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P.E. for elementary age students


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What do you do? Any books/websites to suggest? We have a great playground in our backyard, plus a trampoline, so the kids have a good time running around and playing, but I feel like it might be beneficial and fun to do some more organized P.E. types stuff. Would love to hear suggestions!

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Our local homeSchoolers have a once-a-week P.E. class that we signed up for. It not only provides an organized hour of play (complete with adult instructor) but is a way to introduce our son to other children being taught at home. This is our first year so we thought that was important.


Might be worth looking into.

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Ds was in a hsing pe group at the YMCA, but he didn't do to well... Now, we have a required hour of movement :p I've also made him little ds' PE teacher ;) That means he has to make the games and keep his little brother moving.


Maybe you could have the dcs take turns as PE teacher of the day?

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We don't participate in leagues or have the kids overly concentrate on one sport. My girls do: twice weekly swimming lessons with an eye to starting a swim club (friendly and fitness oriented, with a few optional meets) one hour twice a week next year; 2 or 3 hours of open swim weekly; a 2 hour gym program at our community center which rather takes the place of PE in school... a bit of basketball, badminton, floor hockey, etc.; and, non-competitive gymnastics. My oldest also does Aikido. My general rule is to have at least twice as much free time as organized activity time.

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We have the following:

hour and a half of roller skating with homeschool friends on Mondays

Dd has an hour dance on Wednesdays

Ds has an hour tap on Thursdays

Both do an hour of gymnastics on Fridays


They also play outside a lot, go to a park day one afternoon a week, ride bikes and scooters, enjoy push-ups and sit-ups... always on the go! They also help with yradwork, hauling wood in for the fireplace, that sort of thing.


ETA: We also go hiking most Saturdays, usually between 1-3 hours

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Lol but actually we tried several highly recommended games/sports books for homeschooolers and my children were enthusiastic but really unless you have 3-4 older dc (9-up). They really fall flat.


But having the equipment available is big. My son suddenly got interested in baseball and we were able to have a catch and practice batting that evening because the supplies were there. It's like other aspects if parenting- if you make a big to-do it falls flat but if you get supplies and get out if the way they will eventually get Interested. :)

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We take karate as a family (separate classes for kids and adults, but we al go to the same school on the same days and hang out with other karate families when not in our own classes). And ds started tball with the independent league in our area. He is doing fallball as a way to ease into the game and see if he wants to try the more demanding spring league next year.

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Since I am a HS noob I can't tell you what we do but rather what we plan on doing :P we plan on doing team community sports as our kids become interested we plan on putting the boys in martial arts starting around 3 or 4 we plan on using the huge back yard and normal kids playthings one has for outside. We will be teaching a yoga/meditation combo you can get the giant parachute things, kick balls, chalk for hopscotch, horse shoes ect. relatively cheaply. I am a big camper, boat rower (think crew team) and hiker so the kids will go with that as well. I don't think one needs a set curriculum for PE as long as the kids are getting exercise and having fun all is well!

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My kids are taking PE at our local elementary school. Last year they participated in a homeschool PE class. The homeschool class was great, but I really, really like PE at the public school - more kids, more equipment and a trained teacher do make a difference for us with PE.

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Yacko does Civil Air Patrol, which has physical fitness requirements. Dot does cheerleading and ice skating. All three of them just started tae kwon do twice a week. I *hated* PE as a child, so my goal wasn't to give them a public-school-style PE, but to encourage physical activity in ways that will last them a lifetime.

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