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Dressing more feminine ...

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I've actually been thinking about this for quite some time. I had kind of forgotten about it ... then my sister mentioned something (not necessarily negatively ... just observing) that all the shirts I pretty much own are men's shirts. I'm sitting here right now with red (sweat type) shorts on and a gray t'shirt that says "Colorado National Wrestling Team." Now I have never been a girly girl and doubt I ever will. I would like to look like a lady more though (at least some of the time). I need to figure out how to take steps to make that happen. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

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I've actually been thinking about this for quite some time. I had kind of forgotten about it ... then my sister mentioned something (not necessarily negatively ... just observing) that all the shirts I pretty much own are men's shirts. I'm sitting here right now with red (sweat type) shorts on and a gray t'shirt that says "Colorado National Wrestling Team." Now I have never been a girly girl and doubt I ever will. I would like to look like a lady more though (at least some of the time). I need to figure out how to take steps to make that happen. Has anyone else ever experienced this?


Hi Luanne. :) I thought of this thread when I read your post and then found this other one too. I hope they help you. :) There was a lot of good advice here. :)







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I don't dress masculine with men's T-shirts much, but I do wear women's nicer V-neck T-shirts and jeans.


I read part of the other thread and I grew up with skirts only at home too so this is honestly a bit of a trigger for me. I can't get past thinking of it as legalism and run screaming when people want to wear dresses only (you didn't say that you were, I am just stating my opinion on it.)


I am not masculine at all, but I am not the frilly type either. I am just a VERY down to earth female. I usually forget to put on jewelry and I wear only a little foundation and then some tinted Burt's Bees lip balm for color. I rarely wear any more make up than that.



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I have definitely gone through this. Like you, I didn't want to become totally prissy, but I did want a modest makeover. Here are some things that are working for me:


1. I now get my nails done each month in a short, French manicured style. It's nice because it's incredibly low maintenance. The nails aren't delicate at all. They're as tough as, well nails, and yet they always look great after washing my hands of grease from auto repairs, organic matter from spreading manure, or whatever.


2. I've bought a few nice things that look good on me, and I've started wearing an apron when I'm in the house. That way I don't trash my "good cloths" in the 45 minutes before or after going someplace nice.


3. I'm 47. I don't pay attention to fashion. I buy or make cloths that look good on me. Thrift stores are a great source, because they don't sell just the tacky, fugly stuff the retailers are pushing this year. My new wardrobe has been economical.


4. I've made a significant investment in a skin care regimen. My husband appreciates the difference, so it's worth it. He particularly appreciates that I always wear sunscreen now, because he used to fret about my getting skin cancer. (Really fair complexion)


5. I've make significant upgrades in my undergarments and lingerie. Hubby is very happy 'bout this, and that's all I'll say on that topic!


Good luck with your personal transformation. Have fun with this!

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I've actually been thinking about this for quite some time. I had kind of forgotten about it ... then my sister mentioned something (not necessarily negatively ... just observing) that all the shirts I pretty much own are men's shirts. I'm sitting here right now with red (sweat type) shorts on and a gray t'shirt that says "Colorado National Wrestling Team." Now I have never been a girly girl and doubt I ever will. I would like to look like a lady more though (at least some of the time). I need to figure out how to take steps to make that happen. Has anyone else ever experienced this?


I know exactly what you mean. I used to wear big baggy t-shirts most of the time. I bought some more fitted workout style tees, and immediately people started asking me if I'd lost weight. Huh.

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I haven't read the other posts, but I love dressing feminine.


You can dress more feminine in 5 easy steps:


1) Swap your t-shirt for a tailored blouse that accentuates the waist. A few ruffles are especially feminine. This type of blouse can be worn with your favorite jeans, or dressed up with trousers.productDetailWithPicker.jsp?FLCat=cat60036&SLCat=cat60042&productId=prod1460140&categoryId=cat350006&addFacet=1002%3Acat350006


2) Swap out clunky shoes or tennis shoes for a stylish pair of ballet flats or strappy sandals.


3) You don't need lots of accessories - but try wearing either one bracelet or one necklace (make sure it is a current style!) every day.


4) Wear a little blush, lipstick and mascara to look polished.


5) Go to a good stylist and request something youthful and feminine. Let your stylist have free reign instead of getting the same old, same old. The most important accessory you have is a good, fresh haircut. It goes with every outfit!


Just a few steps that I hope may help you invest in yourself!

Edited by Tami
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There was a point that I reached (physically and emotionally--another story) where I felt so awful and frumpy wearing sweatpants and t-shirts (the shapeless, slogan/logo-type) that I decided I would never wear them again. And I haven't. That was 6 1/2 years ago. I wear jeans, capris or shorts, just not sweatpant material. My shirts are usually solid color or with an all-over print. They have either a v-neck, rounded neckline (not all the way up at the neck like a t-shirt) or sweetheart neckline, usually with some sort of nice finish to the trim. And they're shaped for a woman, not for whoever-fits-into-this-t-shirt.

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I haven't read the other posts, but I love dressing feminine.


