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WinterPromise shipping delays- How long have you had to wait?


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I placed an order 6 weeks ago. We're supposed to start school on Monday, and I'm still missing 8 books. Four of those 8 are needed from day 1. So...I'm just wondering, just how long have others had to wait? I'm considering asking them for a partial refund, so I can order those 4 books from Amazon. Do you think they'll do it?

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My WP order was incomplete, as well. I called and spoke with someone a couple of weeks ago, and he told me they would get the missing item out to me right away. Haven't received it yet, and I left a message with them today, and mentioned the same thing you just did: if they haven't sent it, credit my credit card, so I can purchase the book this weekend, and have it in time to start school Monday.


I really like WP, however it seems there is a lot of confusion with what is actually shipped out. Some books come directly from them, others from Amazon.

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I have had that problem before. I called and spoke with Don about it--he actually offered the refund if I wanted to order from Amazon instead! (Of course, they were having difficulty obtaining the books I needed, so I'm not sure if that made the difference.) Another time that happened, they shipped the item overnight.


So, I said all that to say, in spite of their inconsistent shipping, the folks at WP really do try very hard to please.

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I have had that problem before. I called and spoke with Don about it--he actually offered the refund if I wanted to order from Amazon instead! (Of course, they were having difficulty obtaining the books I needed, so I'm not sure if that made the difference.) Another time that happened, they shipped the item overnight.


So, I said all that to say, in spite of their inconsistent shipping, the folks at WP really do try very hard to please.


A few local friends of mine use WP so I had a heads-up about their shipping problems. That's why I ordered all of my AS1 books myself from Amazon and only the WP exclusives + 2 books I couldn't find on Amazon from WP. I'll be placing my AS2 order for next year in full from WP (to save a few bucks and my time as well) by Feb. or March at the latest.


There are people who love their programs so much that they just suck it up and continue using it despite that. It's a shame - with such a loyal customer base they really should find a way to carry book packages that they keep in stock like SL or other book-package programs. When I had to call about the items I ordered from WP, the people there were very accomodating & nice. I received them via Priority mail after calling. Also, before I ordered from WP & still had some final questions, they responded to my emails w/in 2 days tops. Wonderful customer service, just some weird shipping practices. I hope the co. grows enough for them to become in control of the variabes that cause it.

Edited by Annabel Lee
sp. error
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I had a problem with the ROE Science. They were helpful, but it was a big inconvenience for me.


I have heard many complaints about their shipping, which is why I scratched them off my list. It is to bad, because I know they try, but it is difficult for many of us who are on a schedule and want to start school

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I would agree with the previous posters - call them & talk to them about it. We ran into this problem last year & they ended up ordering the missing books from Amazon & having them express shipped to me (we'd already started school and were running into a huge problem with the missing books). They also gave me a gift certificate, which now that I think about it, I haven't used!

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Their shipping is rather inconsistent, and I hope that they get this resolved in the future. However, I love their product so much that I am willing to be patient. Last year when I ordered a complete package from them, it came in 4 shipments. I received most of the items within 1 1/2 weeks, with a few straggling in here and there. But they are so accomodating and intentional about their customer service. Believe me, this has been a topic on their own forum, as well as the yahoo WP group. I sincerely hope they get better at it in the future, but when you call them, they usually take care of the matter quickly.

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Everybody who says CALL is right on the money. In the past I have never had shipping issues, but this was our first time ordering a full theme package. Once I called, everything that was missing came right quickly. Make sure they know you are starting Monday. And yes, I'm quite sure they'll refund you the book price so you can do Amazon if you request to go that route. They sent me a couple books from Amazon themselves. I really don't know how they make money when they do free shipping with the price of a theme and then send everything Priority.


Please realize, the Brooks family does every single thing connected with their business with the help of only one seasonal employee. This is the exact definition of a small family business.

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Last year I ordered AW in early May and didn't get everything until late July!! I had to make several calls in order to ensure I would get everything. Yikes! Don't want to do that again! With all the waiting I figured I would have received everything faster if I had ordered on Amazon myself - and it would have been cheaper too!:)



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I ordered in Feb. and did not receive all of my items until July, months later. After over 15 phone calls, each time being reassured that the missing items would be sent right away, many phone calls from Don himself. Very frustrating!


