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sigh...is this unreasonable?

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We went to the doc yesterday, and my dd was diagnosed with pneumonia. It was a late appointment. They call in the script, so I never actually see it. The doc said he was putting her on antibiotics.


I get to the pharmacy, and all they had called in was an inhaler refill, which she already takes. By this time the doc's office is closed, and I can't get in touch with anyone.


So this morning, I called as soon as they opened. The nurse said they would put it on the doctor's task list, and someone would get back to me. It is now noon. I called back, and they are apparently still working on it.


Is it too much too ask that they put some sort of priority on asking the doc a simple question so that I can get my dd the meds she needs before they are closed again? She is sicker this morning than yesterday, so I would like to get some meds in her soon before she ends up in the ER.


I really like our family doc. He's a great guy, and easy to talk to. But the office is horrible about keeping up with stuff, and he can be kind of scatter-brained.

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When does the office close today?


Sounds like their customer service isn't so great. They did make the mistake and so they need to fix it. Doctors can be frustrating because even when you know what needs to be done (rx) you have no power to make it happen.


Keep calling each hour until it's resolved. Be polite, but firm. Don't attack. "I'm feeling a little helpless here. My daughter is worse than ever now, and needs the medicine, and I can't get it to her until the rx is called in. She really should have started this last night. Is there any way you can expedite this."

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We went to the doc yesterday, and my dd was diagnosed with pneumonia. It was a late appointment. They call in the script, so I never actually see it. The doc said he was putting her on antibiotics.


I get to the pharmacy, and all they had called in was an inhaler refill, which she already takes. By this time the doc's office is closed, and I can't get in touch with anyone.


So this morning, I called as soon as they opened. The nurse said they would put it on the doctor's task list, and someone would get back to me. It is now noon. I called back, and they are apparently still working on it.


Is it too much too ask that they put some sort of priority on asking the doc a simple question so that I can get my dd the meds she needs before they are closed again? She is sicker this morning than yesterday, so I would like to get some meds in her soon before she ends up in the ER.


I really like our family doc. He's a great guy, and easy to talk to. But the office is horrible about keeping up with stuff, and he can be kind of scatter-brained.


If this is your regular pharmacy, call and ask if they can help you by calling the doctor for you. Sometimes the pharmacy can get things done sooner.


Otherwise, I would call the office again. Make sure they know that your daughter has pneumonia and you expect it to be taken care of ASAP. DO Push! Ask the nurse if she can check your chart for a note about the medication and call it in herself. If it is noted, it shouldn't have to go thru the doctor anyways.


Sorry you are having to go through this, I know it is so frustrating.

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We went to the doc yesterday, and my dd was diagnosed with pneumonia. It was a late appointment. They call in the script, so I never actually see it. The doc said he was putting her on antibiotics.


I get to the pharmacy, and all they had called in was an inhaler refill, which she already takes. By this time the doc's office is closed, and I can't get in touch with anyone.


So this morning, I called as soon as they opened. The nurse said they would put it on the doctor's task list, and someone would get back to me. It is now noon. I called back, and they are apparently still working on it.


Is it too much too ask that they put some sort of priority on asking the doc a simple question so that I can get my dd the meds she needs before they are closed again? She is sicker this morning than yesterday, so I would like to get some meds in her soon before she ends up in the ER.


I really like our family doc. He's a great guy, and easy to talk to. But the office is horrible about keeping up with stuff, and he can be kind of scatter-brained.


Well no, as a mom, I don't think it's unreasonable that you want to get the meds your dd needs.


But, in situations like this, I try to remember, I have NO idea what's going on at the doctor's office/with the doctor today. He may be dealing with other emergencies; or, he may just be a scatterbrain. If it's the later, then you need to decide if you like him enough to stick with the practice.


What I would do:


If the dr's office closes at 5, I'd call the parmacy at 4 if I hadn't heard anything. If they still don't have the script, I'd call the dr's office. I'd tell the nurse the situation, and explain that, since the office closes in an hour, you're concerned about making sure the script gets to the pharmacy today. Cause, well, dd is not doing well, and dr was supposed to send it in yesterday. I wouldn't get off the phone (or stop calling back if I got hung up on, LOL), until I spoke with SOMEONE at the dr's office that understood the sitaution, and PROMISED me the script would be sent before the office closed. If that didn't happen, and the script didn't get sent today, I'd take dd to an emergency walk-in clinic. Then I'd write a letter to the dr, include all the details, and ask him how he'd like to reimburse me for the extra trip, since it's his office's lack of competence that caused me the expense; not to MENTION the extra stress on my dd's health! Then, I'd be finding a new doc.


