a "bump" asking for more!) :D



Courting? Dating? Young teen. . . I need a plan!

Honey, you better come up with a good one if you're planning on courting or dating a teen.




:iagree:, 'cause isn't that illegal?

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What does B12 do for you?

More than B11 but less than B13.



Ask not what B12 does for you, but what you can do for B12. ;)


Has anyone used a Genie Runabout (personal lift)?

Is that like a flying carpet?


Online Office Supplies

They work better on your actual desk.

Edited by K&Rs Mom
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Woo-Hoo! Doran Friday - it even made the server too busy for a little while! (Last time I posted on a Doran thread, I offended someone and killed the thread - so this is really a "bump" asking for more!) :D





:iagree:, 'cause isn't that illegal?


I think it depends on the state you're in. LOL

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Bible/book burning event: kindle-killer?

Polite rant about sugar & treats: we have a good lawyer!

Who has purchased their Halloween candy & had the willpower not to open it; Who’s giving non-candy treats? (Because they already ate it all!) ;)

How many c-sections have you had—looking for seasonal work?

We had a house fire yesterday—the sugar & treats—I was *so* hoping they would have been gone by now. (thread, but misread it, & it’s kinda funny)

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It's not Friday anymore but I was reading through the posts on this Monday morning. I read several that automatically triggered a silly reply in my head. Man, I am sarcastic.



My kids don't take care of their stuff

That is shocking. My kids always take care of all of their stuff-all. of. the. time. Sarcasm-the other white meat...




What do you do right?

That depends who you ask.




Substituting applesauce for oil

That might damage your car. It might work in your iPod though.




Do you give your children any kind of fish oil or Omega 3 or flax seed oil?

Only when they are really bad. Oh sorry, I thought you meant castor oil.




I have four kids to Christmas shop for

I have three kids. What size child are you looking for? I'm having a 2 child for 1 sale.




Any spinners out there? I need wheel advice!

If you are verwy, verwy quiet; Elmer Fudd might have some weal adwice faur you. heh, heh, heh, heh, heh...




Mashed potatoes...

Do the twist...Now tell me baby..do you like it like this?...Do you love me, now that I can dance?




Do you give your body a break from working out?

Yes, it's called not starting exercise.

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Note to self don't read these threads while doing school with the kids. :lol:


They are suppposed to be working, but my dc keep asking "Are you laughing or crying?"

When I answered laughing - my dd said well you know you are crying right?


Oh my stars these are hillarous!!



Kindle Killer?

I think it was a one armed man.


Sewers! I need help w/a costume!

Don't look for costumes in the sewer. It's yucky down there.


One armed man. :lol: that was hillarious!! Opened the flood gates of uncontrollable laugher and tears.


I keep thinking they were looking for help with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume.

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