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Why is Mary Poppins so vain?

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My mother read the entire series to me when I was a child and I adored them all. I saw the movie later and I was very happy, although I missed the rest of the Banks' siblings. However, it remains one of my fav movies, and it calms me on stormy days. :)


But. Mary in the movie is not the Mary in the book, and there is no romance between Mary and Bert! Plus, Jane & Micheal have many siblings!


Suffice to say that the books are very different! Even PL Travers was disappointed in the movie, although she was a consultant for the movie. She (pretty sure, I'll need to check that, so don't quote me!) changed the time in which it was set. (Edwardian England rather than the 1930s).


All in all, I love PL Travers Fab Mary, but I love the Disney-fied movie as well. I just don't consider them to be the same thing. ;)


And wow, Disney taking a character and/or story and changing it to be prettier, sweeter, nicer, sexier??! Say it ain't so!

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I don't think she's vain. Well, maybe I don't know what vain means, but she's not self-centered. She's interesting, and she has a healthy self image. After all, she's not perfect, she's PRACTICALLY perfect. Bert thinks she is pretty terrific, so maybe she is?


I mean, isn't the Dalai Lama allowed to think that he's kind? :001_smile:



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Because she's practically perfect in every way. Work it. Own it.

:iagree:That's what I thought, too! If I could levitate and make children behave, I might have a bit of a self-adoration thing going, too.

Edited by LauraGB
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the author must have had a reason behind this. she seemed to create her very intentionally.


I remember being quite shocked when I actually read Mary Poppins. It is much different than the movie. And I didn't care for it at all in the end. It's not whimsically imaginative. It's trying to say something - and I don't think I quite liked what it was saying. But, I also am not sure I ever figured it out.

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I read a little about it on the internet - there isn't much. It does say that Mary is the "perfect parent" and brings the Bank's family closer together. She brings order to chaos. She is almost "God" like. Order, affinity, vanity! I get the order, I get the affinity to her, but the vanity. She is constantly checking herself out in the windows of stores - maybe she's OCD about her appearance. And, maybe I just answered my own question. She delights in the orderliness of her appearance.

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I remember being quite shocked when I actually read Mary Poppins. It is much different than the movie. And I didn't care for it at all in the end. It's not whimsically imaginative. It's trying to say something - and I don't think I quite liked what it was saying. But, I also am not sure I ever figured it out.



Ds put it down a few days ago and I haven't been pushing him to keep reading. I read ahead and was just not impressed.


To the pp, that mentioned the 'God' and 'nanny knows best' things. I hadn't even thought of that, but I will say the condescencion towards the parents does bother me. And, perhaps that is the root of my not liking the book. It seems as though all the "normal" people are blind or stupid and only Mary and her band of bizarre friends are really able to see "reality" iykwIm.


Sorry to bash, I was trying to be nice originally, but when you find out it's not just 'you' that feels some way I guess it's easier to own up.

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When it sto literature, it's easiest when there are tight endings and good/evil clarity.


When characters or themes are muddled, it becomes more difficult to relate easily to protagonists. It's not easy to be open to characters that are 100% imperfect


Ambiguity is very difficult.

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