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Strange thing happened at the mall today.

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As I was walking through the mall, all the lights went out in the entire mall it became spooky silent for a moment then the silence was broken from all the stores started shutting their doors and gate things. This is what nightmares are made of....lol and all I could think of is the Die Hard movies, everything bad starts with all the lights going out:lol:....so I being a big chicken and mildly afraid of the dark hauled booty out of there.

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Maybe it was some sort of drill? Like, remember when we were in elementary school, and we had to do tornado drills, and all the kids had to go out into the halls, crouch down, and cover their heads with their hands?


Maybe something like that? Man, I wouldn't have just left, I would have started asking everyone until I knew what was going on. Well, if I had my dc I would have left, since I would have been worried about their safety. But if I was by myself, I'd have been tracking down a security guard or something to get some answers.

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I would be running the kids through a pop quiz on what to do when zombies attack.


Okay, I admit I've never actually run the kids through zombie safety drills. That would entail telling them about zombies, and my four year old is still terrified by the thought of the tooth fairy, so I don't think sleep would ever happen again.


But.....I have to admit, my husband and I have talked about it a lot. It's kind of one of those situations where even if the zombies are slow and dumb, if they aren't annihilated quickly, we're all doomed......


I probably take this all waaaaaay too seriously. :lol:

Edited by Terabith
why can't i spell?
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I always carry a small flashlight in my purse, just for the one-in-a-million scenario like you encountered. Many stores (offices, hallways in buildings, etc...) do not have windows or have very few.


Bet that was definitely a weird sensation to have happen....

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Okay, I admit I've never actually run the kids through zombie safety drills. That would entail telling them about zombies, and my four year old is still terrified by the thought of the tooth fairy, so I don't think sleep would ever happen again.


All of the youngest three children knew about zombies at or before age four because of much older siblings with poor judgment. Mostly the kids are not too freaked, but my youngest is the most sensitive. I wouldn't run him through a zombie drill until I could see the red of their chins.

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For those who need one more book to collect. This could be helpful.


For those of you that learn best in an audio/visual setting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDOeof0KrxU


For those of you who prefer to express your emotions in song. A

about zombies complete with ASL.





(I'm lying in bed sick, I have to do something educational today. :lol:)

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For those who need one more book to collect. This could be helpful.


For those of you that learn best in an audio/visual setting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDOeof0KrxU


For those of you who prefer to express your emotions in song. A

about zombies complete with ASL.





(I'm lying in bed sick, I have to do something educational today. :lol:)


Oh Paula, you...gasp...really shouldn't have.:lol::lol::lol: I am definitely sending the song to my SIL who is an interpreter.

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