BTW, does your dr not have ANY way to contact him after hours? My ped. has an answering service, and has called me back after hours before.

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If this is your regular pharmacy, call and ask if they can help you by calling the doctor for you. Sometimes the pharmacy can get things done sooner.


Oh, yes! Do this too!


I posted a few weeks ago about Julie at my local pharmacy. I was waiting and waiting for my dr. office to call in a refill for my migraine medicine. Well, ok, I waited most of the day; but when you have a screaming migraine, an hour feels like an eternity. I finally went up to the pharmacy, talked to Julie, and she got it all taken care of for me.


I still need to contact Julie's boss to let them know how much I appreciate what she did.


So definitely, call (or usually, I find I get the BEST customer service when I go in person) the pharmacy.

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I will be calling back in an hour or so.


To give the nurse I spoke to this morning credit she checked the chart, and he did NOT write it on the chart. So it's his fault initially. My dd was going on and on with him about anime movies, so I can see how it may not have gotten written down. I'm giving them till around 3:30 to get this resolved...then I'm going to either take her into an urgent care clinic, or the ER. OR just go camp out in their office :D


We have considered changing offices. He's split between two offices now, and it's getting harder to get an appointment with him. This may just be the catalyst for changing.

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Echoing the others--this is one to push on. I would NOT give them until 3:30. I would keep calling every 45-60 minutes. I would also rope in the pharmacy to help.


And, when all is said and done and your daughter is well, I would also write a letter of complaint. This should have been given priority first thing this morning. Pneumonia is serious business.

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NO...I wouldnt accept that from my childs dr. I would call again! I did find that our pharmacy can call the dr. and they get immediate results. They press a different number and get right through. If you explain it to the pharmacist they may be able to tell the nurses to get it approved now.


If you dont get anywhere...I would go into the office and only speak to the dr. Most of the time, issues like this happen when the nurses do not tell the dr. what is going on. They dont realize how important the issue is and if the dr. realized...you wouldnt be waiting! I had a ped. that I could never reach. I kept getting the office. I finally had to switch. I understand it does happen. Especially on busy days...but they need to prioritize.

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In the future, I would *not* rely on the office to call in prescriptions. Take it in writing each and every time, and know what *exactly* you have been prescribed. Yes, it might take a few extra minutes to get your prescription once you get to the pharmacy, but it's worth it to *know* what you're getting and *know* you don't have to rely on a nurse or office worker at the doctor's office to have time to call and get it right.


Always, always, always walk out with a *written* prescription, and knowing exactly what it is you'll be getting.


I sure hope you get this resolved quickly!

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In the future, I would *not* rely on the office to call in prescriptions. Take it in writing each and every time, and know what *exactly* you have been prescribed. Yes, it might take a few extra minutes to get your prescription once you get to the pharmacy, but it's worth it to *know* what you're getting and *know* you don't have to rely on a nurse or office worker at the doctor's office to have time to call and get it right.


Always, always, always walk out with a *written* prescription, and knowing exactly what it is you'll be getting.


I sure hope you get this resolved quickly!


Yes, THIS. We recently had a similar experience, but it was the darn pharmacy's fault. I was taken aback when the ped's office said they transmit the scripts electronically, and I just knew it would be trouble. And it was.


Always get the paper!


Oh, and ETA that I don't think you're unreasonable at all. I'd be furious if my doc's office failed to call in a prescription for a child with pneumonia, of all things, and then told me they'd get to it when they get to it. No way.

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Well, after a total of 5 phone calls, and finally a trip to the doctor's office, we have meds. :glare:


I am not happy. We will be looking elsewhere for a doc.


Good for you. I know doctors' offices are busy places, but if you can't complete a basic task that impacts a child's health greatly, you're not doing your job effectively. I'd feel the same way if I had to wait for an hour in the waiting room or if I could never get an appointment. It's pretty simple, IMO.

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