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Big stomach

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Hi, I tried googling this but couldn't find an answer and I can't afford to see the doctor for another month or so. Maybe you guys can figure this out. I lost about ten pounds in the past few months but at the same time, my stomach has gotten bigger. My skirts don't fit around the stomach. I've missed my period for two months now but I took several pregnancy tests that showed negative results. Might it be perimenopause or even menopause? Is a bigger stomach due to that even though I actually lost weight?

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Oh, I hope you get checked out soon. Weight loss + simultaneous growth in an area is sometimes not a good thing. Otoh, it could be something like fibroids which is generally not a huge problem. I've not heard of menopausal symptoms presenting this way - usually there's just weight gain & size increase. I hope you're able to get a diagnosis promptly.


best wishes ~

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Guest Katia

In my case it was endometrial tumors that had completely enveloped both ovaries. Go to a dr. ASAP. I lived it this for waaayyy to long because we had no money and no insurance, and it almost ended up attacking my vital organs.

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Have you skimped on water, or possibly overloaded on it? Have you upped veggies? Are you gassy?


Go to the doctors' as soon as possible, in the mean time, maybe you're retaining water or building up gas? My gramma did this when she altered her diet (dumped sweets, dairy and meat, upped veggies and fruit) and it was mostly gas.


If it's gas, try ginger. If it's water, try carrots.

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Same thing happened to me, it was stress and 'reaching a certain age' (for me 35). I lost 5lb in my hips and butt and my stomach got bigger. When I asked the same question on an online community most of the women told me it was a natural consequence of aging.


I didn't notice how much you lost. 5 or 10lb? Or more like 20-30?


There are several intestinal problems (food allergies, irritable bowel syndrom, colitis, crohns) which also can mean an increase in waistlength. If you have abdominal pain, constipation/diahrrea, food sensitivities, gas, that can also be a factor.

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Oh, I hope you get checked out soon. Weight loss + simultaneous growth in an area is sometimes not a good thing.



still could be fairly minor,....fibroids.....but also pcos......thyroid issues......could just also be perimenopause in combo the slow loss of core muscle strength that happens over time unless we're really active in maintaining it.


ETA: but seriously go. go in. Do. Not. Wait.



Edited by cillakat
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on Thursday and the nurse sent me for a blood test on Friday. I should know more on Monday once they get the results. It's a pregnancy test but I'm hoping that they also asked for other tests on my hormonal levels and such. Thanks for asking!

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checkup in Sept. Based on what I told her of my symptoms over the phone, she said it sounds like the beginning of menopause. Ugh, if so, that means I'll have to work extra hard at losing weight and keeping it off as it seems to have gotten directed by my body to go right to my belly which is not good in terms of health and looks.

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I will join the "get thee to a doctor before September" club, but wanted to offer a little reassurance. This same thing happened to a friend of mine and it turned out she had a large BENIGN abdominal tumor. So it may not be a cancerous tumor, but still something that would interfere with the normal workings of your other internal organs. Of course it may be nothing at all, but do you really want to spend another month fretting over it?


You have to keep us posted, you know, we will worry about you until we hear you've checked out okay. :grouphug:

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Please go get an exam by a gynecologist. Please. I don't want to scare you to death, but my aunt's symptoms were similar and she kept putting things off. She had ovarian cancer. Please go get checked. Just in case.


I pm'd her with the same concerns last week.


Let's cross fingers that the Dr. will see you sooner or better yet find another Dr's office that take your symptoms seriously. Did they do a CBC with differential when they took your blood for a pregnancy test or was that just a urine test? Please insist.

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