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Let's do a little bragging on our kids!

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Eldest son (13), is off camping in the Boundary Waters with Dad and Boy Scouts. He worked like a man picking up roofing shingles for 2 hours and did a bang-up job! He gets up every morning by 7 and does 3/4 hour of chicken chores. He takes care of chickens 3x's a day and at night before bed. He is respectful, a great Altar Server, and a great son. (maybe I should let him read this! ;))


Youngest son (9), is a sweetie and shares with everyone without being asked. He is thrilled to be with you and is obedient and kind. He is an excellent artist, great Altar Server and just a very kind person. He is the first person to reach out his hand and shake hands with all the adults and greet them. Also the first person to offer help to anyone. Another great son!


Remind me of this when I go off the handle!

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I really enjoyed reading everyone's comments about the nice things their dh does for them. I'd like to read some good stuff about people's kids, too!


What has your child done lately that just made you feel :001_wub: ?


Oh! This is a good one..


We've been having some problems with manners and minding lately. After many discussions with the kids, I've witnessed a huge turn-around the past few days.


DS6 is Johnny-on-the-spot with a "yes, Mom" and quick minding. :gnorsi:

DS3 thanks me for every little thing. When I tucked him in tonight, he said, "Thank you for reading me stories, Mommy. I love you." :001_wub:

DD4 takes the prize though. To say she dislikes cleaning up is the understatement of the year. However, I've seen huge improvements this week. When asked to pick up a mess or help with something, she says, "Yes, my lady!" and does a curtsy. :svengo:


Don't know what they added to the water here but I hope it's staying! :001_smile:

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This week my 15yo ds took care of the 3yo in the church nursery for 4 hours EVERY night so that I could have a total break in the evenings (to clean, yay, LOL ;) ) while dh and the other kids took part in vacation Bible school. I got SO much done and it has been a great mini-recooperation time for me! He could have stayed home to watch the little guy, but stayed in the non-air conditioned nursery so that I could have the house to myself!


And today my 12yo dd was so grateful for the birthday brownie I made her...it made me feel good because she knows how financially strapped we are and yet didn't seem disappointed at all by a pretty uneventful birthday. *sigh*

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My 9yo DD likes to hold her baby sister and will do so anytime I ask, even if she's crying (which she rarely does). She also helps dress the 2yo before we go out.


My 7yo DS will change his 2yo brother's wet diapers for me. He's also been volunteering to do some of the laundry this week, which requires carrying the basket downstairs to the cellar. Sometimes it means he takes a couple of trips up and down asking which settings each knob should be in. Occasionally, he can't pull the knob to start the washer, but he's trying.


My 2yo DS has started picking up baby Madelynn's dirty diapers while I'm changing her and throwing them away for us without being asked. It's been his job to throw away his wet diapers for quite a while but we didn't tell him to take hers too.

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My 4yo dd decided to start clearing everyone's dishes after dinner for them. Normally each person clears his own dishes, but all last week she took all the dishes to the kitchen.


My 8yo dd wants a puppy and so far has saved $603.01 (we took it to the bank today) for the purchase and maintenance of a dog. She has been saving for over a year - not only saving her allowance, but also earning extra money by working around the house and pet sitting for friends.


My 19yo earned an A on his huge project for school this semester. He is also living and studying in Tokyo which is huge. Tonight, he gathered the eggs from the hens, made dinner, and tucked in his sisters while I was at work.

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My 8 year old son is just an all around awesome kid, it's hard to pick just one thing. I think what warms my heart the most is how serious he takes his role as big brother. He has taken it upon himself to teach her phonics, so she can read her favorite story without having to wait for one of us to read it to her (nevermind that she has it memorized! His patience is unbelievable.) He will make her favorite pancake breakfast for her, if I decline to on any particular morning. He takes genuine pride in her accomplishments, and feels truly hurt when she is pained. He worries about her like he's her father, and (over)protects her like a father would - if he dresses her, he won't let her wear skirts or dresses unless she also wears biker shorts underneath. He's very much concerned that she be modest! Probably my favorite thing, though, is how he always makes an effort to include her in on the things he does - even when it's obvious that her presence isn't wanted by his friends/peers. He tells them that he and the little sister are a package deal (and that she'll eventually get bored and go away on her own LOL). Their relationship is so special, and it's because of him.


