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A q for those with kids in public jr/sr high school?

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In elementary there are school supply lists how do you handle it for jr/sr high? Do you just wait until after classes start and wait for each teachers list? Or do you just buy some basics to keep on hand, and use what you have?


When I was in school, the requirements were pretty cut and dried. There were usually a few supplies required by each teacher, but the bulk was intuitive (3 hole paper, spirals, binders etc.).

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My oldest may be entering middle school (or may be homeschooling, long story...) and we got a supply list at the end of 5th grade for this coming year. Our district hands out supply list all the way through high school.

Otherwise I would just buy the basics and wait to get the teachers' requests after school starts.

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So that I am not running up to Staples like every other parent in our school district the day after school starts. I pick up a couple of 1" binders, pencil, paper(college ruled), pens(black/red), highlighters and couple pieces of poster board to keep on hand. I also grab a pack or markers and colored pencils when they are really cheap. Maybe some graphing paper, compostion book, and a few dua tang folders, sprial single subject note books and divider tab things. My boys never tell me until the night before they need things like poster board, note cards etc. so I always keep some on hand. I also keep a stock of paper so when they run out I always have it and pick up a couple packs when I am out.

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Does your school have a back to school night?


Every school in our district has one a few days before school starts and each teacher will have a list of school supplies there for the students.


Doesn't help much with shopping beforehand, but you'll know what they need before the first day of school.

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Some teachers are very specific, others are not. They actually give a list for freshman but none of the other classes except for Spanish.


We usually get a good amount of items I know they will need ahead of time: folders, paper, pens, pencils etc. and then get more once school starts.


We learned the hard way last year though completely waiting to buy anything until after school started. The supplies were already well picked through. My dd needed a specific calculator, which was a bit more difficult to find so you may want to find out about that ahead of time. We also found the selection of folders and notebooks was limited.

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So that I am not running up to Staples like every other parent in our school district the day after school starts.


LOL! This happened to us last year!! :lol:


Just about every elementary school class required those black and white composition notebooks! You couldn't find one within a 50 mile radius of our county for weeks!!



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When my DD was in public school, I tried to buy things that I KNEW she would need (folders, notebook paper, pencils, highlight markers). Everything else we waited until school orientation. That usually took place the Friday before school was scheduled to start. Like everyone else stated, some teachers require specific items (flash drives and expensive calculators), so I would hold off on those until you know for sure.

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I went with the team list the first year of middle school - it's mailed to us 2 weeks before hand. There were so many odd items that my son could not keep himself organized nor could he haul it all home in addition to his instrument and athletic supplies. At open house I asked for the purpose behind each comp book...most teachers were fine with ditching it in favor of looseleaf. Ds went to the traditional looseleaf & binders w/zipper pouches for supplies and a pocket for handouts that need hole punched. Completed units are kept in subject binder at home; units in progress are in binders that travel back & forth to school.


So..beginning of year supplies are restocked at the back-to-school sales:

index cards


colored pencils

flair markers in assorted colors as well as black

notebook paper


poster board

glue sticks


memory stick or flash drive to be compatible with the new team's hardware

sneakers for phys ed/sports

shorts and dollar store t-shirts for phys ed (these are always getting stolen as gym locker room can't seem to be kept secure)


I also have a graph stamp and stamp pad for algebra which has come in handy


For the calculator, I call somebody whose youngest is ahead of mine and see if they want to sell...


Extra stuff that we don't need from lower grades is donated to the backpack for the poor program

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My oldest dd is in ps high school. At orientation, they get their schedules, then go to the classrooms to meet their teachers and get supply lists and syllabi. For most clases, they are required to have all the supplies on the first day of school.


The supply lists for the elementary and middle schools are posted on the school's website and students are expected to have supplies on the first day of school.

Edited by LizzyBee
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