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4th grade plans


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DS (turns 9 in August):


Math: CLE, continue with 300 level, then onto 400

Spelling: Megawords and Spelling Wisdom

Grammar: Growing with Grammar 4

Writing: Writing Tales 1 (possibly finishing WWE2 first)

Handwriting: Queen Pictures in Cursive

Logic: Logic Countdown, and Logic Safari 2

Latin: The Great Latin Adventure book 1

Reading: Mosdos Press Literature: Ruby

Computers: Web Design for Kids dvd, Scratch, maybe some logo, typing with Spongebob

History: SOTW 2 (also possibly a US History class in Co-op)

Science: A Child's Geography, and Head To Toe science and Easy Make and Learn Projects Human Body

Music: Recorder and/or Piano Adventures/Pianimals

Memorization: IEW's Developing Linguistic Patterns Through Poetry Memorization

Homeschool Co-op classes (probably conservation, art, US history)

PE: Basketball

Bible: Day by Day Kid's Bible

Greek (for fun):Greek Alphabet Code Cracker

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Six weeks in we found our schedule was too much and very boring so we recently revamped. For fourth grade:


Latin--Lively Latin

Spelling--Notebooking SWR phonograms and rules

History--Time Traveler Early 19th century

Science--kits or scientist basically following rabbit trails

Math--Singapore 4a/b

Art--watercolor exploration right now but she also has access to art supplies to use when she wants.


Field trips--once a month

Socialization--weekly play group


We are looking at extra curricular activities but have not decided on what to do yet. 4-H doing rabbits is one activity but I would like her to do something either with music or a sport as well.:001_smile:

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For ds starting in mid August:


Math Singapore Math 4A, 4B, 5A


MUS Epsilon

English Easy Grammar 4/5, Spelling (figuring this out), HWT Curisve 2, reading, Wordsmith Apprentice

History SOTW with activities & extra reading

Music start recorder for real this year

Latin Primer 1

Rosetta Stone German

Science RS4K Physics, followed by topics of interest, which is mainly flight

Phys Ed swim lessons, playing outdoors

Health A Beka 4 health book (bought when my eldest was in this grade)

And anything I'm not remembering at the moment, since I'm immersed in planning my eldest's first year of hs. We do a lot of logic with math but do a few other things as well.

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We'll start in a few weeks.


Math U See

Simply Spelling

Ambleside Online yr3 for history, science, lit, poetry, art, etc...

Writing Tales 1

Latin For Children A (she and I are going to do this together!)

Copywork/Recitation from Living Memory


I'm trying to organize our days in a sort of LCC framework. History 1 day, Science 1 day etc. We'll see how it goes!

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Dd turns 9 in 9 days :) and we start school in exactly two weeks.


Math: LoF Decimals & Percents, some additional work with Hands-On Equations, then moving into LoF Beginning Algebra. We have most of the Key to... books on hand for any necessary additional practice. She'll be participating in Math Club at our co-op.

Logic: Mind Benders & the Prufrock Press workbook series

Spelling: All About Spelling Levels Four & Five (and Six most likely, once it's released; she's about 2/3 through Level Four already).

Grammar: Editor in Chief (A1 & A2) & Junior Analytical Grammar

Penmanship: Spencerian cursive, at her request

Writing: Writing Tales 2, then I guess we'll move on to CW Homer A. She's also taking a creative writing course at our co-op.

Literature: Reading list I pulled together; I haven't posted the final list, but an earlier version is here. I found some useful (free!) cliffnotes-type guides to help me guide her.

History: 1850-Present, using SOTW plus a lot of other books and biographies; I'm really excited about the great supplemental books we found for this year.

Science: Physics, using various kits (TOPS, Thames & Kosmos, Science in a Nutshell) and various supplemental books.

Latin: Lively Latin

Fine Arts: Master's Academy of Fine Arts 1x week, plus homeschool band and chorus 1x week.

Physical Education: various GS badges for health, biking 3x week, homeschool soccer 1x week in the fall, a martial arts class 1x week, and swimming 2-3x week.


She does Girl Scouts, Master's Academy, co-op, swimming, band, and chorus all out of the house. :)

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Math: Singapore Challenging Word Problems 3 until the HIG for Primary Mathematics standards comes out in Aug/Sept, then start 4a/b. Timez Attack to work on multiplication facts


History: SOTW 4, Story of the USA workbooks (part of 2, all of 3, 4) with additional reading and videos, Brainpop.


