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:w00t: -- who gave the goat white bean chili?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm not cleaning up after him! :glare:



I'm going to be a good guest and say good night :sleep:-- someone else will have to take care of the goat.


Next time can we just order in?:001_huh:


Yes. Chinese food, please.


I just realized it is midnight here - must get to bed!

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:w00t: -- who gave the goat white bean chili?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm not cleaning up after him! :glare:



I'm going to be a good guest and say good night :sleep:-- someone else will have to take care of the goat.


Next time can we just order in?:001_huh:


I'll take care of the goat. I love chivitos. They're so cute. I'll just put a diaper on him. :)

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You are infringing on my copyright. I'll see you in court. :toetap05:


To answer the OP: threads go down hill because those who think they're always right really p**s off those who always actually are.


And, if you give a goat white bean chili he'll...


REALLY smell bad.


I think if you dig even deeper, it comes down to fear: fear that you are not being heard, fear that an opposing viewpoint, belief, or practice somehow diminishes your viewpoint, belief, or practice, just fear of so many things. On some threads, you can almost smell the fear, the hysteria. And no, sadly there isn't a goat in the room.


Good night to those who are retiring for the evening. Thanks for playing. The laughs have made my night. Peace and joy to you all.

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I thought you were going to bed. Is this anyway to spend a Saturday night?


Get that double tequila and go to bed. I'm out of tequila and will have to settle for scotch. And leave the goats alone - they're going to be dinner.


I have rum! :D Brugal. It's a.. ahem.. "hurricane supply" ;) :D :lol:

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I thought you were going to bed. Is this anyway to spend a Saturday night?


Get that double tequila and go to bed. I'm out of tequila and will have to settle for scotch. And leave the goats alone - they're going to be dinner.


That wouldn't happen to be a Glenlivet, would it? wistful sigh

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"hurricane supply" ;) :D :lol:
That's good. When I lived in South FL, they would close the liquor stores when a hurricane was in the gulf to try to prevent hurricane parties. So it is important to stock up. I haven't had Brugal before. I'll have to see if my local place carries that. I'm a big fan of Appleton Estate whichis a Jamacian rum. Rum Runners. Yum Yum. or just rum and a lime. That reminds me - I need to restock my blizzard supplies. :D
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I have always been the one to NOT follow the crowd thank-you-very-much.


And it is possible to be both of those things (I am not, but there are those who are!)

Renee! :grouphug: I have missed you because of the name change. :tongue_smilie:I kept looking at the avatar, thinking gee, that looks familiar. :001_huh: Well, I am glad I figured that one out.:lol:
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That wouldn't happen to be a Glenlivet, would it? wistful sigh



It in fact is.


I can never remember which one hubby likes - he likes Glenfiddich too. I just pick them out based on which one has the better price at the time. Macallan is good too.

Edited by Karen in CO
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I have rum! :D Brugal. It's a.. ahem.. "hurricane supply" ;) :D :lol:


"Hurricane supply?" Not sure that excuse would fly in Oregon. Now, about Satriani, where have I been? I love a good guitar and I missed this guy? Sheesh. He makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. And I mean that in a good way. I saw "Surfing with the Alien" on Youtube. I had to watch those fingers fly something like three times.:blink:


Oh, I guess this conversation should go to pm, Ibbygirl. I would hate for this thread to digress.

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That's good. When I lived in South FL, they would close the liquor stores when a hurricane was in the gulf to try to prevent hurricane parties. So it is important to stock up. I haven't had Brugal before. I'll have to see if my local place carries that. I'm a big fan of Appleton Estate whichis a Jamacian rum. Rum Runners. Yum Yum. or just rum and a lime. That reminds me - I need to restock my blizzard supplies. :D


LOL Actually, it's not for parties, it's an actual supply. I found out after 5 days of being locked in my house with dh and two Autistic kids with hurricane Francis that rum is INDEED a necessary hurricane supply. :D


Brugal is soooo yummy! It's Dominican Rum. Get the anejo if you can find it. :) I make really good rum runners too. I can make some after I change the goats diaper. ;) :D

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You are infringing on my copyright. I'll see you in court. :toetap05:


To answer the OP: threads go down hill because those who think they're always right really p**s off those who always actually are.


