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Week of July 19: What are you reading aloud?

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The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth Speare. We all enjoyed the audiobook of Witch of Blackbird Pond and I start i would sneak in some summer Read Alouds as after all, we are still doing some..er school.


Sorry, the movie was a great muscial but the books are an entire world. I think if you can't get them you never were a kid. I have dc who hate them too but they insist on the same color socks too!:lol:

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Melora in NC,

Hi! I just wanted to share with you that my dds loved Ballet Shoes and we also enjoyed the movie version of it that we rented from Netflix.





Thanks for the recommendation! Actually, we watched the movie first, and my dd loved it so much that we Bought it for her (something we rarely do since discovering Netflix!)! I think we will try Theatre Shoes next!

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His traveling 5 days out of 7 really gets in the way of our nightly read a loud time.


Google chat/video conference. My husband travels a lot on business, but he rarely misses evening read-aloud. Instead of curling up on the couch with the cat and a good book, we gather around the computers (with a cat) and dad reads to us.


Weird, but it works. I'm all for using all the high-tech in the world to keep my family traditional.;)

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The Railway Children by Nesbit is what I am reading to my older dd. She's already read it herself but loves Nesbit. I am also reading her The Brownies and Other Tales by Ewing which was mentioned in The House of Arden.


Thieves of Ostia is what dh is reading to the older dd.


The younger still gets picture books for read alouds. Yesterday was Walter the Farting Dog by Kotzwinkle, Snuggle Puppy by Boynton and Hedgie's Surprise by Brett. She also listens to her sister's books.

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This week we're reading Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo with my dd4.


Last night I started having her draw pictures as I read and it was entertaining to see her ideas of the black dungeon and other things. :)


We're reading D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths and A Child's Introduction to the Night Sky: The Story of the Stars, Planets, and Constellations.


Both are good.

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