I got frustrated reading that all I had to do was call, I had called, I did call, and call, and call. Then I would just get apologies that they hadn't sent the items like they said they would each time.


Did I mention this happened with 2 orders over 2 summers? LOL


OK now that I've thrown it out there, my first post about this problem, I have to say that I love their programs! I do get frusrated with people insisting the service is good and that calling clears it up, that is not always true with WinterPromise but what else can you do? Call!

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This was my experience as well, but I just can't support such a poorly run and poorly managed operation no matter how much I like their products. I too called...and called...and called. Each time reaching a perfectly nice person who did nothing to resolve my issues. There was always some excuse - Amazon messed up, a snowstorm prevented UPS from picking up, the computers were down, so and so was sick. It really got to be comical after a few months. Well, not really since we were eagerly awaiting receiving our items that had been paid for several months previous.

Edited by TwinMominTX
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Hi all,


So I emailed them and was called this morning. Very kind, very apologetic. This is my second phone call, and as you all said, every call has been pleasant. I was assured that I'll receive the books by Tuesday at the latest. So, we'll see! I feel like they need a business coach to come in and help them with this situation.

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Hi all,


So I emailed them and was called this morning. Very kind, very apologetic. This is my second phone call, and as you all said, every call has been pleasant. I was assured that I'll receive the books by Tuesday at the latest. So, we'll see! I feel like they need a business coach to come in and help them with this situation.


UPDATE- The books never came! I called last night, received a call back this morning. The story? An order was placed on 8/21 through Amazon, but Amazon canceled the whole order. What? So a week BEFORE my initial call this all happened, but you never mentioned this to me? I'm not buying it. I am now being told that half of the books were shipped priority on Wed (2 day after I was told I would receive them), the other half were ordered over Amazon this morning, 2-day shipping over a holiday weekend. Great! My school year has just been set back 2 weeks. Never again will I order a full package from them.

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I ordered an LA set about four years ago with no trouble at all. In fact, it was a wonderful program and was the catalyst that ds#3 began to read fluently from! We both enjoyed it immensely!


However, a very df has been waiting a year and a half (no joke) for a refund. She returned the package within the allotted time period, but has all but given up.


And, like many op's, she has spoken with Don and other very kind people. From her experience I'd be very hesitant to order again.



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I am sorry. As you can tell from my post above I was so frustrated by the entire experience that I will never order from them again. I only wanted straight answers - even if they weren't what I wanted to hear.


I personally think they have some serious cash flow issues and that is why they are so inefficient and inconsistent.

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I've used WP for three years. The first time I ordered a complete package. I received duplicates of some books and was missing others. They dealt with the problem in a timely manner. The next year I only ordered the guide and exclusives, purchasing my books elsewhere. This was fairly painless and less expensive. This year I decided to get the entire package and it was an exercise in regret and frustration. I will never order a full package from them again.


I always try to order my curricula off season. I received my package, without a packing slip and with nearly half of the books missing, as well as some exclusives. It still took months to receive my full order. I would call and, yes, they were very, very nice on the phone. However, I was promised time and time again that my missing books would be shipping "tomorrow" or "next week" and then tomorrow and next week would come and go with no books! I was not a happy camper after this had happened three of four different times.


Being a family business doesn't excuse dishonesty or consistently poor business practices. And what else can you call it when you are repeatedly promised that your order will ship the next day, only to have weeks pass and that hasn't happened??


I've enjoyed using WP but I will never, ever purchase a full package from them again nor will I recommend them to others, unless they plan on only using the exclusives. Recalling my second year of using WP, when I only ordered the guide and exclusives, It was a cheaper and much more pleasant experience. I wish I had done that again this year.

Edited by Mamabyrd
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I think you must accept that its a family business and not judge them accoding to the same standard you'd judge a larger group.


The product is pretty good.


I ordered from them and got everything within two weeks.


I have amazon prime and get the non exclusives from there.


That's the thing, if you only order the exclusives from them, they usually come in a reasonable time frame. But if you order an entire package from them, it can be extremely unpredictable. I ordered the AW exclusives from them and got them very quickly. I ordered RTL back when it had mostly just Little Hands guides and they shipped it all from Amazon quickly. That was 2 years ago.