And, if you give a goat white bean chili he'll...


REALLY smell bad.



:blink: Goodness... I'm gone for a couple of days and I miss out on the fun! :D

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Now, about Satriani, where have I been? I love a good guitar and I missed this guy? Sheesh. He makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. And I mean that in a good way. I saw "Surfing with the Alien" on Youtube. I had to watch those fingers fly something like three times.:blink:


yay!! Another Joe fan!! :hurray: :party: He's awesome! There are a lot of good guitarists out there that I like but Joe is my FAVORITE!! Now go watch Ceremony and Time on Youtube if you want to see some flying fingers!!


Oh, I guess this conversation should go to pm, Ibbygirl. I would hate for this thread to digress.



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Brugal is soooo yummy! It's Dominican Rum. Get the anejo if you can find it. :) I make really good rum runners too. I can make some after I change the goats diaper. ;) :D


Okay - so you cook, make rum runners, diaper goats, and play guitar? Oh where have you been all of my life? Can we be neighbors? I cook, make sangria and daiquiris, am completely tone deaf, and have chickens. But I don't eat chinese food and I take off my shoes in the house.

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Okay - so you cook, make rum runners, diaper goats, and play guitar? Oh where have you been all of my life? Can we be neighbors? I cook, make sangria and daiquiris, am completely tone deaf, and have chickens. But I don't eat chinese food and I take off my shoes in the house.



A lady after my heart!! :) But to be my neighbor you'd have to make your way back down to Fla, though. I don't do cold well. Still haven't gotten around to seeing snow yet, but I'm on the Atlantic side! :)

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LOL ummm... How do I tell her that I play mostly electric guitar?? :D Not exactly dinner fare. ;) ROFL that's actually kind of a funny image in my mind. hehe But I can cook good! I make mostly Cuban or Carribean food though so ahem, goat is occasionally on the menu. ;) :D


Electric guitar goes perfect with double tequila! :D

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What in the world was this thread about anyway?


I am not exactly sure but I would let my teens go to any party that involved electric guitar, double tequila and goats even if they were serving white bean chili made in a non-lead lined crock pot and red lettuce salad. :tongue_smilie:


Oops - That should say I wouldn't. No more tequila for me!

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That's good. When I lived in South FL, they would close the liquor stores when a hurricane was in the gulf to try to prevent hurricane parties. So it is important to stock up. I haven't had Brugal before. I'll have to see if my local place carries that. I'm a big fan of Appleton Estate whichis a Jamacian rum. Rum Runners. Yum Yum. or just rum and a lime. That reminds me - I need to restock my blizzard supplies. :D


I don't like rum, I'm sticking with tequila. Patron is my drink of choice. :D

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yay!! Another Joe fan!! :hurray: :party: He's awesome! There are a lot of good guitarists out there that I like but Joe is my FAVORITE!! Now go watch Ceremony and Time on Youtube if you want to see some flying fingers!!





The man is not human. That is simply not humanly possible.



I don't like rum, I'm sticking with tequila. Patron is my drink of choice. :D


First, the "Glens" and now, Patron. Be still my beating "ex-cocktail-waitress through-college" heart.

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It does annoy me a little, however, when this happens. I wish they'd start their own thread instead of hijacking mine (or the one I was interested in!).


I'm not sure why the threads so often go off kilter lately. I do remember this happening on the old boards, but maybe not as often as they do now.


Some posters do seem to thrive on the controversial threads and inserting controversy into threads. And, then beating the controversy they inserted to DEATH. I think they must have boring lives. :lol:



Hey! I resemble that remark!:D

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I think this shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what happens on many contentious threads. There are many people here who like to discuss issue from a deeper perspective than most as an intellectual exercise. I play devil's advocate all the time-here and in real life. I frequently argue *points* in arguments without discussing my own position.

Yep. And how people respond to that is in large part a matter of personality. Which takes us to angela in ohio's thread about male vs. female personalities...


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I think this shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what happens on many contentious threads. There are many people here who like to discuss issue from a deeper perspective than most as an intellectual exercise. I play devil's advocate all the time-here and in real life. I frequently argue *points* in arguments without discussing my own position.


The "intellectual exercise" threads are some of the best ones on here. However, they are seldom truly personal. The debate is at the heart of the matter, not the poster. I think the op is talking more about our general free-for-alls that can get highly personal.

