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PTL! House fire. We are safe

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Last night I changed the laundry at midnight and did my end of night rounds, everything was fine. At lunch time today I went to get bread from my basement freezer and noticed a) the freezer breaker was off and b) the basement smelled like burnt plastic. I ignored it, turned the breaker back on and went back up stairs. After feeding the kids I went back downstairs to investigate. One of the ceiling lights in the basement had been on fire! It is an unfinished basement with open joists on the ceiling. THe one with the light attached is all burnt, the plastic from the light casing and wires was not only melted but burnt completely away. There was ash all over the floor and the toys under the light. I touched the light not thining about the breaker box and it exploded all over, sparks flew everywhere and burnt my head and back in several places. The power is now killed to that whole section of the basement. I am about to drop my kids off at my folks (and the folks are not happy about it) but I want to get the basement cleaned up to have the landlord down there without breaking their neck walking around in the dark with toys and storage everywhere.


I have to say PTL that the breaker tripped and cut the power. We never knew it was on fire. My basement smoke detector needed a new battery and I simply ignored it for years because it was an unfinished basement it just slipped my mind. None of the other detectors were set off. We have a duplex and my neighbor boy and his friend were both sleeping in their basement. The room he sleeps in shares a wall with the space in my basement that caught fire. Without us being warned to give them a warning this could have been a major tradegy for both families.


PLEASE PLEASE test your smoke detectors today, change the batteries and practice a fire drill with your children. This could have been much worse but God was looking out for my family and put that fire out himself before harm could come to my family or my neighbors.

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Thanks for the reminder, we've had one unhooked for months because it needed new batteries, we're going tomorrow to buy the 9volt battery to hang it back up....when we did our remodel we had all our fire alarms connect with each other so if one goes off, they all do...but if it's not up on the wall what good is that??? So glad you are well and safe!!



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I just have to say I love my neighbors. I was talking to my friend next door and telling her what happened. She reminded me her dh is a licensed electrician and was actually home this afternoon. He came over and removed all the burnt stuff then went out and bought a new fixture and rewired it so we would have a safe light in the basement again and not another fire tonight. I had completely forgotten that he was an electrician, since i usually onyl talk to her(she is a SAHM, plans to homeschool her kids and her little dd and my ds6 plan on getting married). So all is well in the household again and I feel WAY safer going to bed tonight. While he did that and the kids were gone I cleaned out my storage room and reorganized it. I figure another 45 minutes tonight in the storage/laundry/pantry/craft area after the kids go to bed, and an hour or so in teh toyroom and it will be good enough to have anyone down there and it has light again. I will be reporting it to the landlord on Monday but at least it has been fixed for tonight.


I am still shaken when I go down there and see the char marks on the ceiling but so very very thankful that we are safe and have our home.

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"They" say to pick a date each year that is memorable to you and on that day every year do your safety checks....like fire drills, new batteries in the smoke alarm, checking for frayed wiring where you can see, scorch marks in the breaker box, etc etc.


We choose our wedding anniversary as "that" date. Not exactly romantic, but our reasoning was that this was the date that our family officially started, even if it was only DH and I at the time.....it was the beginning. And all these safety checks are FOR our family.


I'm so glad that everyone is safe at your home!



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"They" say to pick a date each year that is memorable to you and on that day every year do your safety checks....like fire drills, new batteries in the smoke alarm, checking for frayed wiring where you can see, scorch marks in the breaker box, etc etc.


We choose our wedding anniversary as "that" date. Not exactly romantic, but our reasoning was that this was the date that our family officially started, even if it was only DH and I at the time.....it was the beginning. And all these safety checks are FOR our family.


I'm so glad that everyone is safe at your home!




We always do fire drills in October(for a while we did them monthly) and I always check my main smoke detector in October, and each October I would think "I really should buy batteries for the others and hang them" and then promptly forget and it goes undone for another year. Given how many things I drop the ball on at times I am so thankful that this did not end up as a tragedy because of my forgetfulness/procrastination.

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