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Ballet is driving me crazy and it hasn't started yet!

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We went down to pay today. Returning to our studio was a major decision this year. Dd did not have a banner winning year last year. She had a teacher who was a "unique" (if I can't say anything nice, I'll stick with that). We then go to buy the leotard, slippers, etc.


Come to find out, the leotard is not only discontinued, it has been discontinued for some time. It is next to impossible to find. I bought 1 that fit dd. And she will most certainly outgrow it. The ballet school will not change the color or style. They say they know it is discontinued but they are determined to use it.


It is already promising to be a tough year!

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Ahhhh dance...Yes after my oldest being in company for 7 years and after 11 years of dance total...we dropped it last year. It was so hard, but the studio made life horrible. Now she is thinking of teaching some young children at a local church. She still loves dance and will go to the conventions this year, but we just couldn't handle the studio and the dance 6 days a week anymore.

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This is the only classical ballet studio. They gave us the required attire and told us to go to the local dance shop. We got to the local dance shop and the owner explained that the leos are discontinued. And she had explained this over and over again to the studio. The admin said they are committed to this color, style, and brand. There are no other options. Great, now what? They said to borrow from other dancers. Huh? Is there a list we can call? No. Okay........ I am done and the year has not started!

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This is the only classical ballet studio. They gave us the required attire and told us to go to the local dance shop. We got to the local dance shop and the owner explained that the leos are discontinued. And she had explained this over and over again to the studio. The admin said they are committed to this color, style, and brand. There are no other options. Great, now what? They said to borrow from other dancers. Huh? Is there a list we can call? No. Okay........ I am done and the year has not started!


How can they be committed to something that's been discontinued?:001_huh:

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I would love to know the answer to that one! I guess they feel there will be enough left over for everyone to get one. But, my fear is that we will not be able to do this. I have 1 in hand that fits dd now. And I do mean NOW. There is not much room to grow. These must last into May. I have on order 1, but there is no guarantee I will get it. I should get an update tomorrow. I also ordered a similar style (3 seams in front instead of 1). This is just so upsetting. So, what if a couple girls, for whatever reason (growth, stains, tears,etc), do not have the leo toward the end of the year? Are we all going to have to buy new leos for recital (we do not wear costumes for recital - only class leos)? This just does not make sense.

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That is the kind of thing that would have me sooo out of there.


I can't stand stubborn, mule headed responses to reasonable requests.


Of course, I know it is not a cut and dried issue as far as just quitting without a backward glance, but gee...that sure is hard to fathom that kind of thinking...



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Hearing stories like yours makes me even more grateful that DD is involved in her dance studio. I have heard so many dance school horror stories from moms. I really lucked out with ours! Things get hectic around recital time, but it's run well -- just a few long days for the moms and dancers.


I echo what everyone else is saying -- it's ridiculous that they're requiring something that's discontinued. You're not the only mom who will be facing this dilemma. The leotards are only going to last so long before normal wear-and-tear takes affect. The studio is eventually going to have to bend and find another style.

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we left a competition winning dance studio to go with a "local" studio that focuses more on children and not at all on competition.... and have never looked back. we are soooo much happier, and dds are dancing MORE not less!


there's a lot to be said for working with rational folks!


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Can I order one online? Maybe. According to Mirella, there are only 3 left in the USA online retailers in dd's size. Dance Distributors has placed an order for me, but they will not know if we get it until the order is processed by Mirella. Obviously, if more than 3 people order, someone is going to be left out. I am going to go down to our local store again today and see about getting one too big and throw it in the dryer.


I have found out there are 2 other schools worth trying in the area. One is quite a long drive - about an hour one way and we would go at least twice a week. The other has a 2 day recital. Has anybody ever heard of a 2 day recital? It is 2.5 hours each night. Dd would be required to dance in both nights with costume changes for each. I am told that is not only pricey but a bit "much" for a lack of better word.

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The other has a 2 day recital. Has anybody ever heard of a 2 day recital? It is 2.5 hours each night. Dd would be required to dance in both nights with costume changes for each.


Our studio has over 700 kids. The studio splits the classes into 4 shows over two days. My dd is in company so she performs in all four shows. It makes for a crazy weekend, but she loves it.


I am assuming that you have already checked out discountdance. That is my favorite online dance store.



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The other has a 2 day recital. Has anybody ever heard of a 2 day recital? It is 2.5 hours each night. Dd would be required to dance in both nights with costume changes for each. I am told that is not only pricey but a bit "much" for a lack of better word.


We have 2 three hour shows, but they are all on one day. We also have a separate recital for the competition dancers, the next day.

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for the yearly recital, each class dances only once. if you take two or more classes, you may end up in both shows.


for the yearly ballet (a story told in dance), there are three or more performances on two days, depending on how many schools buy tickets for the friday shows. some years, its only one friday and one saturday, other years, its been three on friday and two on saturday!


but for each time, its one costume per class. so if you take more than one class, well, you can see where this is heading. i bought 5 costumes for this weekends recital, as both dds do ballet and tap, and then one is doing a pre-point class as well. but their teachers coordinated, and they do all their dances in the second show.:001_smile::thumbup: but with our studio, the performances are optional, so some girls dance all year and don't perform, due to cost. and at least once, they chose a different costume for us because the one they had picked was just too expensive.


i am going to our local dance store this afternoon if you want to pm me the size and model leotard you need, i can ask...



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New update. I cannot order in dd's size. Mirella said there are none left in the USA with them or any of their distributors. Our local shop called this morning with a returned small, a dc decided not to dance afterall and returned her gear. I bought that one, even though it is too big, she will probably wear it by next May. I also bought another child size 14. So, she has 2 that fit now and 1 that is too big. I also ordered a petite in a similar style.


For those interested, dd is required to wear Mirella Camisole 201 in periwinkle. The color is discontinued. From what I am told, this color, in this style was discontinued quite a while ago and that is why it is so hard to get. There are no skirts left at all anywhere. I managed to get a 2nd hand one (still payed full price however).


It does not have to be this hard. It really doesn't. My dread fear now that I have spent a ton (to me at least) on leos is that come spring, we will be doing this again. I cannot imagine every dc will have leos that will get them from Aug 09 to May 10. If even 1 dc does not have it, we will all need to buy something different for recital. Ugh. The only positive thing would be the girls who drop out could resell their leos. This school always loses about 25% by Christmas break. Gee, I wonder why????

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