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Are we doing brunch or breakfast? What are you cooking? Crockpot oatmeal? When I left, the goats had been diapered and I have since learned that you all had dipped into the Hurricane Supply of the good stuff!? 'Lucky Lemonade' -- blackberrries and who knows what else -- my favorite -- well, today anyway.:001_smile:


And the lemons and limes (in other drinks) will keep our liver functioning -- so it's really healthy!:D


Have to go -- we are packing up the kitchen today -- The dog and kids Christmas photo is at 1:30 -- Happy Holidays from the Floating Family!


That's what this thread was about, wasn't it -- annoying family Christmas Card photos and those awful newsy letters that accompany them -- right?:glare: (I just send the photo -- not the letter -- I send the photo b/c I am anti-social and don't accept invites unless I am certain they are serving goat cooked in PC crock-pot (:lol::lol: OR a PC CP) -- so everyone can see that the kids are well when they get the photo.

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I think everyone can think of at least one issue they think is worth making a real effort to convince other people of.


Often such a subject of discussion is raised. I have such an issue, and did attempt to argue my point. It wasn't too surprising to me that arguing the point was unproductive. Still, I thought it was worth the effort. What if arguing the point had worked? To me it was worth a try.


Having tried, I've decided not to enter into debates on this particular issue any more. To me, this issue matters. I'm only going to become miserable by trying and failing to convince others. I don't enjoy arguing. If it's not going to be productive, then I won't make myself miserable with it.


I think some people like debate. I am grateful that these people exist, because they often argue my point. It doesn't seem to bother them when their antagonists behave badly to make their counter-point. To these hearty souls, it's all part of the game.


Kudos to the debate team. Long may they argue!

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The "intellectual exercise" threads are some of the best ones on here. However, they are seldom truly personal. The debate is at the heart of the matter, not the poster. I think the op is talking more about our general free-for-alls that can get highly personal.
I think that people will post with the intellectual exercise in mind and then others take it personally.
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Because you can't see the person you're arguing with, if we were all in a room together, I think we'd feel we had less license to be so 'out there' than if we had to look them in the eye and say it.




:iagree:And without being able to hear the "tone" of voice it can be quite hard.

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The "intellectual exercise" threads are some of the best ones on here. However, they are seldom truly personal. The debate is at the heart of the matter, not the poster. I think the op is talking more about our general free-for-alls that can get highly personal.


Hm, I'm just not sure I agree.


Because you can't see the person you're arguing with, if we were all in a room together, I think we'd feel we had less license to be so 'out there' than if we had to look them in the eye and say it.




I don't agree with this at all, I believe *lot* of women are like this but definitely not all. I suggest taking another look at that NTJ thread.


I think that people will post with the intellectual exercise in mind and then others take it personally.


This, I agree with.

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I think everyone can think of at least one issue they think is worth making a real effort to convince other people of.


Often such a subject of discussion is raised. I have such an issue, and did attempt to argue my point. It wasn't too surprising to me that arguing the point was unproductive. Still, I thought it was worth the effort. What if arguing the point had worked? To me it was worth a try.


Having tried, I've decided not to enter into debates on this particular issue any more. To me, this issue matters. I'm only going to become miserable by trying and failing to convince others. I don't enjoy arguing. If it's not going to be productive, then I won't make myself miserable with it.


I think some people like debate. I am grateful that these people exist, because they often argue my point. It doesn't seem to bother them when their antagonists behave badly to make their counter-point. To these hearty souls, it's all part of the game.


Kudos to the debate team. Long may they argue!


:iagree: Nicely stated... and I need to adhere to these thoughts too. lol ;)


Ooooh, can we create a Debate Team? I nominate SpyCar to be the team leader... I like his style! (What, me debate? Oh no, honey! I shall be in charge of snacks... *grin*)

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:iagree: Nicely stated... and I need to adhere to these thoughts too. lol ;)


Ooooh, can we create a Debate Team? I nominate SpyCar to be the team leader... I like his style! (What, me debate? Oh no, honey! I shall be in charge of snacks... *grin*)


I will bring the Patron. :auto: Oh wait, bad smiley choice, given my comment...how about: :cheers2: or :party:

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