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Classical Education Blogs?


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I hope this kind of topic is okay on this forum...


I was wondering if people could share the addys of their classical educational blogs? :) A running list would be fun!


Our blog (http://www.tullyfamily.blogspot.com/) focus has been mainly updating family members on the happenings around here but when we start lessons again after our baby is born in September, I'm hoping to do a post at least once a week about education- what we are learning, philosophy, ideas, etc.



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My blog is in my siggy. Mine is mostly about education, but I'm not a classical purist...more eclectic with a heavy classical influence. I started to show our family what hsing looks like in our house. We're the first (and only) ones to hs and we live far away. I just want to keep them informed. I like to visit blogs to see what others are doing too.

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My blog is in my siggy. Mine is mostly about education, but I'm not a classical purist...more eclectic with a heavy classical influence. I started to show our family what hsing looks like in our house. We're the first (and only) ones to hs and we live far away. I just want to keep them informed. I like to visit blogs to see what others are doing too.


Pretty much. We are the only ones homeschooling when it comes to my husband's side of the family. My sister homeschools her older two children. But our family lives far from us so we started out blog to show them we aren't all freaks. LOL.

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We are in the beginning of our homeschooling journey, but I have spent about 3 years researching approaches and curriculum. Our homeschool uses a classical/Charlotte Mason approach.


I am very new to blogging. The Aletheia Academy Blog is for our homeschool. The Matres Magitres blog is for our co-op. Our co-op uses AO resources for art and music. The MM blog also has free plans, schedules, etc. for anyone to use.


Addresses for both are in my siggy.

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