But I ordered the entire CAW program from them in July and was told by one of the owners that everything was instock, because I specifically asked, except for one out of print book, and it would all go out in a week. I did get my order 3 weeks later like they said, and that is a reasonable time frame, but it was missing 15 books. (I just checked my packing slip yesterday, I had thought it was only 10, but there were actually 15 books missing, not including the OOP book). This is what bothers me, if they had stated right when I called that my order would be missing these books because they did not have them instock, and I would have to wait on those, that would be one thing- full disclosure, right? I could have decided if I wanted to go ahead and order and wait or not, being fully informed of the decision. But I was told something else. Why does that happen?


Then I had to call 3 times to get my complete order. I had the complete order in 5 weeks. Each time I called I was told they would call me back later that day but I didn't receive a return call for several days.


When I called to ask them about the OOP book, I told them that it was instock on Amazon right then, and the person on the phone proceeded to argue with me and told me she would "check and see if that's true" and then call me back. An unfortunate choice of words that left me feeling a little put off by their company. (She did call me back several days later to tell me that yes, it was on Amazon and they'd had it shipped directly from them). There was not any apology and never has been one any time I've called, for the waiting and misinformation.


I do believe they're nice people and that they are adjusting as a new company, so I would be fine with being patient if they would be forthright and state that there would be a wait and when I could expect the rest of the books. But I felt left in the dark a lot. If I had not called them each time, I'm not sure I would have heard from them on the status of the missing books.


I do want to bring these issues to the owners themselves, as I do think they want to do the best they can for their customers and should know about my concerns. I have asked when I've called and talked to people working for them and been met with answers that don't really explain anything, I've felt a tad brushed off. I'm hoping to speak to the owners when the busy season is over.


Yes, it's a family business. Yes, I want them to succeed and appreciate their product. My kids just love CAW so far. (We've completed 2 weeks). But every time I see their CS issues addressed, I see over and over that they're a small family business and they're having growing pains. I'm not saying we shouldn't extend grace, but I do want to explore if it really is reasonable to enter into what is essentially a business transaction and then not get the goods as promised and not get clear answers on when those goods will arrive, just because it is a small company. I think they should make it clear then that their business is growing and that they want to be upfront that orders will take a month or more, or whatever the current time frame is. And that their suppliers are unpredictable, which they're working on but can't guarantee certain books.


I will order only exclusives from them and the rest from Amazon next year, if I decide to use them again.

Edited by Annie Laurie
fixing a typo
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Being a family business doesn't excuse dishonesty or poor consistently poor business practices. And what else can you call it when you are repeatedly promised that your order will ship the next day, only to have weeks pass and that hasn't happened??



This is the point I was trying to make in my much less concise response.

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After about a year of trying to get it resolved, I simply gave up. It was terribly confusing for everyone involved. Several books went out of print (not their fault), but then nothing was sent in their place - even though I paid for them. However, I never had a good complete list of what I was supposed to have (due to the changes) and they didn't have good records as to what was sent. Best I can tell I never received two readers that I had purchased.


Incidentally, I called to inquire repeatedly and Don Brooks felt bad about the problems I had. He gave me a $25 gift certificiate to use for future purchases. I contacted them some time later and ordered something using my gift certificate. It took me 2+ months, three phone calls and two emails to finally receive the item I ordered using the credit given to me because the initial order was messed up so badly! :tongue_smilie:

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Guest Cindie2dds

I ordered a complete package in June 29 and I'm still waiting on two books (supposed to arrived Sept 22). I've called and emailed and when I've talked to a person, they are always very polite and try to help. I don't want to try for a refund because, quite frankly, this just stressed me out having everything arrive so scattered, from so many different places and in over 7 shipments. I'm done. I think ordering only the exclusives in the off season from them is the way to go until this gets resolved. I would like for them to succeed because I think they have great ideas. I would love to do Sea and Sky when my kids are old enough. I hope the kinks are worked out by then.

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What?!? Seriously???


I have no doubt that she's serious. Same thing happened to me. Another time I ordered a package and was told one of the main books (it was an LA package) was on backorder. I waited and waited. 2 months later they sent me a different book saying it was a replacement because the original book was out of print now. Well the new book was awful so I tried to return the whole (unused) package. They refused to allow me to return it because it was past the return time - which they counted from the day the first part of the package was shipped!!! So even though they didn't send it to me until 2 days before I tried to return it - I had exhausted my ability to return it 6 weeks before.