Science: earth science using--Eyewitness Volcanoes and Earthquakes, EW Universe, EW Rocks, EW Weather, Magic School Bus books/videos, Steck-Vaughn science workbook sheets, various videos/websites, Brainpop. If we finish that, we will go on to Ellen McHenry's The Elements to do chemistry. Participate in First Lego League robotics.


French: did a summer class in first semester Elementary French 1 through Powerspeak, now doing some vocabulary work using Your First 100 Words in French, plan to start First Start French in a few weeks.


Language arts: spelling---working on some specific areas of weakness as identified in end of year testing, then go back to Spelling Power, hope to participate in spelling bee this year.

grammar/writing: doing intensive dictation from WWE2 to bring up that skill then plan to go to WWE3. Finish GWG 4 (about 2/3 through). Participate in writing club monthly at library.

literature/reading: reading a longer novel 30 min/day (to encourage longer books, no study of it), K12 4th grade literature class. Reading club monthly at library.


geography: complete a state notebook on our state (My State Notebook from Abeka and secular portions of program from http://www.statehistory.net), be able to map 50 states and identify their capitals (Yo Sacramento and other materials), understand longitude, latitude, time zones (Understanding Geography and worksheets from a workbook on maps and geography).


Other: typing program on computer; PE will be aikido lessons and mix of PE classes/activities; field trips, weekly park day and other activities through support group; art--Mark Kistler online art course; music--listening to a variety of music, possible hands-on lessons if my husband has time, has been singing in choir at church but changing music directors so I don't know what that will hold this year; work on Girl Scout badges/awards.

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I've changed my mind several times since May :glare:, but I *think* this is close to what I want to do:


We're completing the last 20 weeks of ECC, so that's geography, science, and Bible, although I do want another Bible study for her (probably Explorer's).



Mundo Matematico 4,

MEP 3 (in Spanish)

Singapore 2B (and if we have money, 3A & 3B)



English- Sonlight 2 intermediate

Spanish- a reading list I haven't put together yet :001_huh:



Spelling Power

Practica Ortografia



English- ?maybe writing strands 3? :confused:, but I have Sonlight LA 3

Spanish- Classical Writing Aesop, Spanish models



Intermediate Language Lessons (have this downloaded from Google books)

Espanol 3


Geography: ECC


Science: ECC habitats


When we finish with ECC, she wants to study scientists and do different science experiments tied in with the study. She also wants to study bones and horses, so there'll be enough for the last 16 weeks of school I guess:tongue_smilie:. I haven't thought that far. (well, I have, but haven't gone anywhere with it)


ETA: How could I forget foreign language!


Foreign language: German (she wants to learn it for real this year). I'll probably cough up the money to do Powerspeak.

Art: ECC, finish projects from Abeka 3 if she wants, I don't know what else

Dance: As always, she does ballet


Extracurricular?: 4-H- continue her dog project, start horse project?, I don't know what else

Edited by Renai
foreign language! and art, and ...stuff
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Math--Saxon 6/5 with some review


History--SOTW 3 with a little extra American


Grammar/Writing--Rod and Staff 3, narration/copywork/dictation in history


Spelling Workout--not sure where to place


Science--Field-based bio, birds, and botany


Art--Discovering the Great Artists (already did 2 lessons!) and field trips to museums, plus some lessons from Drawing With Children


Music--church choir 1x week, piano lesson 1x week


Latin--Prima Latina review/finish, then something else (not sure yet)


Tea Time once a week to demonstrate memory work. So far she is memorizing

the whole Nativity passage from Luke, the first stanza of "Clouds," by Shelley, various other bible verses, a grammar poem, some of the grammar catechism in Drew's Living Memory, and "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere."

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Math: Singapore 4

Science: Singapore Science 4, and tagging along with Cybered Physical Science

History: SOTW Middle Ages and supplements

English: Growing with Grammar, Writing with Ease, varied supplements

Latin: Matin Latin, and some review of what she already learned in LC 1 & 2

Art:Meet the Masters


We pull a lot of other things together via WTM structure and recs - - we don't do a reading 'program,' for example, but do have a reading list, discussions, etc.

