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How old do you think you look as opposed to how old are you?

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Since my b/day in January, I've had about 3 college students be totally shocked that I'm 40. They said they thought I was 32-35yo. How sweet:)


BUT I did have an 8yo child ask me if I was my son's grandmother!!! OH, and he asked me this ON MY 40th BIRTHDAY!!!! LOL


I got the blonde highlights in my hair updated the NEXT day after that little question!LOL


*I* think I'm looking older than 40. I've not had decent sleep since September (has really gotten worse in the the past 2 months). Lack of sleep REALLY reeks havoc on your looks:(

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I'm 26 and am often mistaken for a 17-18 year old. Since I teach jr. high on a K-12 campus, students and parents sometimes think I'm in high school when I am dressed casually for teaching PE.


What's funny is that when I was 14, people at church thought I was college-aged (though I didn't look it) because I was so poised and authoritative as an AWANA Sparkies leader. I had to clarify quite often that I was a freshman in high school!


My sister is 24, but looks 30. She manages a tanning salon (and obviously tans!) and has caked on the makeup since jr. high. She likes that people think she's older than me now, but I tell her she won't be amused when she's 35 and looks 40 and I'm 37 and look 30!

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My oldest daughter tells me she thinks I look young for my age (39 in a couple of weeks), so I won't argue with her. Listening to your comments makes me wonder if as a whole we simply take better care of ourselves than the general population. It seems we're more likely to get the sleep we need (or sneak a nap if necessary), do daily devotions or meditation, eat whole foods, limit the processed icky stuff, take vitamins and/or EFAs, and avoid the daily stressors of traffic, rushing out the door, and working for a doofus. Oh, my day can be highly pressured at times, but it's only pressure I put on myself. I think those things can go a long way toward keeping crows' feet at bay.



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I actually have no idea. I'm similar to Colleen in that I think I look 33 because I am. :) I would say I do look pretty close to my age, but it might depend on how much sleep I've had, LOL. There are some days I probably look (and feel) closer to 50. The only time I feel younger is when I realize how little I know and how great are my responsibilities (to my children).

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Okay, so I said all that, then today a friend said that when she met me (~3 years ago) at a home school park day, she thought I was a nanny! She said she looked at me and rolled her eyes and thought, "Oh, great! Now we've got people who have the *nanny* home schooling!" lol...


:lol: That's funny!


I can relate a little... my DD is getting taller, and a few weeks ago when we had a girls' night out, someone really thought we were sisters. I thought they were trying to be funny at first, but as it turned out, they really thought we were! (Of course if all my other kids were with me, there wouldn't have been a question. ;) )

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:lol: That's funny!


I can relate a little... my DD is getting taller, and a few weeks ago when we had a girls' night out, someone really thought we were sisters. I thought they were trying to be funny at first, but as it turned out, they really thought we were! (Of course if all my other kids were with me, there wouldn't have been a question. ;) )


Yeah, my 17yo and I have had the same experience but I think it's because when we're alone I tend to goof off and act like an idiot. She looks 22 and I probably act like I am :tongue_smilie:


Oh, and related to that...Meghan flew from Philly to Phoenix with our cats and her younger sister who's 11 but looks 8 or 9 (she's very petite). Everyone kept referring to her as Em's mom. Boy did that make her crazy, LOL



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...my husband is significantly older, lol.


There have been times when we've probably looked closer in age (those two-toddler-at-a-time years, lol), but now that he looks about his age...I kind of seem younger than I probably am, I think, just because I'm usually next to him.


Or I could be fooling myself, I don't know.


I think I look about 35, or maybe a little less. And I'm 37. I believe I look better, a little skinnier than this, but I've also got pretty good skin (thanks, Mom)...although it would be much better, had I taken better care of it. :crying:

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When I color my hair, I get carded.




Yeah, that really helps. Even without haircolor, I get carded all the time. The last time someone guessed my age, they guessed 28- I am 42. On my 40th birthday, someone asked with dead seriousness if I was turning 21. I loved that! Even overweight I look very young- always have. My mama looked 15 yrs younger than she was her whole life, up until the blindness struck. All of a sudden it was like she aged 20 yrs in about 3. Very sad, but I am extremely grateful to have inherited her youthful looks.

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When I turned 25, my sister and her family took me out for dinner, and the waiter gave me a kids menu. I looked much younger than I was until I hit mid-to-late 30's. People usually still think I'm a little younger than I actually am, but I don't look drastically younger like I used to. I hated it then, but I sure would like to look younger now!

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People always guess me closer to thier own age. At work, my early 50's friend thought I was 40ish. My coworker who is in her late 20s thought I was in my late 20s too. I am in my mid 30s.





Weird but true,


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I have no idea how old I look, but I assume it's close to my age. I've had people say, "You're only (whatever age)!" and seem surprised, but it may be because my oldest dd has always looked older (she's very tall). Surely it's not because I look older!


I also had my kids at 23, 25, & 29, and it seems a whole lot of people wait until later, at least the ones I run into. I've always been on the youngish side in any group of moms with the same ages of kids.


I can't believe how young and gorgeous some of these new moms are in our hs group. They're not even really all that young, but they definitely look better than I did at that age.

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It depends on how recently I dyed my hair. Honestly, it's stunning how old I get the minute I even get roots . :blink:


Mild weight gain does it to me too. I know some people with gray hair who do not look too old. I know some a bit overweight who look quite young. Not me. A bit of weight on my face and gray in my hair and I feel *so old*.

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