I am all for small business but they are not just inept. They are unethical.



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I have no doubt that she's serious. Same thing happened to me. Another time I ordered a package and was told one of the main books (it was an LA package) was on backorder. I waited and waited. 2 months later they sent me a different book saying it was a replacement because the original book was out of print now. Well the new book was awful so I tried to return the whole (unused) package. They refused to allow me to return it because it was past the return time - which they counted from the day the first part of the package was shipped!!! So even though they didn't send it to me until 2 days before I tried to return it - I had exhausted my ability to return it 6 weeks before.


I am all for small business but they are not just inept. They are unethical.




Yes, I think that's true, that they're unethical. I've been wrestling with that. I said in the past that I wouldn't order from them because of their resale policy but I have a son whom I knew would thrive on the visual and hands-on aspects of WP, so I took a chance. And I do like the program we're doing but I like Sonlight also, so I question why I'm giving my business to WP instead, when I consider their business practices. Right now, I'm planning on using SL next year and just ordering some WP books from Amazon to give my son some visual books.


WP's return policy is terrible and I actually had a sinking feeling after I ordered CAW and read it the policy in the catalog more thoroughly, which I should have done in the first place, because I was afraid I would not be getting my whole package at one time, which is how it turned out. The right thing for them to do is to start their return window once the customer has the entire package in hand.


ETA: The only reason I ordered the whole package from WP, was because for the program I was ordering, Children Around the World, it actually was a lot cheaper to buy it from WP than from Amazon. I ran the numbers. They give a substantial discount if you buy the complete package, with the cultural experiences set, from them. The only other programs of theirs I'm interested in possibly using are AS I and II and if I do use those, I'll order from Amazon for sure. But right now, I'm thinking I'll just tweak SL.

Edited by Annie Laurie
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I have ordered and never had major problems. I am wondering though how can stuff be cheaper ordering from another place when the guide doesn't cost with the package deal? Don't you wind up paying different ship costs from ordering else where too?


Amazon has free shipping. I've done the math, and even with paying for the guide, it's the same price or a little less ordering the books from Amazon for AS I and Animal Worlds. It was more expensive not to order the complete Children around the World package from WP. Those are the only programs I've priced.

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Amazon has free shipping. I've done the math, and even with paying for the guide, it's the same price or a little less ordering the books from Amazon for AS I and Animal Worlds. It was more expensive not to order the complete Children around the World package from WP. Those are the only programs I've priced.


We're doing QAW and it would have been slightly more to go through amazon. Something like $20. I'm KICKING myself for not doing it that way. That would have been $20 well spent.

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I am having the same problem most of you have experienced with WP. After several e-mails I was promised my order would come. I am still missing some books. I have received two shipments from amazon containing some of the missing books in the last couple of weeks. What I dont get is why they are sending them in diferent shipments. Two of the still missing books are instock at amazon right now. WHy not just place the entire order at once for all the missing books and send them in one shipment!!!! I am beyond agravated with this company although I do like the program. I plan to order only the exclusives from this point on and use my amazon prime for everything else from now on.



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I am having the same problem most of you have experienced with WP. After several e-mails I was promised my order would come. I am still missing some books. I have received two shipments from amazon containing some of the missing books in the last couple of weeks. What I dont get is why they are sending them in diferent shipments. Two of the still missing books are instock at amazon right now. WHy not just place the entire order at once for all the missing books and send them in one shipment!!!! I am beyond agravated with this company although I do like the program. I plan to order only the exclusives from this point on and use my amazon prime for everything else from now on.




Honestly I think it's the reason another poster said early on. They have a cash-flow problem. I don't think they manage their money well enough and just can't afford to ship the books from amazon even though they are available. They are also the only company I know that charges you before shipment - meaning they have your money for months before you even have the stuff. Typical business practice says you don't charge on a backorder until it's available.



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Honestly I think it's the reason another poster said early on. They have a cash-flow problem. I don't think they manage their money well enough and just can't afford to ship the books from amazon even though they are available. They are also the only company I know that charges you before shipment - meaning they have your money for months before you even have the stuff. Typical business practice says you don't charge on a backorder until it's available.




That is a good point, I had not thought of the backorder issue. You're right that most companies do not charge until it ships.

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