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As of today, this is what we have planned:


Math: Singapore 3B/4A

Spelling: All About Spelling

Grammar: Growing with Grammar 4

Writing & Poetry: various Evan-Moor books & informal IEW inspired lessons (probably incorporated into her history notebook).

Handwriting: HWT

History: Sonlight Core 3 & SoTW 3 (little brother may tag along). I will be having her keep a notebook for this.


Science: R.E.A.L. Science Earth and Space (with first grade little brother) This will be another notebooking subject.


Music: I am going to look into her returning to piano lessons or taking up violin or guitar. We will study various composers also with a book & cd I picked up some time back.


Art: possibly a co-op class, more likely we will use various books for art appreciation and Evan-Moors Teaching Art to Children & seasonal projects.


Homeschool Co-op - probably PE and Michigan History for sure. Would love for her to be able to take a cooking class. I need to look at the schedule again. There's a cool lego class I hope she can get into.

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Math: Singapore 4A/B

Spelling: Dictation Day by Day

Grammar: BJU 5

Writing: BJU 5 & Writing Strands 3

Handwriting: Copywork

Reading: Drawn Into the Heart of Reading

History: American History - Bigger Hearts for His Glory & American Girls

Science: Bigger Hearts, BJU 4, Apologia Astronomy

Music: Church Choir

Memorization: Proverbs & Poetry from Bigger Hearts

Homeschool Co-op: Art Appreciation, Astronomy & American Girls History

PE: tennis, golf, soccer, basketball, swimming, running, cycling

Bible: Bigger Hearts & Little Pillows devotions

Extra: 4-H, youth group

We're taking a break from Latin this year and will restart using a new curriculum next year with dd joining in. Planning to start Spanish in January.

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For my 4th grade daughter this year:




  • Rod & Staff English 4
  • dictation 2-4x week
  • written narrations 2-4x a week (ideally I would like to do both 4x a week, but I may need to either rotate or do dictation 3x and WN 1x a week)
  • Mad Libs once a week (may need to replace with dictation or written narration, but I would like to include this as something fun)
  • daily free reading for 30 minutes or more

Math: Singapore 3B/4A. finish CWP 3, start CWP 4. If possible, 4B. major work on memorizing times tables.




  • Story of the World 3 (together with 2nd grade brother)
  • This Country of Ours (Revolutionary War and early republic chapters, together with 2nd grade brother)
  • assorted biographies and historical fiction from AO 3, AO 4, SL 3, and books I have on hand (self-read and narrated)



  • Apologia Zoo 3 (read aloud and discussed/narrated, together with 2nd grade brother. All accompanying experiments/activities)
  • Secret of the Woods (read aloud and narrated, together with 2nd grade brother)
  • BJU Science 4 textbook (self-read and narrated. She won't be using the workbook, tests, etc.)

Spanish: Spanish Sunday School, family conversation, Rod and Staff Spanish Reading C-D (2 days per lesson)


Bible: Take turns reading aloud together and narrating. Weekly memory verse. Exodus, Ruth, John, Acts.


Fine Arts:


  • Composer: Listen to classical music during math (weeks 1-12: Chopin, weeks 13-24: Beethoven, weeks 25-36: Mozart)
  • Folk Song: Listen during lunch or free reading. New song each month
  • Hymn: One per month. Listen during breakfast
  • Artist: New painting each 2 weeks (6 works per artist). Look at daily, sketch at end of 2 weeks)

Other: Dover coloring books of the American Revolution and Native Americans, Rod & Staff Nature coloring book, several craft books and supplies to use in free time. Nature journal to draw in at least once a week. Lots of paper, glue, scissors, etc.

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Our school year rolled over 4 weeks ago. DD9 is now a 4th grader...sigh, they grow up too fast :).


Bible: Show Me Thy Ways 4 and continuing catechism work

Grammar/Composition: Rod and Staff 5 (after reading some threads here, we are dropping Writing Strands and seeing how R&S goes for writing instruction)

Math: Singapore 5A/5B and Life of Fred Fractions

History/Literature: Tapestry of Grace Year 1

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise 6

Spelling: R&S 5

Science: R&S 6

Latin: finishing up the last 3 lessons of Latina Christiana 1, then we move into LC2

Handwriting: finishing last book in the Classically Cursive series

Keyboarding: Spongebob Squarepants typing

Art: Art With a Purpose 4 for projects/assignments and Child Sized Masterpieces for appreciation

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