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Healthcare Reform - Have you called your Congressman/woman and voiced your

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opinion about this? I'm hearing that the Pres. wants this voted on before they leave for their August break. This is being rammed through and is such an important issue that time is needed to make an educated decision. I think our Congress people NEED to hear from US. Please call today!

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No, but, like me, he supports universal access to health care, so I'm not too concerned. Maybe I should e-mail him anyway, just in case.



You definitely should! Let him know you're glad to see a president finally tackle this and that he's doing the right thing! :thumbup:

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opinion about this? I'm hearing that the Pres. wants this voted on before they leave for their August break. This is being rammed through and is such an important issue that time is needed to make an educated decision. I think our Congress people NEED to hear from US. Please call today!


Thank you for the reminder. I'm totally opposed to this plan, and it literally makes me sick to consider the direction our country is taking on this and other issues. I need to do more than just have an opinion, though, I need to contact my reps. Hope others will do the same!

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Yes, I have written them. I don't think there is anyway it will get pushed through before their Aug. break. The news from the Congressional Budget Office that this plan will not decrease healthcare costs but rather will increase costs is helping to weaken support. That and the outcome of the stimulus bill(continued shedding of jobs inspite of the promise of not going over 8% unemployment) is making the public and our reps a little leary of allowing Obama to ram this one through.

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Thank you for the reminder. I'm totally opposed to this plan, and it literally makes me sick to consider the direction our country is taking on this and other issues. I need to do more than just have an opinion, though, I need to contact my reps. Hope others will do the same!


:iagree: This healthcare plan is not sustainable for the long term. It is too expensive! The numbers do not add up.


In addition, those in favor of this do not realize that the government will have access to personal health records and ration health care to individuals.


I will be calling my senators in STRONG OPPOSITION poorly thought out bill.

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opinion about this? I'm hearing that the Pres. wants this voted on before they leave for their August break. This is being rammed through and is such an important issue that time is needed to make an educated decision. I think our Congress people NEED to hear from US. Please call today!


Thank you for the reminder. I had already called them and told them to fight and not cave into political pressure from the parties.


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I sure have let them know that we are not supporting the bill as presently written. They are in agreement with us. I have also encouraged many friends to contact them, including phone numbers, emails to make it easier and less time consuming and a summary of reasons not to support this bill. :D

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