Last year my 3 year old daughter overheard me complain to my brother about a particularly horrible work trip. Delays, delays, delays meant our flight didn't get catered correctly and then we had no time in the terminal to grab anything between flights, and by the time we got to our hotel that night ... room service had ended. I hadn't brought anything from home to eat, went 10 hours without solid food, and had ended up with a migraine. Now everytime before I head out to work, my daughter hands me a "snack" for the plane ride. Usually it's a mushy half-eaten cracker or a random melty green M&M (my favorite color) but it's always something she has saved especially for me and has been holding in her hand to give to me just before I walk out the door. She does this without fail, every time I go to work. She never discusses it or makes a big production of it, she just drops it into my hand and says, "Not til you get on the plane" when I kiss her goodbye.

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My 2 daughters (9 & 10) recently delivered hand-picked bouquets to 3 neighbors with little notes attached that read, "Have a great day, From your friends." I only found out about it when our 93 year old neighbor walked over with her walker and a note for them, assuming they had left the flowers.


I about melted.

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Last week I got my dd's first standardized test back in the mail, her CAT's. I opened it and started crying, she had gotten a perfect score. I told her, then she started to cry. I asked her why she was crying and she said "because I have the best teacher in the world." Okay, just typing this out I'm loosing it again. My God, I love her!

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My almost-11yo has been climbing trees. That may not sound like a big deal but, for an aspie with terrible coordination, who hates to step out of his comfort zone and do nutty things, it is. I'm very excited about it!


My 7yo has suddenly started to volunteer her dish drying services. I don't know what that's all about, but I like it!


My 6yo was reading aloud from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe yesterday. Barely more than a year ago, she had no interest in learning how to read.


My 2yo is talking up a storm. A few months ago, I was really worried abou his lack of speech. Now the best words are the spontaneous "I wuv you"s. :)

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DS makes my heart melt every time he says, "It's ok Mommy, I understand," and truly means it. Sadly it tends to be when I'm telling him we can't buy something due to finances or go somewhere because DH isn't feeling well. He has been through more than any child should and he has done so with a great attitude.


He may not alway be the best behaved but he has the most tender heart and good intentions.:D

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My 5yo is always running up to me and saying "I love you Mommy."


My 10yo thinks I am the greatest cook living. He tells me all his problems because he says I make him feel better.


My 15yo, extremely introverted child, regularly volunteers to perform public duties at church, and even led singing last month!


My 18yo (19 in October) is going to be an academic junior at a prestigious college this fall, and has been accepted into the business school. He took summer classes to finish his general ed requirements before fall, and has a job to keep on track with expenses. He has plans to have his Master of Accounting by the age of 21.


This exercise was very good for me. I've got some great kids; I should tell them that today. Too often I see only the negatives.

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Ds19 succeeded in getting into college. I will miss him so very much! He does small acts of kindness--he is a puzzle sometimes, probably an Aspie in disguise--We connect over movies and humor. He gives his little sister gifts from time to time, which is huge for him. He helps me at home without complaining, and he sits for us without pay.


Dd9 is so very smart, gives me hugs all the time, and says things at night after prayers like, I wish you could stay beside me all night and I could hug you. She very compassionate with animals, and comes with me to babysit a little one year old, without complaining.


Ds17 is someone with a lot of challenges, mostly of his own making. Many would look at him and find it difficult to see past those. I've posted a lot about our life with him. I am so proud of him--he is learning and growing and changing, finally choosing sobriety and learning to accept our authority. He is on his (AA) 9th step, making amends, and that is very humbling to witness. He recently confessed to something at his treatment center and that was also huge for him--he is choosing more and more to live in the light, and I know he has a bright future ahead of him. We will always be a recovering family, but his good choices now have helped all of us heal.


I am feeling very tender and emotional now because I have one leaving and one coming home, and my family will never live together the same way again--thank you for this thread.

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My 13yo took it upon himself to contact members of a band he was interested in joining, scheduled a try-out (after checking with me to see that it was okay), and made the band. I love how he handled the entire situation in such a grown-up manner. I am seeing the man he is becoming and I love him.


My 11yo will do anything for anybody. He helped the neighbors get their yard ready for a graduation party. He is the sweetest kid.


My 7yo won an Irish fiddle competition for kids ages 12 and under qualifying her for the All Ireland fiddle competition this month. All 3 kids have been performing together to raise money so we are able to go and each has put in their own money to help as well. Also, dd was asked to perform in a session with her favorite Celtic fiddler during his performance when he comes to town in March 2010 so she will get paid to perform with him which is really cool.

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and does not argue with me about them. Most of the time I donot have to ask her twice to do them.

This afternoon she actually finished a paper I had assigned to her yesterday for writing and handed it in to DH for him to grade since he is a writer. I thought for sure I would have to remind her before the end of the weekend.

I have to make muffins for church tomorrow and she came up a while ago and asked where the ingredients were and she would make them for me.

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