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I think the only reason NOT to return a shopping cart to a corral is...

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Oh, you're one of those lazy moms that don't care about your family, aren't you? :lol:


Nope. I'm one of those lazy moms who hasn't assigned that chore to one of my kids yet.


Mainly b/c I'm too busy obsessing over whether or not to return my shopping cart the next time I go to Wal-mart to buy expensive microwave cleaning supplies. ;)

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Nope. I'm one of those lazy moms who hasn't assigned that chore to one of my kids yet.


Mainly b/c I'm too busy obsessing over whether or not to return my shopping cart the next time I go to Wal-mart to buy expensive microwave cleaning supplies. ;)


You need to get your priorities straight. Leave that cart wherever you push it, impose on hosts with unreasonable driving demands, and rob religious missionaries by taking their literature (I'm kidding S!) like I do and you will have loads of time for a sparkling microwave. I mean really, you need to put first things first! :D

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You need to get your priorities straight. Leave that cart wherever you push it, impose on hosts with unreasonable driving demands, and rob religious missionaries by taking their literature (I'm kidding S!) like I do and you will have loads of time for a sparkling microwave. I mean really, you need to put first things first! :D



:rofl: You have officially made my night. Thanks!

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Nah, it's just. . . I don't know, amusing!


I just never think about it. Sometimes I return it, sometimes I don't. It's not really an issue for me, so I'm just chuckling that it's a thread with umpteen posts.


What category am I in, Mamabegood? ;) Do I get my own???


:iagree: I haven't read it but I can't believe it!

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If it is raining and far away...forget it!


Just keeping it real :)


I agree! I'm not going to soak my child any more than I have to.


Our local Costco had one giant section of the parking lot with NO cart return. I tried to hand my cart off to someone going in, but otherwise left it up on the curb. I figured it was a message to the company that they needed to build a cart return in that section already. This year, they finally did!

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Nah, it's just. . . I don't know, amusing!


I just never think about it. Sometimes I return it, sometimes I don't. It's not really an issue for me, so I'm just chuckling that it's a thread with umpteen posts.


What category am I in, Mamabegood? ;) Do I get my own???


NO!!! You must conform to one of the three categories, or my nifty new system will be ruined. Therefore, I'm assigning you to Group 2 (which is, of course, the correct group, so rejoice in your placement! :D). At some point I may have subgroups to include microwave cleanliness, but you'll have to wait.

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NO!!! You must conform to one of the three categories, or my nifty new system will be ruined. Therefore, I'm assigning you to Group 2 (which is, of course, the correct group, so rejoice in your placement! :D). At some point I may have subgroups to include microwave cleanliness, but you'll have to wait.



My microwave is always immaculate!! :D :p hehe

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Am I the only one that shops at a supermarket where people are impatiently waiting for your spot? :001_huh: I can't even imagine running the cart back, little kids in tow, to the front of the store (no corral).


I hate when someone is waiting for my spot because it feels like an eternity while someone is staring at me to get the groceries in the trunk, the cart placed in the space but not where it will roll and the kids and myself in the car and buckled before I can back out (and strategically so that I don't block the waiting car so a new car can just zip right in) <anxiety smilie> :lol:

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Where I am the major grocery stores have the carts where you put in a 1 dirham coin to get a cart, then when you return it to the corral you put the key thing into the cart in front of yours and get your coin back. I very rarely see carts adrift in the parking lots.


They also generally have a lot of staff that are continously out there bringing in the carts; and they're big on taking your groceries to your car for you (it's like the default, you have to tell the person bagging your stuff that you don't want him to take it out for you), in which case they'll return the cart for you as well.

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I don't return my carts. And I don't care if my kids learn not to return their carts. In fact, I feel I'm supporting the job of the teen who collects them. I did my share of cart gathering when I was a teen working for a grocery store, and I was grateful for the job.


When going into a store, I almost always take a cart someone else has left in the lot. It has been very convenient to have a cart there and handy when dealing with lots of small children, or large returns. And then I leave it in the lot when I'm done with it, for the next person's convenience.


I do return the cart if I'm right next to the corral, though.


IMHO, there are far more serious things to worry about and ways to judge people's character.

