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Is there some phenomena that causes a person to hear music that isn't there?

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There have been a few nights when I hear music that I am almost positive is not really there. It is music only, no words, just a short repetative couple of notes kind of like a ring tone on a cell phone or emergency sirens. I can not isolate the sound to some location outside of my head and no one else seems to be able to hear it. I am not very good with music so I can't tell you if it is the same set of music each night or a different one. I think it is the same. It will go on for an hour or more and then stop. Not same time each day. It is very faint and I can ignore it if I am talking or listening to something else but if I am justing trying to go to sleep, it drives me crazy. I get migraines and I get both visual auras and smell things that aren't really there so I am familiar with sensory disturbances and this seems similar but I have never heard of such a thing before. I don't even know what to call it to google it. Anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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I'd google aural hallucinations (unlikely but what the heck) auditory hallucinations (ditto). Could be some form of tinnitus (most most likely).


Are you getting sufficient vitamin D? All kinds of hearing disturbances might be linked to severe prolonged vitamin D deficiency incl that which comes from otosclerosis.


Appropriate D dosing for a person who wears clothes;) and avoids midday sun and/or who wears sunscreen would be about 1000 IU per 25 lbs body weight.


it'd be best to test d levels. your doc can do it or write an order for LabCorp to do it. Avoiding Quest is worth it as there are reliability problems with their test. If you must use Quest, divide final result by 1.3 to obtain (a more or less) accurate result.


Another option is the $40 home vitamin D test from grassrootshealth.org




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I'd google aural hallucinations (unlikely but what the heck) auditory hallucinations (ditto). Could be some form of tinnitus (most most likely).


Are you getting sufficient vitamin D? All kinds of hearing disturbances might be linked to severe prolonged vitamin D deficiency incl that which comes from otosclerosis.


Appropriate D dosing for a person who wears clothes;) and avoids midday sun and/or who wears sunscreen would be about 1000 IU per 25 lbs body weight.


it'd be best to test d levels. your doc can do it or write an order for LabCorp to do it. Avoiding Quest is worth it as there are reliability problems with their test. If you must use Quest, divide final result by 1.3 to obtain (a more or less) accurate result.


Another option is the $40 home vitamin D test from grassrootshealth.org





My vitamin D is good and I supplement. It is very similar to tinnitus only more muscial. I will try those searches and see if I come up with anything. Thanks.

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I have heard that before, but unless I have an ear infection I can usually pinpoint the source.


Our AC makes music. If no other noise is on in the house it sounds like a band with the air moving through the pipes. It's quite lovely. Another time I heard a wonderful symphony while the wind whistled through the cars that were parked closely for an event.


I have had it happen without being able determine where it was coming from. I like to think of it as my own personal soundtrack.

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Yes, I've had this happen a few times. Each time it has been very quiet in my house and I've gotten up and walked around trying to pinpoint the source with no luck. A few weeks ago I would up turning on some music just to drown it out. It usually goes away after twenty or thirty minutes I guess.


Mine sounds like awesomely bad 80s rock, btw.

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"The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat"


In there he talks about frontal lobe seizures. People, apparently, store little bits of music there, he calls this their theme song. When they have a mild seizure of the frontal lobe, the music can be as if it's in another room or coming out of a radio nearby (to differentiate between them hearing it in their head, it is clearly not coming from inside their head, to them anyway). From what I remember it was not dangerous, one woman chose to keep the condition, because she heard her mother singing to her, but could be horribly annoying ;) The medications he gave out were all anti-seizure drugs and the result was immediate. Granted this book was written in the 80s, but it could give you a starting point. Besides, it's a really interesting read :)

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I heard music all the time when my kids first started Suzuki lessons. They were supposed to listen to their CDs for hours a day. BUT when the CDs were off (especially in the car), I thought they were on. It was the strangest thing. It was very quiet, but I could hear the songs as if they were really playing. No one else heard the music (and I checked: the CDs weren't even in the player)!


Could it just be auditory memory stuck in a temporary loop?


This hasn't happened to me in a very long time, but it did happen on and off for a while.


Good luck finding the source. :)

Edited by zaichiki
I forgot to say: enjoy it! It helps if you choose to enjoy it.
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If a person's AD med's dose is off (eg: too low, wrong drug, etc.), there can be breakthrough auditory hallucinations.


Ditto for all of the AAPs, APs, and benzos (don't forget that Li2Co3 is technically an AP).





Yeah, I was afraid this might be the case but was hoping it was more along the lines of a migraine sensory disruption or some other fairly normal explanation. Thanks though. This is probably helpful.

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Sometimes that happens to me. One particularly strange incident happened when I was a teenager. I thought a heard a radio playing some faint rock music. I wandered through the house in the dark looking for the source of this music. I was led to the bathroom. I thought I could hear music coming from the toilet! I realized the toilet handle needed jiggling to stop the running, but even after I understood where the sound was coming from I could still hear the music until the toilet stopped running.

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"The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat"


In there he talks about frontal lobe seizures. People, apparently, store little bits of music there, he calls this their theme song. When they have a mild seizure of the frontal lobe, the music can be as if it's in another room or coming out of a radio nearby (to differentiate between them hearing it in their head, it is clearly not coming from inside their head, to them anyway). From what I remember it was not dangerous, one woman chose to keep the condition, because she heard her mother singing to her, but could be horribly annoying ;) The medications he gave out were all anti-seizure drugs and the result was immediate. Granted this book was written in the 80s, but it could give you a starting point. Besides, it's a really interesting read :)


Well, now that I give it more though my inner music sound kind of like a kids old fashion carosel. I already take anti-seizure meds but it sounds like they may be off.

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Well, now that I give it more though my inner music sound kind of like a kids old fashion carosel. I already take anti-seizure meds but it sounds like they may be off.

That could be it. Like I said, from what I'd read it was more annoyance (and a possible symptom of other problems) than anything else. The one woman had been orphaned as a toddler. She chose to keep her 'inner music,' because it was the only way she could hear her mother's voice.


It's pretty interesting, the way our brains keep things :)

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I am happy to hear the music. One night I woke up to what sounded like airplanes flying near by over and over again. I asked dh why the arsenal was doing exercises in the middle of the ngiht. It didn't stop and after an hour I thought for sure we were being invaded. The sound did not go away for hours it was just plane after plane flying by sounding. :001_huh: I have no hearing in my right ear but I do hear music at times and sometimes I will get clearer hearing in my good ear for a few minutes. Weird huh.

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I call it, "there is a toy under something setting it off" :lol:


At least, that is what it always is when I have that problem, usually I don't hear it until kids are in bed and it's quiet.


Well, I have had this problem as well. We no longer have toys with batteries but I do have to do the whole electronics check rounds some times.

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I went to the doctor today and we are going try a med adjustment and see if we can't get me sleeping. Hopefully that will help. She also suggest that I eat occassionally. I have to be reminded to do this. I also need reminders about meds. She thinks the memory problems are probably also related to serious sleep deprivation.

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