You can dress more feminine in 5 easy steps:


1) Swap your t-shirt for a tailored blouse that accentuates the waist. A few ruffles are especially feminine. This type of blouse can be worn with your favorite jeans, or dressed up with trousers.productDetailWithPicker.jsp?FLCat=cat60036&SLCat=cat60042&productId=prod1460140&categoryId=cat350006&addFacet=1002%3Acat350006


2) Swap out clunky shoes or tennis shoes for a stylish pair of ballet flats or strappy sandals.productDetailWithPicker.jsp?productId=prod1240022&categoryId=&addFacet=SRCH%3Asandals


3) You don't need lots of accessories - but try wearing either one bracelet or one necklace (make sure it is a current style!) every day.productDetailWithPicker.jsp?productId=prod1240013&categoryId=


4) Wear a little blush, lipstick and mascara to look polished.


5) Go to a good stylist and request something youthful and feminine. Let your stylist have free reign instead of getting the same old, same old. The most important accessory you have is a good, fresh haircut. It goes with every outfit!


Just a few steps that I hope may help you invest in yourself!


These are the things I would recommend too. Since you are comfortable in tshirts now, simply swap out the mens shirts with a more fitted female version. I love the Ann Taylor Loft ones - both vneck and scoop neck. They cling in just the right places. I combine them with simple tailored shorts or capris (my favorite because I'm so tall!).


I started wearing makeup every day quite a while ago. My makeup routine is simple - a tinted moisturiser, blush, mascara and sometimes a little eyeliner. I put the lip color in my purse and only put it on if I leave the house. It wears off so quickly, it's just easier to put on a lip balm at home.


I just got a new haircut and it's amazing how it put a bounce back in my step! It's cute and the grays are gone! I love it!


Shoes can make the outfit! I bought a couple nice pair a few years ago and I'm still wearing them.


Next, I need to tackle my nails. I want to be able to do them myself, but I can't seem to find the time, but I don't want to pay for a manicure. Some day it'll happen!!

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I'm really "girly" but a few things that came to mind (and these are sure to be mentioned in those other threads but I haven't read them):


1. The right undergarments make every outfit look better. Even your hubby's t shirt. Get a well-made bra that works for your figure and buy some nice undies that do not ride up or give you muffin top.


2. Everything Tami said!:001_smile:

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:iagree:with the suggestion for Ann Taylor Loft t-shirt's. They are soft which both my dh and I appreciate and they are more fitted. Grab several in different colors and maybe some capri's and jeans and you're ready to go. I made the switch from stay at home Mom of 3 (older ds and twins) after my twins were about 2 and my dh was very happy.


I get capri's and jeans from Kohl's for cheap and then make my own (or a friend does) jewelry at a bead shop with a variety of colors and am good to go.


I like my hair styled but longer so I can pull it up but use pretty hair clips instead of pony tail holders to give the up-do a little flair.


Nothing too high maintenance but I feel pretty for my dh.

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Yes. When dh first met me, I was dressed to kill all the time. He asked me to buy some jeans (didn't even own any!) and I've been wearing them ever since. I have a lot of those t-shirts that have animals/wildlife on them, the kind that can be worn by both men and women. Dh asked one day if I could buy some nice tops for myself. I had nice blouses, etc. but no nice, feminine tshirts. We live on a farm and I just consider myself FRUGAL. Well, I got myself an entire new wardrobe and really like dressing nice better. I will wear button down t-shirts (think polo or izod for women) and nice printed tshirts always with a rounded or v-neck to show the necklace dh designed and had made for me. I feel MUCH better dressing like this. You can find REAL nice tops on sale at Kohls. If dh and I are going out on a date, even if I'm wearing jeans I'll wear a nice jacket/sweater/dress shirt with tank underneath. I really like to look nice. People are shocked when they find out I have my own little rescue farm (self funded!) with 37 animals.



Now I refuse to go out looking....... frumpy. Now that I'm older, have more wrinkles and need to shed 30 pounds, I like to make myself FEEL good even if I have things I need to improve on.

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This might sound really stupid, but I'll throw it out there.


I'm still working on losing my baby weight and have been wearing a lot of my dh's shirts till I can fit back into mine. What I found helps is going out and buying some pretty undies. Even the "panties by the pound" packs from Wal-Mart come in cute colors.


No one else (but dh) can see them, but I know they're there and they make me feel a little less frumpy.

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What the others said is all good, but I'll add my two cents. I think I've said this before here, and will sound like a crazed woman (again), but I honestly think the most important thing is to just say no to wearing white tennies and white socks. I helped a friend with a makeover recently, and I made her get rid of all her white socks. If you're wearing real shoes and, in colder months, nice socks, that makes a difference. Someone mentioned ballet flats, but I will never wear shoes without support because I walk so much. I buy Keen mary janes, which look like shoes and feel like tennies.


Earrings. It's all about the shoes and accessories. I wear thriftstore clothes and jeans with nice accessories, often a scarf.


I also have a collection of button-down blouses that I've collected from thrift stores, and wear those instead of t-shirts. I'm wearing an Eddie Bauer no-iron blouse right now, in fact. I almost always wear jeans, and can get away with it because of the blouses and shoes, I think.

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I have made an effort and bought longer skirts which are very helpful in the F100 something degrees weather we have.


I grew up with T-Shirts and Jeans, skirts or dresses were only for church occasion - in my mind at that time.


I now wear more skirts to work but have to admit at home - a place with red dirt in the country - I wear my old sweats, shorts and t-shirts because I want to spare my better looking clothes.


Crazy, huh?

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