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LOL:) What a very long thread about a very small subject:) I didn't see it until now and I haven't read all (or even most) of the pages! I purposely park close to a cart return so that I can put it away while letting the kids stay at the car. If I'm not able to find a close enough space, then we'll all go unless it's been an awful trip (meltdowns, pregnant and exhausted, etc). Of course, I partly prefer to not leave the cart adrift as a courtesy to the store, but mostly as a courtesy to other cars. They do roll and *I* don't want other carts banging into my car! Once, while my DH worked at Walmart, there was a big storm and a cart went SLAMMING into the door and left a huge dent!!

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I don't return my carts. And I don't care if my kids learn not to return their carts. In fact, I feel I'm supporting the job of the teen who collects them. I did my share of cart gathering when I was a teen working for a grocery store, and I was grateful for the job.


When going into a store, I almost always take a cart someone else has left in the lot. It has been very convenient to have a cart there and handy when dealing with lots of small children, or large returns. And then I leave it in the lot when I'm done with it, for the next person's convenience.


I do return the cart if I'm right next to the corral, though.


IMHO, there are far more serious things to worry about and ways to judge people's character.



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I'm trying to think of when I see carts sitting in the parking lots and not in the coral. I'm sure there are, but not often.


Culture? Location? or ???




I was thinking about that today at the grocery store. There wasn't a single cart in the parking lot, except in the corrals. I almost never see a stray cart.


I didn't when I lived in Wisconsin, either.

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I will admit publicly that I have shopping cart issues. Not only do I return my cart, but I can rarely walk away from the corral without straightening it all up. I am in no way a neatnik, but carts are another thing. They are made to nestle neatly together or to be pushed gaily through the store and subsequent parking lot to return to their previously nestled state. Seeing a lone cart at an odd angle in the parking lot just makes my heart sad. (Yes, I am exaggerating.) Perhaps this falls in line with my love of mechanical puzzles or something, but shopping carts do receive a bit of obsession from me. I don't spend time thinking about the issue, but the sight of disheveled carts springs me into action. I have been known to spend quite some time collecting and straightening the poor little things. I have been known to get back out of my van to run to get a poor cart that someone has abandoned right in front of my eyes. I don't glare at the cart shover or anything, but I just help the lost cart find its place in the world again. I have been known to stop the van, if no one is behind me, jump out and rescue a cart and sometimes a car, too, if the cart is rolling.


I am not able to spend all this extra time lately, because I usually have my son with me and he is a handful, but I do put my cart back and usually still try to make sure it is nestled into another cart, which is also in place, etc. It rarely takes much time to make sure they are tidied just a bit. I don't have time to collect any extras, but I do make sure mine is in the corral. I do try to park close to a corral, too. I don't think I COULD leave my cart in the parking lot. LOL I would be so conflicted that I wouldn't be able to back my van out, until that cart was in the corral and nestled or unable to comply with nestling for one reason or another. Of course, I also tend to do the little fixes that help the carts nestle properly, too, unless it is a structural problem.


No children have been harmed due to this small obsession. Like I said, I tend to park next to a corral and my efforts are usually done very quickly, if I have my young one with me. I might take longer, if my much older daughter is with me or if I am out alone. It just feels good to leave a tidy corral with happy carts for some reason. (And yes, I am quite certain the carts are happier, when they are nestled or being rolled throughout the store.)


Feel free to carry on the discussion about the attitudes and reasons behind the placement of one's cart after shopping, in my little world, I shall continue to make every effort to bring happiness to each cart that I can. :lol:


(maybe next time I shop, I should take some oil, too, and something to protect them from rust...)

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Irene, you just made my night! Anyone who can crack me up while on double dose allergy meds while I continue to sneeze and rub my poor eyes for the thousandth time deserves applause!


You know "Confessions of a Shopaholic" did quite well at the box office- I think "Confessions of a Cart-aholic" could really sell BIG TIME !!!

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They are made to nestle neatly together .... Seeing a lone cart at an odd angle in the parking lot just makes my heart sad. (Yes, I am exaggerating.) Perhaps this falls in line with my love of mechanical puzzles or something, ...... I have been known to spend quite some time collecting and straightening the poor little things. I have been known to get back out of my van to run to get a poor cart that someone has abandoned right in front of my eyes. ...... but I do put my cart back and usually still try to make sure it is nestled into another cart, .... It rarely takes much time to make sure they are tidied just a bit. .....until that cart was in the corral and nestled or unable to comply with nestling for one reason or another.


oh, thank GOD I'm not the only one that has done this!

I'm not quite as obsessive as you, but yeah, when i have the time......


Let me guess -- you also are REALLY good at Tetris, eh?:D

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