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Teachers Lounge...woo hoo it's Friday

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My dh took ds to work today. I'm supposed to be productive, even went to the library to work, but they froze me out. It's 90 degrees outside and the AC was giving me frostbite, I had to leave. :lol::lol:


Happy Friday, everyone!



Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians!

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Woohoo! Today was DH's first full day back to work... I'm not going to lie, today has been a BREEZE!!!! Newest LO will be 2 weeks on Sunday... he slept most of the morning, so DD and I got a ton of school done (2 reading lessons, some Scholastic News magazines from September we never finished, 2 drawing/science activities), so she was begging for more school stuff to do by lunch - no problem! LOL DS got to do his little Clifford magazines I also forgot about in September ;) He enjoyed having his own school (he's only 2 after all).

DH goes back to regular working 8-5 on Monday and his parents are coming in sometime next week for a visit....so I'm trying to enjoy the next few little family days while DH is home this weekend!


I was looking at our lesson plans, and as of now, we only "missed" one week of school. That was actually that 1 week of material was stretched over 2 weeks as DD would NEVER let us just stop for several days.

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Happy Friday!


Cold and rainy here too. Mmmmmm...just about time for a spot o' tea. Earl Grey? English Breakfast? Vanilla Spice Chai?:confused:


DD is having a play date and ds is watching "Star Wars". It's been a good day.


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!


Vanilla Spice Chai. That's what I had.

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Happy Friday!


Cold and rainy here too. Mmmmmm...just about time for a spot o' tea. Earl Grey? English Breakfast? Vanilla Spice Chai?:confused:


DD is having a play date and ds is watching "Star Wars". It's been a good day.


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!


Have you ever tried Lady Grey? It is our new favorite.

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:party:Doing the happy dance here!!:party:


We had no unscheduled interruptions and actually got everything on the schedule done for the first time in weeks.


Happy Friday everyone!:cheers2:


ETA: Oh and best of all DH is home! He's been working out of town since Tuesday and wasn't sure when he'd get home, so this was a very happy surprise.

Edited by akmommy
because i can.
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Hope I am not too late on the Happy Friday!

We had a relaxing, fun Friday--curled up on the couch, in front of the fire. We read together and then watched Romeo and Juliet (while drinking chai tea)!

Ds has been learning about Shakespeare. He said that he enjoyed all the sword fighting but said the ending was dumb. :glare: LOL!!

Now, just enjoying the ball game together! GO TWINS!


Have a fabulous weekend![/url]

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